SSSD Sovereign Report # 140 (2004-08-06)

This report was submitted by AD Proton

COM/AD Proton reporting for the Emperor's Hammer flagship, the SSSD Sovereign, on 8-6-04:


-- Sovereign Squadron League, the semifinals near an end.


-- Planning is under way for TIE Corps implementation of Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed operations. The game is expected into beta this fall. FA Cyric has appointed VA Ky Terrak and me to lead the TC implementation of JTL. We are hashing things out with leaders of The Fringe, including GN Compton, also of Omega Squadron. As things stand now, we are looking at each battlegroup being allowed to open a JTL squadron. So, the Sovereign likely will have a JTL squadron when the game comes out.

-- FA Cyric reports:
"ISD Predator has been opened! RA Solaris Machinus is the Com, MAJ Caine is the WC. The CMDRs will be named shortly, and there will be a site for the ship with mission statements and requirements posted soon. FreeWorlds is one step closer to being a reality for the TC. SA Astatine has been sent the DB changes needed and we await him to complete this before members can be placed in ernest." (COM's note: Freeworlds is a Star Wars mod of Freelancer.)

-- Imperial Storm V discussions continue, and the game may start in September.

-- FA Cyric reminds CMDRs and their squadrons can receive no new FMs if they have any FL positions vacant.


-- Welcome these new or returning pilots:
FM/SL RazieIL/Kappa 2-2
FM/CM Max/Beta 1-3

SSSD Sovereign [94]

Wing I [29]
Wing II [28]
Wing VII [36]

Omega [6]


IRC channel: #SSSD_Sovereign
Message board:
The SSSD Sovereign Cantina Song:
Yahoo Group:


"Making fun of people is just part of me showing others I like them, like calling Proton a windbag, or you a worthless old geezer. :) " -COL Mike Chistu

"Count Chonchulak! Da hell you been, boy?" -GN Compton

"Holy Living Crap! I'm only gone for two weeks and two of the wing's biggest nut jobs retire!?! Dagnabit... Well, I guess I'd better begin taking up the slack. I'd like to let it be known that if the Lambda barracks were in any way suitable for a standard galactic species to survive in, I would go in there and take charge of rearing Free's socklings. However, *ahem*, since they're not, I'll just settle for trying to steal Proton's booze twice each week instead of once. ::Dude walks into the room:: Gotta go!!" -LC Argon

" " -CM/DJK. Conker "argon meet me in the baracaded beta quarters for your cut" Blackwood

"I've transfered my socklings over to Proton's
command. Except for the runt. I did some experiments and accidentally
stunted its growth (permanently) with cigarettes and caffeine. (P.S.
it is now addicted to both). It only stinks a bit, it doesn't ooze,
it will never grow to be a full sockling, but it crawls and is
semi-sentient. I have given you this one runt in the trust that you
will use it for the good of the wing (read: whatever the hell you
feel like).
Don't do anything I wouldn't do (read: carte blanche)" -LC Freelancer

"Anyways, here's some excuses for the rest of the wing to use on Proton if he gets on our case:
"We didn't retreat, we made a strategic advance to the rear"
"I did land that fighter, I just did it without the customary accompaniment of thrust and lift" -LC Argon

"But it's MY Lake O'Beer. I invented it. I paid for it. I "silenced" the people who built it for me, so as not to reveal its location to others." -GN Compton

"Woop woop woop woop woop! *scuttles away with an armload of Proton's booze*" -LC Argon Zoidberg

"You two really are insufferable. I thought Freelancer's retirement
would calm you down. No matter ...
*Dude snarls and advances menacingly with his spiked Gad baton*" -AD Proton

" spikes gad baton? thats the best youve got?" -CM/KP. COnker "madman" Blackwood

"**Snippy whizzes forward, probot lasers blazing ... Leroy lays down
suppressing fire with jawa ion rifle ... Festus points his bowcaster at
Conker and aims for the groin ... while Sith Battlelord Proton ignites
his lightsaber**
Beat that, boy ;) " -AD/SBL Proton

"/me quickly sabers a hole in the floor and drops into a cargo bay" -CM/KP. Conker "running again" Blackwood

"echo... Echo... ECho... ECHo... ECHO...
Does it mean we have new pilot in our wing?
Does it mean we have colon in our wing?
Does it mean I must operate?" -LCM "so many questions" Granite

"but I still found time to fly the missions, you have not, this weeks medal goes once again to...... The furnace!" -CPT Roger

"Indeed it doesnt! What doom scenario is Ninj planning now? :P" -LC Tempest

"Well you had Revenge of the Nerds, and now you've got Revenge of the
Sith. Outsiders may consider them the same difference =P " -GN Stele Pellaeon

"I don't know how eloquent I am, but I'm glad that you guys seem to understand my grunts and whistles sometimes ;-) " -GN Sasquatch

"I'm just a simple man myself...I'll take some of that Corellian Whiskey...Blue Label please (think of Johnny Walker, Blue Label....very expensive stuff. :P) " -COL Nurel Turr

"Hellooo Mumma.
welcome to wing II Raz. Shame you didnt join the best squadron :P " -COL Jon "Psi pwns" Doyle

COM-PROF/AD Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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