Wing XX Report # 40 (2004-06-06)

This report was submitted by COL TK-7764


Wing XX Report


June 6, 2004


Wing Commander Rant




To my 40th Wing XX report. W00t.

The roster has been straightened out. Stormguard should return to the roster soon and a new Kraken CMDR will be in place.

The new site (for those who don’t know) is at

VA Davi Anthol stepped down as BGCOM. He will be missed. Subjugator COM VA TK-2107 has been named as his replacement. Congratulations.

I was promoted to COL. More booze.

Welcome our newest pilot, SL Cauldron Hawke.

Imperial Alliance, a free Star Wars game made entirely by the EH based on the FreeSpace 2 engine, is well underway. It looks quite impressive, and when it is released it will be a free game for EH members and a big recruitment tool.

Free Worlds, a FreeLancer mod found at , has gotten a lot of attention on the EH message boards reccnetly. A few Ehers are hanging around the US server and it looks like it could be pretty good. Think of it as a Star Wars Galaxies without a monthly fee, nothing but flying starfighters, and no need to build skills or faction points before you can start flying. I bought Freelancer and it even works on my computer, which is way below the minimum system requirements.

CM Jonathon Archer aka Stormguard of Raptor CMDR fame is still on LoA. Hope you can work everything out man.

The TAC has stated on the message boards that in order to have your battle records/FCHG updated, he wants people to send an e-mail to him with their battles completed. Battles with High Scores must be submitted as before (I apologize to VA TK-2107 in advance). With the new dedicated server, this tragedy will never repeat itself.

To get missing medals, e-mail your direct superior and then will process them immediately.


Wing News


The squadron/pilot of the month point system and procedures can be found in my 19th Wing Report at

It is MSE time all.

The old message board has been archived at

The current message board is at

Main site is always at


Wing Orders


Fly for BJ ( We were narrowly defeated in April. No word about May.

Battle Group Commander’s Judgment is a massive monthly ATF wide competition. The wing with the best results in the 8 categories wins Wing of the Month. Get out there and fly for the wing. We have one day left, so fly for the glory of Wing XX. I want to keep our winning streak going.

(see the website for submission rules and events).


Commander’s Club May results will be figured out after I straighten out everything that happened with the database.


Prepare for the fury! Big comp, big dangers, bigger rewards. Coming soon to a Subjugator near you.

For details, see your squadron reports or the Subjugator report.


Squad Reports


Kraken no CMDR, awaiting database issues to appoint a new one

Raptor CMDR on LoA

Ravager none! Kalith pick up the slack

Nemesis none!






BSFs: 13

LT Harr-Arr 1 XvT TC

SL Cauldron Hawke 1 XWA CAB, 5 XWA DB, 6 XWA IW.



LC TK-7764 to COL (more next week!)




LoC: 1 (yeah!)

CM Kalith Jaenus


DFC: 0



COL TK-7764 1 IS-BW and 2 IS-GW.

LCM Ibram Gaunt IS-SW.



COL TK-7764 participating in COL Beef’s Wargame 4


New Victims… erm… Pilots:

SL Cauldron Hawke Daedalus > Raptor





Final Thoughts:

I have seen many faces onboard this ship. I’ve seen all of my hopes come to foliation. This ship has remained strong in a dark time for the Emperor’s Hammer. We have been through a lot, from the recent database crash and site move, to the many times the message boards went offline, to promotions and demotions. To the future, may it remain bright with promise.


The Shadow Avengers are Here (Roster)



Let me out of here!!!


WC/COL TK-7764/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

SS/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx5/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-20BW-6BR-11SW-6SR-8GW-3GR/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [ARCN] {IWATS-BOT-CBX-GFX-IIC/1-M/1-MP-SM/3-TT-XTM/1/2-XTT}


QUA/KAP TK-7764/Qel-Droma/Arcona

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