ISDII Relentless Report # 10 (2003-12-14)

This report was submitted by RA BubbaX

ISD Relentless

Rear Admiral BubbaX Reporting for the ISD-II Relentless on the Fourteenth of December 2003


ECR V is almost over! The final round begins today, and the whole thing is over on the 23rd! That means fly your missions for Round 4, and also get any fiction and/or graphics done and in my inbox before the 23rd.

25 weeks of school left.... 

TC/EH News

RA Sephiroth resigned from ChalCOM and has been replaced by RA Phantom! Congratz!


Old zip battles - These will be taken offline on January 1st. (Soon :P)

TC News

A fix for the EHBL and TIE for XP


Current ECR Standings:

(Keep in mind, the fiction and graphics submissions participation points are not included in these point totals, and will not be added until after the fourth round, when they have been judged)

Round 1 Winners(30 extra points):
ISD Relentless - ISD Challenge
Highest Participation(20 extra points): ISD Immortal

Round 2 Winners:
ISD Immortal - ISD Relentless
Highest Participation: ISD Immortal

Current Overall (after 2 rounds):
ISD Immortal: 172
ISD Relentless: 162
ISD Challenge: 137
ISD Colossus: 22

Full Score Breakdown
---Round 1---
ISD Challenge: 102
ISD Relentless: 81
ISD Immortal: 66
ISD Colossus: 8

Relent - win
LT Ron L. Hubba - 75,321
MAJ Sarn Erec - 73,938
LCM Lanidet Tobri - 22,123
MAJ Koriel - 19802
MAJ Ky Terrak - 16,192
LT Voort SaBinring - 6,202

LT Ron L. Hubba - 10680
MAJ Cray Mikalen - 3120
MAJ Sarn Erec - 3070
MAJ Keller - 2381
RA BubbaX - 299
LT Voort SaBinring - 85

Immortal - lose (participation)
LC Boliv - 1,980
CPT Aeolus - 721
Locke - participated

COL Gunman - 9,621
MAJ Mosh - 2,732
"Iaan" - 2,478
MAJ Nuno - 1,945
COL RogueWing - 1,161
CPT Crespe - 1270
LC Boliv - 52
CPT Goose - 14
CPT Aeolus - 13
Locke - participated

MP : Piggy vs Gunman(win)
MP : Piggy vs Gunman(win)

Top TIE 3:
1) LT Ron L. Hubba - 75,321
2) MAJ Sarn Erec - 73,938
3) LCM Lanidet Tobri - 22,123

Top XWA 3:
1) LT Ron L. Hubba - 10680
2) COL Gunman - 9,621
3) MAJ Cray Mikalen - 3120


Challenge - win
LCM Daniel Bonini - 66,439
COL Beef - 60,272
Rover - 57,157
CPT Alexi Stukov - 15,085
CM Dulcatos - 6,576
MAJ Stuart - 1,106
MAJ Woody - 534
COL Master - participated

MAJ Woody - 2,635
CM Fritz - 1,728
COL Beef - 1,534
Master - participated

LC Phalf Sturm - 20,144
CM Nico Qarni - 13,415
LCM John Edwards - 12,382
VA Indaro Gallia - 10,684
CPT Hermann - 1,148
CM Nico Qarni - 13,415
COL Wysseri Arestar - 486

MAJ Kyle Bayron - 1,270

Top TIE 3:
1) LCM Daniel Bonini - 66,439
2) COL Beef - 60,272
3) Rover - 57,157

Top XWA 3:
1) MAJ Woody - 2,635
2) CM Fritz - 1,728
3) COL Beef - 1,534

---Round 2---
ISD Immortal: 106
ISD Relentless: 88
ISD Challenge: 35
ISD Colossus: 14

Immortal - win (participation)
CPT Aeolus - 5,611
LC Boliv - 2,167
Locke - participated

COL Gunman - 9,893
CPT Aeolus - 6,041
COL RogueWing - 4,409
"Iaan" - 3,388
MAJ Mosh - 1,765
MAJ Nuno - 1,568
LCM Tygra Shadowclaw - 491
LC Boliv - 85
CPT Goose - 44
Locke - participated

Challenge - lose
CPT Rover - 83,613
MAJ Woody - 32,390
COL Master - participated

MAJ Woody - 1848
CM Fritz Von Stukart - 2,079
COL Master - participated

MP : Stuart vs Gunman(win)
MP : Stuart vs Gunman(win)

Top TIE 3:
1) CPT Rover - 83,613
2) MAJ Woody - 32,390
3) CPT Aeolus - 5,611

Top XWA 3:
COL Gunman - 9,893
CPT Aeolus - 6,041
COL RogueWing - 4,409

Colossus - lose
LCM John Edwards - 60,344
VA Indaro Gallia - 21,368
COL Wyserri Arestar - 877

MAJ Kayle Bayron - 2,700

Relent - win
LT Ron L. Hubba - 91,960
MAJ Sarn Erec - 84,289
LCM Lanidet Tobri - 7,523

MAJ Sarn Erec - 13,593
LT Ron L. Hubba - 10,518
MAJ Keller - 2,097
LT Voort SaBinring - 702
RA BubbaX - 35

Top TIE 3:
1) LT Ron L. Hubba - 91,960
2) MAJ Sarn Erec - 84,289

3) LCM John Edwards - 60,344

Top XWA 3:
1) MAJ Sarn Erec - 13,593
2) LT Ron L. Hubba - 10,518

3) MAJ Kayle Bayron - 2,700


Relentless News

Welcome CM Lev Gammitt to Spear! 


Ship Comps

Commodore's Protector 

2. Squadron of the Month

Wing Comps

Wing IX WC's Challenge <-- On hold until the end of ECR V

Wing IX Recruiting Bananza #1

Wing IX Monthly Trivia


CM Lev Gammitt --> Spear

CM Steve Sunrider --> MIA

CPT Saadam --> Reserves


SL Lev Gammitt --> CM Lev Gammitt :P


IS-BRs to Sword, and an IS-SR to Sarn, Ron, Voort

PCs to Sarn, Voort, Ron, Lanidet, Duken, Dukimar

ISM to Cray

MoI to Ky


LT Ron L. Hubba passed XML with 100%!


Missions Flown

Flag Officers: 0 :( 

Sword: 43

Spear: 21 (Not bad :P) 

Hammer: 119!!! 

Shield: 0 

Total: 183 

Quote of the Week

[16:06] <BubbAFKX> Two Phantys...
[16:06] <BubbAFKX> Wow...
[16:06] * Phantom` slaps `Phantom around a bit with an empty bottle of Hot Damn
[16:06] <BladeIDLE> twice your slapping pleasure
[16:07] <BubbAFKX> Almost as frightening as 11 Bubbas :P
[16:07] * `Phantom has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[16:07] * BubbAFKX goes to find that screenshot
[16:07] * BladeIDLE runs from the Bubba clones...
[16:08] <JoeyC> there are over 6000 Bubbas on the MB's...
[16:08] <Yodsta> :D

Weekly Fiction

Ironfist is still on leave... 


Recruit! Recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit! :P 

Now to help you, I've put together a few tips on how to get recruits:

* Look for Cadets with AIM because they are easier to contact
* Don't bother contacting Cadets who have been in training for more than three weeks
* Don't bother emailing SLs, LTs, or anyone over the rank of VA in the reserves
* Look for reservists who have been on the Relentless in the past
* Post recruiting messages on any SW forums you come across

These are just a few tips...use them wisely :P

Closing Thoughts

I'm pleased by the number of fiction and graphics submissions I've received in the past few days...I think we have a good chance at winning ECR V ;) 

Remember: All Round 4 pilot files and all fiction/graphics must be sent to me, MAJ Ky Terrak (, and MAJ Sarn Erec ( before the 23rd! 

Fly, recruit, have fun, and stay safe!



Rear Admiral BubbaX

Rear Admiral BubbaX, Commodore of the ISD-II Relentless
COM/RA BubbaX/ISD Relentless

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