ISDII Subjugator Report # 0 (2003-01-31)

This report was submitted by RA Chamberlain

Read Admiral Chamberlain reporting in...

ISD Subjugator


New Website guidelines have been inforced, all who do not comply will be punished by the Command Staff themselves.

Commander Bryan - Ravager Squadron - | TIE-TC #58 |
Captain Dolsar "Darkfinn" Saris - Kraken Squadron - | XvT-FCHG #3 |
Captain TK-7764 - Talon Squadron - | XvT-FREE #108 - XvT-FREE #109 - XvT-FREE #110 - XvT-FREE #111 - XvT-FREE #113 - XvT-FREE #124 - XvT-FREE #125 - XvT-FREE #126 - XvT-FREE #127 - XvT-FREE #6 - XvT-FREE #71 - XvT-FREE #72 -XvT-TC #56 - XvT-CAB #1 - XvT-CAB #2 | Wing XX Trivia Competition Creator |
Lieutenant Commander Ache Nu - Nemesis Squadron - | XvT-TC #32 |
Major AJ "Tainer" Brown - Raptor Squadron - | XvT-TC #45 - XvT-TC #49 - XvT-TC #50 - XvT-TC #51
Commander Falcon - Raptor Squadron - | XWA-TC #12 - XWA-TC #13 - XWA-TC #14 - XWA-TC #6 - XWA-TC #7 - XWA-TC #8 - XWA-TC #9 |

COM's Thoughts

Very proud of all the pilots this week, sorry I missed last week's report, but this should show ALL the activity that has been done. A bit lack of medals, but I've seen some promo recc emails and such so next week should have more of a variety of things being done :)

COM/RA Chamberlain/ISD Subjugator
JH Chamberlain (Krath)/RM-TYR/Dominatus of Alvaak

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