ISDII Vanguard Report # 56 (2003-12-14)

This report was submitted by VA Sickman



COM/VA SickMan reporting for the ISD-II Vanguard, Tiger Of The Fleet




Hi All,

Firstly big FAT Sicky welcome back to CPT Vladimir Corax and to our new member Kyokushin Kwan !!!

Secondly.........theres a bug in:

VANFLYING COMP#16 = XvT-TC Battle #78 - ZT Force: Tunake

which prevents the completion of the battle, sooooooo Vanflying #16 is now changed to:

XvT-TC Battle #79 - Cyclone Squadron Operations - End Game

and lastly, lets get those vacant FL spots filled, recruit my friends (preferably vet pilots)

have fun people, and i want lots of presents for Christmas or i will cry :(

SickMan's words of the week = don't bother me when i have no pants on!

NOTE to CMDR's, please remember to forward this to your pilots



ISD Challenge COM resigns
05:28 - FA Cyric []
RA Sephiroth has stepped down from the COM's chair of the ISD Challenge due to RL Issues. I wish him luck, and hope to see him return soon.

AD Krax will not be accepting applications at present time for the replacement of the ISD Challenge.

New Wing IV CMDR and new Omega Squadron CMDR
10:23 - FA Cyric []
Two veteran pilots have new roles aboard the SSSD Sovereign.

Colonel Brian is the new commander of the elite Omega Squadron

Colonel Mini-Minkus has been named commander of Wing IV.

Congratulations to both!

EH Library
10:49 - HA Ari []
Last week, the EH Library was completed! The EH Library serves as a place to post your fictions, biographies, and EH histories. All submissions are reviewed individually by a "librarian" working for the Internet Office as well as the Logistics Officer. It is our hope that everyone will at one point make use of this service. Thanks to CPT Drako for his hard work on it! You can find it at



Wing XV

Flag Officers - 1
Echo - 8
Scorpion - 6
Mantis - 5
Wasp - 5
Hornet - 7
Python - 5
Total: 37

Roster available at:

FCHG Listings at:

Combat Rating Listing at:

Awards/Promotions & Arrivals/Departures

FM/SL Kyokushin Kwan/Python promoted to LT,
CPT Vladimir Corax joins Scorpion Squadron,
The Iron Star - Silver Wings has been awarded to: FL/LC Dengar March/Scorpion,
The Iron Star - Bronze Wings has been awarded to: FL/LT Anaba/Scorpion,
The Iron Star - Silver Wings has been awarded to: CMDR/CM Machinari/Echo,
The Iron Star - Bronze Wings has been awarded to: CMDR-PROF/MAJ Alec Qarni/Scorpion,
The Iron Star - Silver Ribbon has been awarded to: FL/LT Anaba/Scorpion,
SL Thomas O'deevs joins Echo Squadron.

LOC Awards


IWATS Courses Completed

FM/LCM Victor Kage/Scorpion - IWATS Course: AIM



SickMans Silly Xmas Comps

Yes from now until December 25th, i'm going to go doo-lally with comps, they maybe silly, they may be strange, they may even be normal, but i'm going to be giving out comps here & there upto that present and pie day (XMAS!!!!!!!!)

COMP#1 Sicky needs new Ship, yep the old booze-hound has been VANCOM over a year now and wants a new ship and a new name for her, so get thinking and sent your idea's to the drunk, IS-BR to the winner!

COMP#2 Ye Christmas Tale, write a sicky a yule tide Christmas tale, about anything, life on the VAN, that Star Wars story you've been itching to write.......anything, IS-SR to the best, IS-BR to the runner-up

COMP#3 Sicky needs a office for the VAN Website, you graphics dudes get to work, think of what Sickys office would look like and make a drawing/graphic that will be displayed on the website, IS-SR to the winner

COMP#4 More Graphics!!!!! Banners, buttons, little flashy thingys, pictures,anything and everything is needed for the website, i want this website to have a bit of something from everyone, you got a cool drawings graphic? send it to Sicky, it WILL be displayed on the website:)

IS-BR to every pilot who enters a submission:)
IS-SR to the best overall:)

Deadline 25th December

Vanflying COMPS

VANFLYING COMP#15 = XWA-TC Battle #27 - Battle of Corellia

VANFLYING COMP#16 = XvT-TC Battle #79 - Cyclone Squadron Operations - End Game (changed due to bug found)

VANFLYING COMP#17 = TIE-TC Battle #210 - Dark Allies

VANFLYING COMP#18 = TIE-TC Battle #212 - Dark Allies II Imperial Retribution

IS-SW to the highest scorer and IS-BW to the 2nd highest score for each comp, deadline for all 4 vanflying comps is 25/12/2003

Wing XV Comps:
Beat the WC at MP: The person that beat me the most at MP will win an IS-SW and the person that looses to me the most will win an IS-BW. This competition is open to all members of the Wing as well as all ASF Flag officers, which means that even Sicky can perticipate…

All BG wide comps are listed here and on the ASF MB

FCHG RACE: most FCHG gain Wins

CR RACE: Biggest CR gain Wins

Recruitment Comp: most new members recruited into the Wing Wins

IWATS RACE: most IWATS Done Wins



IRC channel: #isdvanguard

Aggressor Strike Force: #EH_ASF on mIRC

Message board:

ASF Messageboard:




COM/VA Sickman/ISD Vanguard
SS/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/MoI/IS-3BW-1GW/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/CoLx5/CoB/OV-5E [PLDN] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}


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