ISDII Intrepid Report # 2 (2005-05-27)

This report was submitted by AD Adren Silvori

Welcome to my Second report. This week has seen much activity in the tie corps. Many competitions are beginning or being Finalised and I must admit one or two of them look good. I have had contact from Several of the commanders and one or two of the flight leaders this week, Saying hi and relaying there opinions to me on wing and ship and had one or two competition idea's too. Thank you for that.

I assure people I will be listening to what you have said, And trying my best to bring this information together and get something we can all enjoy going.

Tie Corps News

I would like to send my Congratulations to SA Sarin, on his promotion to XO of the Emperors hammer. Truly Deserved a hard working individual and a fine example of an officer, I had the pleasure of flying with the new XO during our time in Avenger squadron. Awesome pilot and Fantastic leader.

Congratulations Sir.

The Ship also sends it congratulations to the following.

The FO was promoted to SA and received an MOH
SDIR Aseret promoted to Fleet Admiral
OPS Yoda promoted to Full Admiral
Demerzel gets a Gold Star

Fleetwide Competition:

I would like to remind everyone of the FLEET WIDE Education competition running for the next 7 weeks. *MANY* medals are available to be won ranging from IS-BR to IS-PR and you are not competing against other people to get them! (Work together... hint hint) Details and *HINTS* for this competition can be found here:

New Course:
I would like to announce that the NEW TAC course to replace XTM/2, TT/2, TACS, will be released shortly!! Stay tuned to the TO report, and for news!


Competition News

Imperial Storm Once again has hit our screens. I have flown in two of these events and both were excellent fun. Myself and the Wing commander shall keep you up to date as best we can during the event.

Link -

I have had 4 submissions in total I believe pass my desk, Well done to those pilot and commanders who are helping to represent the ASF.

Link -

ASF - VSD TK-Irrelevant (Emu T/A, Roo T/A), VSD BaboonX (TBA T/A, Koala T/A, Badger T/B), STRKC Not Appearing, STRKC Luxury Yacht, FRG LMAO

Sith - ATR Bane, ATR Tyranous, ATR Sidious, 5 T/As from Apocalypse & 11 T/Ds from Purgatory

The Sith have Defeated the ASF by 60 to 49 in the first battle.


Ship Orders
As Stated in the mail i sent out on sunday. I am expecting all the MSE in Today. This is Critical to give time to LC Apophis The time to get the MWE done

MSE - 27th of Every month
MWE - 30th of every month

These orders shall run for 11 months of the year, I really enjoy rewarding pilots in the form of promotions and medals (who deserve it). I wont tolorate active people not being awarded because of lack of reports or lack of Evaluations. I am sure this has not been a problem before, But i would like to make myself clear, Concerning reports. I want them on time please.

Last but not least, reports must be placed on the tie corps site. If you have difficulty doing this, please contact me and i shall help you resolve any issues you might have.

I have seen some Locs, some pilot files and a couple of IWATS this week. This was Fantastic to see, Please keep up the good work guys.


Tie Corps links

Tie Corps -
Wing Roster -
IWATS Courses -
FCHG Wing List -
Wing Combat Ratings -
Competition Calandar -


Intrepid pilot of the week - LCM Nutrientman/Daimond back.

Admiral's final thoughts.

We lost one pilot this week and Gained another. It was sad to see Drako go, but I respect his decision based on his reasons. I would like to welcome SL Rifkin to our ship and welcome him into ASP Squadron. I am sure your commander has been in touch, and I look forward to see you promoted to full Lieutenant, in the not to distant future.

Hopefully June will be a good month for us. As what we have talked about begins to take Effect.

Have a good week pilots



Admiral Adren Silvori
COM/AD Adren Silvori/ISD Intrepid

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