ISDII Vanguard Report # 1 (2002-11-17)

This report was submitted by RA Sickman


COM/RA SickMan reporting for the ISD Vanguard, Pride of the ASF



First, thank you all for the warm welcome all the members of the VAN and the whole ASF have gave me since arriving here, i feel like i've found a new home!
Secondly, i want to announce that the WC's Own & COM's Protector monthly awards are back, given out 1st of each month, also the Van website at:

Will be updated soon as i now have access to it, and finally weekly VAN meeting on Undernet #isdvanguard at 1900 GMT (1400 EST) every Saturday, be there for the weekly dribble by me and followed up by the Weekly Trivia where 10 questions are put to us, winner with the most answers will get a IS-BR :)

Now thats BSF's are go go go, fly some battles and send them to your CMDR's, even old Sicky here flew.........if you dont believe me ask DS........i did honest:)


Attack of the Clones available
18:08 - SA Astatine []
Attack of the Clones is now available. You can get it on DVD widescreen, DVD fullscreen or VHS. The DVD is a two-disc set with the usual fluff you get on those sorts of things.

Database Problems
09:21 - VA Kyle Katarn []
Due some mysterious Problems with the Database, there weren't sent out any confermation Mails about the LoC's for following Comps:

Minos War
Outer Rim War 2
Tempest Storm
Vanguard Shield Comp
Before you bother me about those LoC's pls check your Combat Record first!

COO Email Change
11:04 - FA Priyum Patel []
The COO has changed his email address to Please update your address books accordingly.

Wing Commander Position Open
11:03 - FA Priyum Patel []
With Sickman's recent promotion to VanCOM, Admiral Proton is now accepting applications for a new Wing Commander. Details on this are located at

Flag Officer Appointments
03:41 - FA Priyum Patel []
Two more people to congratulate on their Flag appointments:

- Rear Admiral Sickman - ISD Vanguard COM
- Lieutenant Colonel Sephiroth - Wing X Wing Commander.

Congrats guys!



-- Give a big welcome to these new or returning pilots:

SL Draco Caanis joins Hornet Squadron,
SL Pistol joins Wasp squadron,
LT Casssander Dimentex joins Hornet Squadron.

Wing XV

Echo - 6
Scorpion - 7
Mantis - 7
Wasp - 8
Hornet - 10
Python - 8
Total: 47

Awards & Promotions

The Palpatine Crescent was awarded to: FL/LCM Krayt/Mantis,
The Imperial Security Medal was awarded to: FL/CM Serge Broskopf/Mantis,
The Imperial Security Medal was awarded to: CMDR/CPT Drake Jensen/Mantis,
The Imperial Security Medal was awarded to: FM/LCM A. G. Snijglau/Mantis,
The Imperial Security Medal was awarded to: CMDR/CPT Drake Jensen/Mantis,
The Bronze Star of the Empire was awarded to: FM/LT Penfold/Mantis,
SL Draco Caanis promoted to LT,
LT Penfold promoted to LCM.



Vanguard Members,

Here are 4 non-flying comps for you to complete, all three have the same deadline which is 25 December :)

1) Your new COM need a new type of ship and a new name for her that best suits his lifestyle, so think up a new ship and name, best one chosen will win a IS-SR

2) Design a new Banner/Graphic to be placed at This has to be really cool to better the one that is there now, IS-SR to the best chosen IS-BR to the 2nd best submission.

3) SickMan's Assistants:

Skiny - A senile old story telling protocol droid.
Iggy - A salacious Crumb with a loving of heavy metal
Colin - a bad tempered foul mouthed little astro droid (don't read his translation read out if easily offended)
Kyra - a HRD, stunning looks and great with a flamethrower..........a deadly assassin who loves her work serving SickMan.

What do they look like? design a graphic of one of them or write a story about one or all of them, best submission will win a IS-SR, 2nd best wins a IS-BR.

So there you go, 3 non-flying comps, we have forthcoming flying comps with WingXIII and the SOV, so have your flying gear ready:)



IRC channel: #isdvanguard

Message board:

ASF Messageboard:




COM/RA Sickman/ISD Vanguard
BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/MoI/IS-3BW/LoC-PSx26/CoLx4/CoB/OV-4E [KNGT] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}


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