Wing V Report # 15 (2003-03-08)

This report was submitted by LC Frodo

Lieutenant Colonel Frodo reporting for Wing V, 08/03/2003

General Information

Wing V has experience an acceptable week this week, the activity could be higher…but some pilots have exams (In Oregon I believe?) It was ok though…

Alright Ladies and gentlemen, I will be challenging a wing to a Wing Vs. Wing challenge comp. This will be the first one you guys will ever experience under my command. I’m warning you now: I HATE LOOSING MORE THAN I HATE ANYTHING IN THE WORLD. If you don’t think you can participate, or help the Wing Win, contact me, I don’t want to challenge a Wing and loose in the process.

Important notice: MARCH BREAK, has begun, therefore, I will be taking 3 days of leave…I leave Monday and return on Thursday were I will probably be able to go online and do some Wing stuff. No A-WC is necessary, I believe the CMDRs can be Ok on they’re own for a few days. However, if something horrible does happen or you have a question, I suggest you contact the Wing’s COLONEL:P

That’s right, I said that we now have a Colonel amongst our ranks, Congratulations to COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan!! Other than that, there has also been a promotion to CPT for CPT Zexipher Van Taelyan, congratulations for both of them, they deserved these promotions.

The WME was sent last week end, all the awards are in, we have a few…not as much as other months, but the Elite comp provided a lot of rewards too. BTW, all the Wing V pilots put together (including me) were awarded a total of 12 medals this week!!! Amazing!

We have a new pilot amongst us, everybody Welcome LCM Ryan Chi'Cath To Mem Squadron!

As for a small wargame update: Another third of our fleet has been destroyed…and like Mike, ITS NOT MY FAULT!! Although, Jon Doyle and red task force will pay for it soon.
If you are completely lost, and don’t understand anything what-so-ever or just one or two things, please mail me at and I’ll be happy to put anyone up to speed on what’s going on in Wing V.

The WC’s Own for the month of February was again SADHE SQUADRON!! Congradulations, you may all add that title to your ID lines!!! I’d like to underline, that Mem Squadron was a very close second, and that the fight for march should be good.

Wing V elite Squadron Comp results are in, and here is the roster:

COMMANDER: CPT Zexipher Van Taelyan
NICKNAME: Wing Vs finest!
MOTTO: When a problem comes a long, we will fix it! and fix it good!

FLIGHT I - TIE Interceptor
Nickname: Wing Ace's
Motto: Simply the Best!
1) CPT Zexipher Van Taelyan
2) LCM Dvader
3) MAJ Yoman
4) TBA

FLIGHT II - TIE Vanguard
Nickname: Five alive!
Motto: Better than all the rest!
1) LC Benjamin Jahou Morgan
2) CM TK-9121
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Good stuff!
Motto: We be real good!
1) LT Aresis Lothorekith
2) LCM BubbaX
3) TBA
4) TBA

Sovereign /TC news

-SSSD Sovereign League will begin very very soon
-The COM himself has requested that people start trying to recruit a bit more.
-The Rat Pack has completely DEFENESTRATED the Wolf pack! Another target has been chosen for the Sov Flags!
-Mail Frodo and tell him what platform your Squadron will participate in for the SSL, it is mandatory for all Sovereign Squadrons. You may choose, one two or all three platforms.
-Mission creation wars has begun!
-RA Khadgar has been appointed GW COM!
-Sickman Promoted to VA!

Wing V News!

-The Pilot of the month comp is still raging on!
-Grats to CPT Zexipher Van Taelyan, and COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan!
-New Wing Vs. Wing comp to come!!
-E-mail Frodo and participate at the Wing recruitment program
-Wing V has a new Webpage! Congrats to CM Zexipher van Taelyan who won the comp and made the page it can be found here:

Transfers in/out

-LCM Ryan Chi'Cath a new Mem-ber!


-Operation Outrageous Fortune details can be found here:
-Pilot of the Month Comp! The most Active pilot each week will be picked, and the pilot who has been picked the most in one month Wins an IS-SW!!!
-New Elite Squadron comp:
-SSSD Sovereign League:

Passed Iwats Courses



-CPT Promotion, Zexipher Van Taelyan
-COL Promotion, Benjamin Jahou Morgan


-IS-SW Benjamin Jahou Morgan, and Zexipher Van Taelyan
-IS BW LT Aresis, LCM BubbaX, CM TK-9121, COL B.J. Morgan, CPT Zexipher, MAJ Yoman, LCM Dvader
-PC to LT Aresis Lothorekeith
-PC To LC Frodo
-ISM To LCM Dvader

Wing V Open Bar

This week’s wing tips are:
1. When you get promoted, you know you’re doing a good job;)
2. Its perfectly normal when a WC/LC recommends a CMDR for a COL Promo! ( Good job Morgan!)
3. Wing V is like a great big family! Be part of the fun and visit us all at the Wing V meeting at 1500 EST!! 2000GMT!!

E-mailer of the week: CM TK-9121, two weeks in a row…(he’s magic:P)
Pilot of the week: CM TK-9121, Flew a bit…did his CMDR stuff, good work!
Quotes of the Week:

1. I did not get no medal this time, I feel left out...:p
2. <`Wolvie> stupid question, if I may say :P
<|Frodo> Thank you;)
<`Wolvie> any time mate:)

Captain Cook’s Words of Wisdom

This week’s words are: Harrrr…harrr.KWAK!! GRATS GRATS GRATS!!! KWAK Harrr GRATS TO ALL AWARDEES! HARR KWAK!!

Promotion Info for SLs

To get promoted to LT, SLs must do one of the following tasks:
-Fly an EH Mission or Battle
-Create an INPR (Imperial Navy Personal Record)
-Participate in an Official EH Competition
-Help your Commander with the Squadron web page
-Create an Official EH mission or Battle and get it through TAC (that can take a while)

Wing Roster

Mem Squadron: 7 pilots
Nun Squadron: 6 pilots
Samekh Squadron: Closed
Pe Squadron: 8 pilots
Aylin Squadron: Closed
Sadhe Squadron: 7 pilots
Flag officers: 1

Wing V: 29 pilots

Stick`s Object of the Week

This time, Stick decided to change into a mouse…after being clicked several times, and used to log onto sites that no respectable officer should see, He changed back to his normal shape and ran away…leaving the pilots who used them, caught in the act : P

Top 5 FCHG Ranks

Archon [ARCN] (1500 points)

[1636] LC Frodo

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)

[658] CPT Zexiphir Van Taelyan

Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)

[496] LCM Ryan Chi'Cath
[424] MAJ Yoman
[419] COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan

Closing Message

Once again, congratulations to all the promoted or rewarded officers, you all truly make this wing great, from the lowlyless LT, to the most important COL, you’re all important and you’re the ones that make this place great. Remember, the Wing Commander is only what his pilots make him, and the Wing is only what the combined efforts of the flag officers and its pilots can make of it.

Questions? Ideas? Comments? Rants? Somebody’s in your bunk? Contact the WC if you need too. My office is always open and I can be contacted at Mail never bothers me, go ahead and mail me if you want.


WC-TCS/LC Frodo/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
BSx2/PCx8/ISMx4/MoI/MoT-10rh/IS-1BW-1BR/LoC-CSx4/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [ARCN] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TM-XTM/1/2}

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