ISDII Intrepid Report # 49 (2004-05-30)

This report was submitted by VA Frodo March

Vice Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISD-II Intrepid on 05/30/04 #49

Commodore’s Opening Words
Ello ello! Holey great flying green poo! Its been a full year! TO THIS DAY! I've been your cookie COM for 365 dayz..wait...was this year a leap year? T'WAS! Thats 366 days! Some would pitty you guys :P
Anyway, as you all remember, to celebrate those many months of my command I decided to have a nice 24hr MP Comp (That ending up being about 7:P) In which many people flew, I personnally flew 5 matches and actually got two LoCs!!!...Congradulations LT Brukhar from way over in Wing II for winning the competition and the IS-GW...Second place goes out to Vice Admiral Khadgar himself! And he will be greeted by a shnazy IS-SW!
Right...Comp medals, GN Gidda and LT S 4patas completed the beat the COM mission aswell, so I added their medals to my "To award once the database fixes" list...CPT SavageAz...could you send your file to me please...It hasn't made its way to me yet.
As for the FCHG/CR race...once everybody's FCHG/CR are updated...I'll compare it to the ones I have for April 15th...then I'll give medals.
If your missing LoCs, tell your CMDR how many.  They will make lists and send them to the WC. I want these lists by FRIDAY Commanders, get the missing LoC summary's from your pilots ASAP and send them to Gidda and CC me.
If your missing FCHG points, the TAC wants you to e-mail him with the battles your missing, CMDRs, I want you guys to do this for your pilots if you can, GN Gidda can help you out, he has almost all of the information from what was flown since december.
Welcome aboard LT Lan, LT Luke Devalis, LT El Guapo and LT Ghostrider.  We now have 4 of the 5 pilots that disapeared because of having high pins.  Only one is missing...and I think he was near AWOL...
Speaking of new pilots, Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid now has a new title...the only wing with TWO GENERALS...(...I think...)...! Welcome aboard GN Dax Corrin, former Avenger Commander, current Imperator...and he's got a crap load of LoCs too.  Its a pleasure to have you onbaord General, I hope your stay in Krayt Squadron will be nice :) 

Emperor’s Hammer/Tie Corps News
Missing FCHG pts
13:56 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
If you are missing any FCHG point, you simple email me with your PIN, ID line and list of battles you are missing. I will add them to your profile.
XWA Week of War
12:21 - VA Khameir Sarin []
XWA Week of War is on. Head to and participate in the Zone event.
New survey
06:57 - SA Astatine []
There's a new survey up about Internet connection speeds/types. Login to check it out.

Roster Updates Completed!
18:46 - FA Cyric []
The Tie Corps Roster updates have been completed!
The only things left to do are reinstall the members who joined after Jan 04 and we'll be back to normal
Requests for Promos, Position changes etc may now commence in full!
TIECORPS BG Flags Shuffled...
18:42 - FA Cyric []
From AD Mell Kerrigan:
After a recent internal review on the functionality of the TIE Corps Battlegroups I have seen it necessary to make some rather large changes in command.
The ISD Challenge has seen a new COM & WC in the forms of RA Locke and COL Sephiroth
The ISD Colossus Welcomes RA Gunman and the promotion of Omicron CMDR MAJ Angel to WC.
I wish all the best of luck in their new positions and we can work togeher to make the Battlegroup stronger.

TIECORPS BG Rosters Finished
05:33 - FA Cyric []
I've completed the TC BG rosters. The only remaining roster left is the ISD Subjugator, and when I receive the roster It will be completed
Thanks to everyone who made updating the rosters a smooth process!

Roster Updates
15:10 - FA Cyric []
The Flight Office has completed fixing the rosters of the ASF, Avenger Squadron, the SOV BG, Omega Squadron,and the SSD Avenger.
CMDRs, WC's, and COM's of these units can now go in and change their rosters the way they wish and update website links etc.

Training Officer's Resignation
13:19 - VA Keldorn []
Officers and Gentlemen,
I tender to you my resignation from the position of Training Officer and Dean of the Imperial Weapons and Tactics School. I also wish to relinquish the position of Minister of Education within the Imperial Senate. With the Grand Master and Executive Officer’s approval I shall retain – for the moment – the position of Headmaster of the Dark Brotherhood.
I shall not ascribe the obligatory plethora of my accomplishments. Nor will I list those Officers and members to whom I owe much during my tenure as a Command Officer; those that I wish to thank will already know.
I have come to the decision to resign because I am far too embittered and cynical to remain in a position where fresh ideas and a complete dedication to the reinvigoration of the Emperor’s Hammer is a necessity. Plays of politics; the growing tendency toward factional conflict; the inability of some Officers to identify their own weaknesses; the exploitation by others by these Officers are all factors in my desire to step down. As Training Officer I can do no more than attempt to be a voice of reason and reform. My voice is not heeded.
I am not a stupid man. Nor am I a particularly young man. I have recently completed my second Doctorate on the ‘Interpretations of Law and Moral Ethics in Modern International Politics’, I hold an unrelated Doctorate and two First Class degrees from Oxford. I am a serving member of Her Majesty’s Royal Air Force. Yet in all my life, I have yet to meet an unofficial organisation of the calibre of the Emperor’s Hammer. It has the ability to make one smile and to make one cringe. It exhilarates and infuriates. Yet, it is only a Star Wars based internet club.
I am not resigning from the Emperor’s Hammer. I simply believe – honestly – that I can no longer serve to the benefit of the membership as Training Officer. I may look for another posting where my attitudes may be more suitable. I may not.
My recommendation for my successor is not as difficult as I imagined. Obviously, it lies with my current Command Attaché, Rear Admiral Drako. A very talented graphic designer, a talented programmer, his flaws lie in a general aura of naivety found in many new commanders (and being Polish, but one must be prepared to look beyond such partisan predispositions :P). This should not influence the decision of the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer. I implore you to appoint him without hesitation. He will quickly learn what he does not already know, and I shall remain close by to assist him should he need it.
I will take the opportunity to apologise to the Executive Officer for the timing of my resignation. At a point where consistent and fair administration of the core responsibilities of the Command Officer is paramount (take a note of this, those who think themselves holier than thou) I have now shirked mine as Training Officer. This is for the reasons I have stated, and those reasons alone.
Good day to you all,
Your obedient servant, &c.,
Fleet Admiral, Dark Adept Keldorn "Mad Buck" Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
ASF News
-My Comp ended!
-Go check out ASF chronicles!
-Go Fly MP!

Ship news
-Medals pending for comps!
-CM Predator is on temporary leave, hang in there Diamondback, Gidda and I are here for ya ;)
-My comp was awesome...and ppl went...and punch was served.

Pilot Awards/Reconition
LoCs were served!

Ship Status
The ISD-II Intrepid goes down to 37 pilots!
Full Squadrons: 0

1. Fly any official EH missions or battles at the EH mission compendium
2. Participate at any TO approved Squad/Wing/Ship/BG/Fleet comp!
3. Create an Imperial Navy Personal record (INPR) in your admin menu!
4. Create an official EH mission or battle (Can take a loooong time)
5. Helping your CMDR with the Squadron webpage, or creating one.
Those are the five main ways to get promoted to LT! You guys should be aiming for at LEAST reaching LT :P

Quote of the week
<VA_Khadgar> RA Gunman, congratulations on your appointment. Colossus news this week?
<RA_gunman> ty
<RA_gunman> oops. wrong paste :P
<VA_Khadgar> Smooth. :P
<RA_gunman> ISD Colossus news
Ohhhh! Meeting humor!

Hints and Tips from the Short Commodore!
This week, I decided to write up a...YOU KNOW YOUR AN OLD AND SENILE COM WHEN:
8. You're the only one that uses words like Shnazy in your reports!
7. You're really surprised when the BGCOM mentions you more then once in the report...and words like horrible, and catastrophic and short aren't in the same sentence!
6. You're WC is debating wether you will resign or die from an incureable disease first...
5. All the flags that were there when you joined are all gone..
4. One of the flags that was there when you joined is still there...but he's a COM now after disapearing for a while!
3. People don't believe you when you tell them there's an IS-GW up for grabs in this comp!
2. You forget if you have 3 or 4 Silver Stars...and you don't nessessarily trust your ID line...
And the Number one Thing that You know that your an old and senile COM is!:
1. You've got a kick ass crew that's the best an old senile COM could ever have ;)
Nothing right now...I think...

Finishing words
There goes number fourty nine! Its been a great year...we went through alot...but it went by fast...I must say I was on leave for about 7 weeks of it :P Shhhh! Its still a year :P Its been a wonderful year...and I must say that i'm very proud of you! And that I care for you all more then for myself...altho I admit I'm the farthest from a perfect COM...having one that lasts a while and is consistant is always loads of fun...Like with Pel...
Go out and fly my newly Re-released battles! :P And FLY SOME MP!
Good luck!
"Anything For MP!!" --VA Khadgar
COM/VA Frodo March/ISD Intrepid “Frothy”
GS/SSx4/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-25rh-4bh/IS-4BW-2BR-1SW-1SR-1GW-1GR/LoC-CSx5-Rx2/DFC-Rx3/CoSx5/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [TMPR] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TACS-TM-XTM/1/2}
Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior
“Global Warming is just another empty Promise"

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