SSSD Sovereign Report # 74 (2003-02-25)

This report was submitted by AD Proton


COM/AD Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.


-- RED ALERT TO ALL PILOTS! Another major battle will be fought this week in Operation Outrageous Fortune. Those who fly TIE and XvT single-player and XWA multiplayer can and should participate, so read on, the battle briefing from WO/AD Pel. There are some tight deadlines, so don't miss out and let down your side:

For this battle the forces involved are:
Blue Task Force I
Ships: INT Shire        1 T/I Squadron
       VSD II Krayt's Claw    1 GUN Squadron    TRNx12
       VSD II Bantha's Mist    1 T/B Squadron
       CRL HellFighter        1 IRD Squadron
       DREAD Canadia        1 T/I Squadron
TASK Force - Vanguard
VSDII - Vanguard
12xGUN Panther
12xGUN Wraith
12xGUN Specter
12XGUN Deamon
A/FRG - Dragon
12xGUN Wizzard
12xGUN Banshee
A/FRG Anytime
12xGUN Talon
12xGUN Flame
CRL Eternal
12xGUN Fang
12xGUN Blades
INT Scorpion
12xGun Silence
M/FRG Darkness
3xLanding craft Vav

Battle Time One will be Thurs, Feb 27 at 2300 Eastern (I know, not great for you Europeans, but it's good for me, and probably for most N. and S. Americans. )
Battle Time Two will be Sat, Mar 1 at 1200 Eastern (probably better for all, but I don't want to kill momentum any more with a long wait)
So, if we get enough people (2 from each side) the battle will be played out on Thurs. If not the battle will be on Saturday.  

The XWA Skirmish files from each side are due on Wed

The TIE/XvT Files will be Due on Friday at midnight Eastern (splitting the difference between the battle times).  The missions to be flown are:  TIE-FREE 209 and XvT-Free 116.

-- Three of the four TC elite squadrons are enrolled for the Sovereign Squadron League 2003 along with all Sov line squadrons and other interested line squadrons from other ships. It is not too late to sign up your squadron! Non-Sov squadrons, mail LC Todbringer and me to be added to the batting order. The Sov's RatPack of flag officers and a flag team from the ASF also will be competing. The carnage commences on March 15.

-- Rat Pack vs. Wing I CMDRs, flying TC-TIE Battle 44. It's over, and we're awaiting the results >:)

-- Sov Policy update. Look for an updated Sovereign Policy (ship's standing orders) later this week. The main addition is that command personnel on the ship (COM, WCs and CMDRs) are required to fly at least one EH Battle Center free mission or battle per month or risking losing their position. The feeling is that command personnel of flight units should lead by example, and this puts a basic minimum in writing.

-- LCM Sirik Xirok of Delta Squadron has volunteered to run a Wing I or even a shipwide triva comp. If you think this idea has merit on a shipwide basis, please contact Sirik, LC Mike Chistu and me.

-- COL Sasquatch has announced the opening of the Omega Squadron store! There is some seriously fantastic junk here. As a proud Omega Emeritus pilot, I'll be spending quite a bit of my beer money at this store. Can't wait to walk into a meeting at work with my skull-and-crossbones "We Bring Death" coffee mug :) :

-- Wing comps. There is a fantastic assortment of comps running in the wings right now. Great job, WCs!

-- Sigma beats Pe, now it's Sigma vs Teth. This one should be interesting.

-- Squadron Homepages, from HA/FO Priyum:
 March 1st also marks the end of the 4 weeks given to Squadron Commanders to make sure their homepages meet the new standards.
IOA Alex Foley has also released "SquadFirst", - a useful too for those looking to build a quick homepage. Any questions on this should be sent to the Internet Officer (
-- TIE Corps Meetings, from HA/FO Priyum: 
For those of you who don't know, we have a weekly meeting on IRC...
Channel: #tiecorps on Undernet
Time: Sundays @ 9pm GMT / 4PM EST
After the news announcements, someone will host trivia, the winner of which will receive an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon. Please attend these meetings if you can...even if you're not a Flag Officer, you can still give some news you think people would be interested in.


-- Give a big Sovereign welcome to these new or returning pilots:
FM/LT Tam Weltl/Theta 2-3

SSSD Sovereign [170]

Wing I [29]
Wing II [34]
Wing III [36]
Wing IV [41]
Wing V [29]

Omega Squadron [9]


-- Sovereign Nighthawk Multiplayer Competition, each Friday night in
#ehcoc on IRC, 3 to 6 p.m. eastern time.
-- SBOTM for February:
TIE-TC 183 (Defection of Kusanagi)
XvT-TC 31 (Pirate Scouts)
XWA-TC 24 (The History of the SSSD Sovereign)
Send pilot files to LC Philo at (the February
coordinator) and me. Deadline is Feb. 28. Good luck to all pilots!

IRC channel: #SSSD_Sovereign
Message board:
The SSSD Sovereign Cantina Song:
COM/AD Proton/SSSD Sovereign


"Here nobody want to harm or spoil fun. But what is your perceiving of fun?" -LC Aeishline Strathaven


" Weeeeeeell ... I have determined that cutting and pasting from the February SBOTM announcement that I have saved will spontaneously cause Outlook Express to panic, wet itself, and then crash with a fatal error ... regardless of how much of my report I have already typed. I am now resisting the urge to physically harm someone.
(*Resisting ... resisting ... remember, happy place ... happy place ... *)
 Let's get on with the report (for a second time), shall we?" -COL Sasquatch


" Looks like it's time for the Rat Pack to take all these kids to school ;-) " -COL Sasquatch

" **A punk pilot walks past Proton on the bridge and the COM whacks him
across the hands with a splintery yardstick** " -AD Proton

"Now see -- THAT'S the kind of thing that just makes me want to avoid the
    If you'll excuse me ... I have to go bandage my hands ..." -COL Sasquatch

"Small Wargame update: third of our fleet destroyed, but we’re still looking pretty good, JD will die eventually, its just a matter of time before he looses himself in his “dinky little Frigate” (As Stele once called it) " -LC Frodo

"Activity seems a little light Delta. Maybe we Alpha pilots should
show a little mercy and spare you in the competition. We would hate
to take advantage of you guys while you're in the current condition
you're in...or is this normal?" -LCM Kahooli


"Oh, and when did you run Alpha? When were you even here? You still suck Ewok
poodoo through a stir-straw!!!!!!" -MAJ Talons Pryde

"Well, it's time we finally showed those foolish bantha slime who is the true super power!  Can you do this Talons?
*slowly puts hand to unsuspecting stormtroopers face and in five seconds the stormtrooper is lying on the ground decapitated*
Well?" -LCM Sirik

"anyway, ready to take part in any savage beating of Alpha !" -MAJ Eugene

"Pe squadron crushed like punching bag...
No aditional comments." -MAJ Koriel


(COM's advisory: Pokemon thread deleted to protect the innocent, and especially the guilty)

"Aside from combing their hair, looking cool, and polishing their medals, what are the Elite Squadrons doing?" -RA Wil Striker

" Like sitting around doing almost nothing, saying "Yeah, we rock, yeah",
polishing their sun glasses and combing their windswept hair and hitting
on chicks?" -SA Astatine

"Command with activity is infectious.
Command with inactivity is infectious.
Which would you rather have." -FA Darth Vader

"In response to this, why in the name of any gods there may or may not be, would I want to get closer to any of my pilots, the HGBs are my hangout spot between raids on your booze.  /me quickly abandons the walkie talkie he used to phone that one in before the signal can be triangulated by LSD and B  ;P
     Other than that, we need a response to that Wing II menu!  Sirik, how're the green lumps today?  ;P " -MAJ Argon Viper

"Am I the only one who gets a little paranoid when, after you've logged
into the TC database and they know EXACTLY who you are, you then get asked a
poll question like, "How is the XO doing at his job so far?"
- Sas

"Haha...we're already importing Jawa slave labor to help with the brewing
process. In time, we will all be drunk!" -CPT Zekk Terrik

"A sign of the apokolypse I say!  First, FFVII guy in KH then missing e-mails?  Acording to Nostridomus, next is a giant boil on Free's left ear.......wait, that happened months ago.  I shall research this further.  I'm off! " -LCM Sirik"Nostridomus, enlighten me!" Xirok  

"That's pretty sad when you can't even spell Nostradamus' name right  ;P " -MAJ Argon Viper

"OH zip it Commander boy!*in russian accent spoken in Goldeneye*I know now that NOSTRADAMUS predicted that the world will end in.............wait.........that...was...the....Mayans....Ah jesum crow I can't even get that right! " -LCM Sirik

"Close, but no cigar. That was a welt from Ballista's cattle prod. She
missed where she was aiming (THANKFULLY!), but it left a red spot." -LC Freelancer

" **Ballista charges into the cantina with her cat-o-nine-tails flailing,
and expertly places a vicious shot to the stunned Freelancer's groin
Hey, Free, I've had Ballista focus her training on the "cat" lately ...
she's a much better shot with it than with the prod ... BWAHAHAHAAAA" -AD Proton

""GREAT SHOT BALLISTA" came the cry from Talons from across the room. Talons
was pumping his arm in triumph over his head laughing out loud. "Do it
again! DO IT AGAIN!!!!!" -MAJ Talons Pryde

" *Freelancer smirks, watching as Ballista closes in on Talons... to do
it again* heheheh" -LC Freelancer

"Come Freebaby, Hurry it along. Ppl are getting bored here :P " -LC Jon

"... and so it was, that with those first few and now immortal words, the Great Devin announced his emergence from the prison of his Alc. induced coma ... :-)" -CPT Night Grue

"My friends, do not be fooled by my moment of temporary coherence. It's all a lie perpetrated by The Man..." -GN Devin

"Brandon, haven't you requisitioned your proper share of booze?  Omegans are alloted more than even we can drink each month." -GN Compton

"Now isn't that just like the Rebs? You turn your back for one second ... ONE SECOND ... and they've made off with your CoB!
    Lucky for you, C, the Empire understands that these things happen, and was only too happy to replace it for you.
     Foo' Rebels ;-) " -COL Sasquatch

"Oh Argon, what ever shall you do? This does seem like a predicament.
The HGB? The sewage pipe inspection duty? The "Wash Free's feet"
duty? The "smell Free's feet" duty? OOH! I know! Have him wash
LAMBDA's laundry for us!
*hands over a small bushel basket crammed with Mike's 3 stooges, erm,
henchmen, trying to pass them off as ordinary.. well.. "ordinary"
LAMBDA socks." -LC Freelancer

"Curses.... Now NOBODY is gonna wanna do my laundry for me..." -LC Freelancer

"Hey, I'll do it for you, I spotted a couple barrels of acid somewhere, I'm sure they'll do the job." -COL Gen

"Well, that was the shortest leave I've had. They kicked us out and then we move back in the next day, go figure. Since I seem to always be drunk, I'll spread th wealth. Everyone have a round on me!" -CPT Vector

"(*sees Jon Boy's motions, tries to decipher their meaning*)
Jon.. what exactly are you trying to say? Has Timmy fallen down a
well AGAIN? That damn kid! I'll show him!" -LC Freelancer

"We can requisition alcohol?!?!  Stone the crows, soon as Ballista's helped
drain some excess blood from my alcohol system I'm off down the store for a
proper knees up! :) " -MAJ Brandon

" Gah!!!  Will it never stop!?!?!  My brother dragged me to the last movie, and I would much rather have gone in for a full frontal lobotomy..." -MAJ Argon Viper

"- Classic Thong / Panty : Because if you're looking for underwear, you really don't need to be buying it over the internet, and CERTAINLY not from the Omega store. Besides, who wants to have a skull and crossbones near their privates? What kind of a statement is THAT?" -COL Sasquatch

"- Infant - Toddler T-Shirt / Toddler Button Up Hoodie / Bib : See the teddy bear statement, above. Do we really want to outfit our infants with a death's head?" -COL Sasquatch

"- Greeting Cards : When you care enough to send the very best ... send a card with a skull on it. Uh huh. Anyway, these would make lousy cards for, say, a get well soon card."Get well soon! We bring death!" -COL Sasquatch
"LOL Oh hell yes. I'm going to buy the golf t-shirt for when i go down to
Flordia this summer. My uncle owns one of the best golf courses in West Palm
Beach. I cant wait for the stuck up rich people to stare at the skull and
crossbones. Bwhahahaha
Hmmm BBQing with an Omega Apron.. this is friggen great!!  I am deffinatly
going to be use this! Thanks!!" -RA Joe

"/me also agrees. But not fully. Especially if I see Carl's comment
(Poooooooor kittykittykittykittykittykittykittykitty...), I think the
guy should actually get a machine gun before shooting. :-D " -CPT "cats suck" Tempest

"/me attacks Tempest with a *VERY* large, *VERY* rotten TROUT!!!!!
 "You must be a baaaaaaad man Tempest, either that or you have a good reason for not liking cats." -LC Mickk

"Just a clarification? Mike's Supertroopers *ARE* my socks. Mkay, back
to your trash talking." -LC Freelancer

"No, MIke's got 3 single socks. The 3 stooges, I call 'em *looks around to see if Mike is behind him, listening* " -LC Freelancer

"LCM Ace is being asked to remove his old Boxer-Shorts from his Fighter - some flies are showing too big interest in it" -CM Per-Aa

"Noooooo! You can't start a comp before I have my joystick! I wanna beat up on alpha too *cries* :P
Hmph... Even though it goes against my every sane thought.. *considers flying mouse if it comes down to that* :P " -CM Ras Kronar

"Vector looks down at the shattered remains of what used to be a bottle of Corellian Ale in his hand. "That's it!!!!!! It's one thing to mess up the barracks. It's another to paint things on our TIEs. But when you waste the alcohol, you're asking for it!!!" Vector runs into his room, grabs his flight gear and side arm, and rushes to the flight deck. "Just get me to a plane!" -CPT Vector

"Rapid.....flying..........monkeys!  Rapid......pshcyo......monkeys!  Alpha.......bad.......losers!  ......Alpha must burn.......ruin..........liquer of thiers................I must " -LCM Sirik 

" Hmmm...  Well, I'd rather be an auditory annoyance than a visual vomit inducer (check Free's response  ;P)." -MAJ Argon Viper

"Well, as long as we don't have to look at you, I can live with it.  Heck, even the borg are scared of your landing pad...  ;P " -MAJ Argon Viper

"BTW, the fur that you felt was Bertha that I borrowed from Halc.  ;) " -MAJ Nurel Turr

"How 'bout ::stupid, hick-ly, buck-toothed grin:: ???  %-B " -LCM Pheonixus

"What, your telling me Omega can't find 12 chicks in bikinis to wash your
Guardians? Well, there's always the next best thing: 12 smiling Omegan faces.
ya ok, so maybe not really the next best thing..." -Tad

"  /me looks around mildly.  Ah, that explains things.  /me takes another swig of his beer.  ::in the night, Freelancer awakes to a hissing sound.  After beating a hasty retreat, he finds that the Sov's coolant tanks are being emptied into his quarters  ;P:: " -MAJ Argon Viper
"Ahh, Thanks, Argon! I've been meaning to figure out some way of
sterilizing my clothing so it doesn't mutate into sentient beings!
Have another drink, on yourself! :) " -LC Freelancer

"Important News Flash:  Proton is *paid* to do his job as Commodore of the Sovereign!!!  :P " -MAJ Nurel Turr

COM/AD Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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