Wing IX Report # 4 (2003-07-24)

This report was submitted by MAJ Cray Mikalen

Greetings all,

Welcome to a long overdue Wing IX Report. As you all know, I've been out of contact for the past couple weeks due to computer problems. It turned out to be corrupted memory, and I'm still in the process of restoring everything. Finally got my email working yesterday, so I've been doing a lot of catch up. I do have the results of the Wing Commander's Cup finalized, which you will find below. Overall participation was terrible, and because of that and my recent computer issues I have decided not to continue with round 2. I do have some other plans in the works, and I will get to those in detail over the next couple of days.

COM Promoted
Everyone join me in congratulating Commodore Jahan Kalar on his recent promotion to Vice Admiral. It was very well deserved, and I think I speak for the entire ship when I say we are truly fortunate to have him as our Commodore. And no, I'm not saying that to brown nose. I'm saying that because he's buying drinks. :)

Awards and Promos
This will cover almost all of July, so I apologize if I miss anything. I want to say up front that I really appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into these awards. They reflect not only your effort, but also the pride you put into your squadron and the Relentless.
CPT Tiger - PC
CPT Sarn Erec - PC, MoI, 3 LoCs
MAJ Tycho Ackbar - BS
COL Gunman - DFC, several LoCs
SL Qetuo Painbringer - Promoted to LT
SL Bryan Marshall - Promoted to LT
MAJ Powerslave - PC
LCM Dukimar - PC

Wing Commander's Cup Results
The Wing Commander's Cup has come to an end. I'm sorry to say that participation was pretty bad. To be honest, it was horrible. Due to this and other reasons, I'm not going to continue with round 2 of the competition. I intend to focus on other events which I think will better suit our wing at the moment. I'm hoping to see activity to go over the next couple weeks as July ends, and I have some ideas to boost participation on the squadron level. These will be discussed at a later time.

For now I would like to take the opportunity to recognize and congratulate the winners of the Wing Commander's Cup. I will announce your awards when they are approved.

Phase 0: CPT Tiger

Phase 1A: COL Gunman (1st), MAJ Powerslave (2nd)

Phase 1B:
TIE Battle - MAJ Powerslave
TIE Mission - LCM Dukimar
XvT Battle - LCM Dukimar
XvT Mission - LCM Dukimar
XWA Battle - LCM Dukimar
XWA Mission - No Submissions

Phase 1C:
XWA Battle - No Submissions
XWA Mission - LCM Dukimar

Phase 2A: CPT Sarn Erec (1st), COL Gunman (2nd)

Phase 2B: COL Gunman (1st), CPT Sarn Erec (2nd)

Phase 3: MAJ Tycho Atreides

Phase 4: MAJ Tycho Atreides

Phase 5: CPT Sarn Erec

Phase 6: MAJ Tycho Atreides

As I said, awards will be announced when they are approved by OPS. Congrats and well done to everyone who participated. Even though participation was really low, you showed good effort in taking part in the comp, rather you won or not. I have a complete record of everyone who participated, and I will note this accordingly. Good job! :)

Tycho has been doing a great job coordinating our recruitment effort, and my thanks goes to Sarn as well for just plain kicking ass in this area. Great work to you 2, as well as everyone else who's working hard to find good pilots for the Relentless.

I want to take the opportunity to point out Tycho's website one more time: This is a great tool to use when contacting cadets. Remember, never mass email cadets, and never actively recruit for your squadron or ship. Just offer your help, and invite them to ask you any questions they might have. Give them the website address, and in general just be an open forum of information that's available on a personal level.

Weekly BSF Count
Due to the fact that I've been out of touch for a while, I am going to include an alternate to the regular BSF count. Instead you will find a complete list of the total number of FCHG points gained during the Wing Commander's Cup. This is from June 20th to July 20th, and comprises the final results for Phase 1A.

COL Gunman - 71
MAJ Powerslave - 59
LCM Dukimar - 41
LCM Rollins - 15
CPT Sarn Erec - 14
CPT Tiger - 14
LT Bryan Marshall - 11
LCM Nom Ramadon - 8
MAJ Tycho Atreides - 2
LT Qetuo Painbringer - 1

That's it for my catch up report. I will release a complete report on the results of the WC's Cup later tonight or tomorrow. For now, participate in your squadron events, recruit, and above all else do the #1 most important thing you can possibly do in the TIE Corps: have fun! :)

For the Empire,
Major Cray Mikalen
Wing Commander, Wing IX

WC-TCS/MAJ Cray Mikalen/Wing IX/ISD Relentless [LGNR]
Beth Squadron Golden Spoon (TM) Recipient
T/D "Spoon of the Empire II"
TC Pin: 3243

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