ISDII Vanguard Report # 4 (2004-06-20)

This report was submitted by RA Drax Remlinger

ISD Vanguard
Report #4

COM Chatter
-Things are looking good. We moved up two spots from 35 members and now stand at 37. Python is edging closer to being reopenned and that will be an awesome accomplishment for starters. Most ships in the fleet are closing squadrons and/or wings so to reopen anything right now is a feat in itself.

-Its important right now that everyone continue to recruit as many new or veterans from the reserves as possilbe. We have two squadrons still in a rather tender state. All your help is greatly appreicated.

Ship News
-  Congratulations to the newly promoted members of the ship: LT Ginji
- We added three new pilots this week(SL's Ginji, Tlahtoani, and Own Quadinaros) welcome to all of you!

-As most have noticed our Wing Commander, Major Praetorian, hasnt been around much lately.  He is busy with his military career but vows he will be back hopefully soon.  All things that need processing should be sent to me and ill take care of it for you.

-A thank you to our current group of commanders.  I appreciate everything you have done as we begin work on the old Van.   She needs some paint and a whole lot of new crewmembers so lets get to recruiting asap.  Dont forget your reports are due on my desk by Friday Nights unless you let me know why it will be late.

ASF News
-XVT Wow is on.  I encourage everyone to go fly a match or two and represent the ASF!

Tie Corps
TieTC 15, 20, 21, 22, 128 Bugs Fixed!
12:24 - VA Styles []
TAC Office announces that bugs have been fixed for TIETC 15,20,21,22,128 and we will continue to fix all other bugs reported.

Mission Creation Warssion Creation Wars
14:43 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Tactical Office is proud to announce you, another great competition, Mission Creation Wars. Competition starts June 1st, so I will quickly remind you about it.

First phase - groups. They all get plotlines and create battles. Best battles win and they proceed. Next round is cup style and there can be only one :)

GS, SS, BS - yes, you can win it. + MoTs and CoSs. So that's something worth fighting for.

Send them to me and cc my CA:TAC

Combat Operations Office Updateat Operations Office Update
00:52 - VA Khadgar []
An update regarding the Combat Operations Office medal process: A number of people have sent me LoCs, which I have processed. I also went through the Battlegroup rosters and submitted DFC awards for pilots who are currently active. At this point, I will accept missing LoC counts from individual pilots. However, please only mail in DFC counts if you are not in a Battlegroup. If you are in a Battlegroup, your DFC(s) are pending OPS approval.

XVT Week of Wars of War
12:03 - VA Khadgar []
X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Week of War started again today! Details and score reporting are at Battlestats. Actual matches take place on The Zone. Have fun and if you need help, please try the Combat Operations Office Site or mail me at

New Battles and MissionsNew battles and missions
15:17 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Once again we are pleased to release new battles. Here they are:
XvT-TC #93-98
BoP-FREE #31


17:49 - AD Khameir Sarin []
I have returned from my brief LoA. You can read all about it in the latest COO report. Please continue emailing Admiral Khadgar with missing LoC information for the next few days until I completely return!

Tactical Staff IWATS Course
09:45 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Due to database loss, we've had only offline version available. Now it's been fixed, and you can pass this course online. Also, if you are missing this course on your profile, email either me or Traning Officer, RA Drako.

All missing medals that have been submitted to me have been requested and reawarded.  If you still find you are missing something do email me asap so I can get it restored.

CM Damarcus---------------------------------------->MoI
LC Thom Zack--------------------------------------->MoI
LT Phoenix------------------------------------------->ISM

SL Ginji------------------------------------------------>Lieutenant

SL Ginji------------------------------------------------>Echo 1-2
SL Tlahtoani---------------------------------------->Scorpion 3-2
SL Owne Quadinaros-------------------------->Wasp 1-2
LT Deathsquire------------------------------------>Reserves

IWATS Courses
LT Ginji---------------------------------------------->AIM
LT Ginji---------------------------------------------->HTML1
LT Ginji---------------------------------------------->HTML2

Ship Competitions
Vanguard Ironman

Vanguard Baron

Vanguard Recruitment Drive

Wing Banner Competition

ASF Competitions
BGCOM's Legate
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Titles for the top three pilots in the ASF each month. An IS-GW and the title of "BGCOM's Legate" for the winner.

Week of War Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Iron Stars for ASF WoW winners! Hurray!

Recruitment Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Recruit RSVists and help CTs train to help the ASF! Do it for the Flight! Do it for the Squadron! Do it for the Wing! Do it for the ship! Do it for the division! Do it for the club! Do it for your loved ones! Do it for the Emperor! Do it for the Fleet Commander! Do it for Vader! Whatever helps, really.

Night of the Monks
Deadline: Each Friday at 3 AM - 6 AM EST.
Description: Weekly Multiplayer competition! Held in #EHCOC on IRC.

Aggressor Night
Deadline: Each Sunday at 8-11 PM EST
Description: Weekly Multiplayer competition! Held in #EHCOC on IRC.

-ISD Vanguard- #isdvanguard
-ISD Greywolf-#wingXiii
-ISD Intrepid #wingxiv
-Aggressor Strike Force: #eh_asf
-TIE Corps: #tiecorps
-Emperor's Hammer: #emperor's_hammer
Message Boards
-Emperor's Hammer:
-TIE Corps:
-Aggressor Strike Force:
-ISD Vanguard:
-Echo Squadron: 
-Hornet Squadron:
-Mantis Squadron:
-Python Squadron: 
-Scorpion Squadron:
-Wasp Squadron:

Ship Strength:
Flags- 2
Echo- 5
Scorpion- 9
Mantis- 5
Wasp- 6
Hornet- 10
Python- 0  (Inactive)
Total- 37

COM/RA Drax Remlinger/ISD Vanguard

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