Wing I Report # 7 (2003-02-26)

This report was submitted by LC Mike Chistu

Get ready for another concise report. I'm in the middle of hell week. I've had rehearsals for Verdi's Requiem all week, and we perform tomorrow and Friday night, so I haven't had a lot of time. Here goes:

---===Wing News===---

- Nebular is on emergency leave. I won't go into it, but it is much needed and I hope he gets to feeling better soon.

- There is a new competition that is being approved at this moment, so I'll go ahead and post it. I plan on beginning it on the 16th, the day I get back from Rio de Janerio.

Beat your Superiors Competition

In this competition the major point is to get as high as possible by beating your superiors. It’s set up this way. A flight member will challenge their flight leader to one of the below competitions. If they are able to beat their flight member, they will have the chance to challenge their commander. If they beat their commander as well, they may ether choose to take an IS-BW or IS-BR depending on the way they won it, or go double or nothing against the Wing Commander. If they are able to beat their Wing Commander, they will receive an IS-SW or IS-SR, depending on what they used to win. The way you decide which medal you get depends on which route they followed. If a majority of the stuff they did was flight related, and BW or SW will be awarded, if the majority was fiction or trivia related, they will receive a BR or SR. This will also work for Flight leaders, although they will go from commander to wing commander to commodore. Proton has graciously offered his help with this. The ways to compete follow.

First, challenge your superior to a single player mission or battle. Highest total score wins. You may use any of the three platforms. Simple.

Secondly, challenge your superior to a multi player competition. You may use either XvT or XWA. The score will be first to 10 wins.

Thirdly, challenge your superior to a run-on competition. This will be done similar to the Krath Combat Chamber in the Dark Brotherhood. It may be either one land, in atmosphere with fighters, or in space with fighters. Each competitor will pick a weapon/fighter and they will compete by alternately writing part of a run-on. There will be 6 posts for each side, and then a deathpost by each side. Winner will be chosen by me based on style, correctness, and creativity.

Lastly, challenge your superior to a trivia competition. There will be three different rounds, each involving 10 questions. Each side will have 24 hours to complete the questions and send them to me for grading. The first round will be Star Wars related, the second round will be EH history related, and the third round will be random questions about their fellow members of Wing I. The winner will be best two out of three.

I'm very excited about this competition. And with so much you can do, you'd be a retard NOT TO DO SOMETHING.

- We're down to 29 now. Talons has offered to start up an active campaign to get new members into the wing. If you are wiling to help, please email him.

- I need some help with the website. If you are pretty good with HTML, please email me and I'll tell you the problem.

- Wing I vs. Rat Pack is over. I have asked the command staf whether we should allow Talons and Jennif to finish their's up, so we'll see what happens.

---===Sov News===---

- SBotM is due in two days. Get them in!

- O:OF is still on, and we're having a fight tomorrow night. Come so we don't get slaughtered quite as badly!

THat's about it for me. Enjoy my rantings! Bring on the hacks!

WC/LC Mike Chistu/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign
SS/PCx2/ISMx2/MoI/IS-1BW/MoC-2BoC/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-4E [FUSL]
LAMBDA Horseman

ACO Mike Chistu (Krath)/TYR/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

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