Wing VIII Report # 8 (2001-09-08)

This report was submitted by LC Absolut Vodka

WING VIII Weekly Report

Week Ending 09.08.01

As submitted by MAJ Zystem Fryar A-WC

Reporting on Behalf of the WC Absolut Vodka
I am, A-WC, Major Zystem Fryar
I take this opportunity, to again give my great congradulationsto the Wing Commander, on becoming a Farther to a Baby Girl.
All the Details are on

I will serve as A-WC until his return to active duty.
Missing from this Report, will be stats, as I am unable to compile them.

FLEET NEWS As taken from

Wing Commander Appointments
Tactical Manual updated to version 1.5
EH Domain updated
EH Ladder Reopens!
Profile merging
New SCOA Sought
Change in mIRC/2 marking
Flight Office Report

Relevant News in Detail

Wing Commander Appointments
04:01 - FA Priyum Patel []
Congratulations to the following who have been promoted to fill the vacant Wing Commander positions:

Wing IX - Colonel Dan Malaktos
Wing XVIII - Major Fenn Logan
Wing XIX - Major Charles Spencer

Friday · September 07 · 2001

Tactical Manual updated to version 1.5
09:54 - FA Striker []
The Tactical Manual has been updated to reflect the changes in submissions procedures and requirements, and in the internal structure of the Tactical Staff.
The Tactical Manual contains all information related to custom mission requirements and submissions, to the structure of the Tactical Staff, as well as the Emperor's Hammer cheating policy, mission editors and authorized game updates. It is a must see for anything related to official Emperor's Hammer custom missions.

Thursday · September 06 · 2001

EH Domain updated
22:23 - SA Kawolski []
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the EH Imperial News Center with news on the latest fleet news and other Star Wars info.

EH Ladder Reopens!
17:35 - HA Astatine []
After a long downtime, the result of a massive recode, the EH Ladder is back up. You can check it out here

Profile merging
14:41 - SA Kawolski []
The merging of profiles was a temporary offer for active Naval Corps members to rejoin their TIE Corps profiles. Further requests for profile mergers will be ignored.

Wednesday · September 05 · 2001

New SCOA Sought
20:00 - VA Den Darkhill []
We are now looking for a new SCOA again. The main duties will include searching the various SW related sites looking for slicing related news and testing of various patches and programs. Having working knowledge of slicing the X-wing series is a big plus and the DF series is even a bigger plus but neither is needed. Send applications to myself ( and my CA Kermee ( stating your qualifications and why you want to join the Science Office.

Reopening of the EH Polling Center
20:00 - AD Ramos []
The Logistics Office has relaunched the Emperor's Hammer Polling Center. The new URL is ! The way this new Center will work is to create different accounts for each EH Member to track their votes and also to determine different statistics from different, wings, ships, and subgroups. The EH Member will eventually be able to place his history, his Imperial Census response, and his poll answers, along with trivia submissions, poll ideas, and different file logs into one large database through the administration feature. This is the hallmark site in EH Record Keeping and Archival purposes. Special thanks goes to Vice Admiral Crusader for creation of the polling center. It has been a long time coming but the EH Polling Center is back along with the rest of the Logistic's offices statistical suites. Go to the site and get your self an account today! Be part of the EH's History, a part that will be remembered.

Change in mIRC/2 marking
15:54 - HA Astatine []
From now on, if you copy-paste the example code for aliases and popups into questions 9 and 10, you will be marked incorrect for it. You MUST come up with your own alias and popup based upon your own ID line.

Tuesday · September 04 · 2001

Flight Office Report
05:35 - FA Priyum Patel []
This week's FO report has been released and can be found here. It contains all the latest news from around Fleet, plus all the details on the recent spate of promotions and retirements.

New battles' abbreviations...
03:59 - FA Striker []
I guess some will yell at me for changing the things they were used to, but battles, now sorted by platforms rather than subgroups, have new abbreviations, subgroups and platforms are swapped. For example Xwing Alliance TIE Corps Battles change from TC-XWA to XWA-TC. ID, BHG and CAB battles gain a "TIE-" addition to their abbreviation.
These measures are aimed to develop subgroup battles; the Tactical Office is not only the Tactical Office for the TIE Coprs, but for the entire Emperor's Hammer even if some subgroups have some active Subgroup's TAC-like office (well, only IW and maybe DB..).
These measures may seem useless and only bringing more confusion, but it makes more sense to classify battles per platform than subgroup, as a pilot would not choose the battles or missions he will play because it's a TC or a DB battle, but first because it is a TIE or an XWA battle. Remember that all pilots can play any battle, TC, IW, DB etc even if they are not members of these subgroups.

A thread on the Mission Creation Message Board has been posted for your comments.

Wing News
(Note: Any replies to anything in here should be made to the Colossus Egroups at ( or me & the WC individually at (, Don't just hit Reply all. It is done like this so I can be sure that everyone gets the report)

WC IS A Father! Well it has been a very trying almost couple of weeks for me, and I'm truely sorry for the extra week delay in sending my report. But I have been working franticly to get stuff done at my house waiting for my newborn to arrive. You'll be happy to know that the bedroom the baby will sleep in is finished, (YAY!) Which gives alittle more time to spend getting some more Wing activities for us to do :). And this:

Earlier today, the BGCOM Announced that Excercise Cantina Run IV has Begun, Round 1, is FICTION, starts NOW and all Submissions should be in to the WC & COM by Sept 20th. Write Fiction: 500-1500 Words, Must be About the BATTLEGROUPS, and its Role in IMPERIAL STORM II, and Must Include all 4 ships. Emphasis should be on the Characters on Board the ISD Colossus. Even if you suck at writing.. Put a 500 word thing together and submit. Every one is worth points.
Also try to get some Graphics together and get ready to fly. Full Rules and Comps To come soon!

As far as I can tell we still have a couple small squadron comps going on, so if your involved please participate where possible. I will be working with the CMDR's and try to get all comps cleared soon so that we can concentrate on the ECR, for when ever it comes around. Not only that, standby to have another Wing vs WIng comp soon. I'm talking with a couple of WC's and as soon as stuff is finalized then we'll be off on another run to keep our sanity and Honor of winning.

No challanges this week.

ISD Colossus Ace Round 1:
Okay here we go, I have a short shopping list for ya. Fly TC-TIE's: #176, 177 for a mini comp for the wing. We need to have our own title holder onboard who will it be? Its for the Colossus Ace round #1. Since the BG has the BGAPL, then we'll have the ISDCA. Anyone thinks they are up to the challenge from me?. Who will it be? Will it be you? We'll see, when the round is finished and who the lucky candidate is! So get flying ASAP!

Colossus Standing Orders
Standing Order #1: (RL) Real Life first!
Of course the first and foremost thing is RL. It is highly recommended to take all RL matters first and before all ship functions, unless you just don't care. I would like to enforce this order to all members. But please be reminded that you should inform your superiors of any situation so that we can count you on LOA, and don't forget to mark your profile stating your on Leave. Even if your only going to be on leave for 2 days, please mark your absence. This way if it takes longer than we know where you are and won't count you as MIA/AWOL.

Standing Order #2: WSR's
All WSR (Weekly Squadron Reports) will be turned in by CST Midnight every Saturday (0600 Sunday GMT). Keep in mind if you haven't completed on time your WSR effectively for 2 weeks, a review between myself MAJ Absolut Vodka and COM/VA Mell will be conducted. This will determine whether or not you will be removed from your position. This will apply unless you have informed us that you'll be on leave during the time WSR's are to be released.

Standing Order #3: MSE's
All MSE (Monthly Squadron Evaluations) will be turned in by CST Midnight (0600 GMT) on the 2nd day of the New Month. No exceptions. This will ensure promptness of any promotion, or medal recommendations, as well as get them completed before the new month has past. Don't want our pilots to be shorted of their recognition!

Standing Order #4: Name changes or Transfer requests
All pilots must inform the Flag Staff of important information. As the topic of the order states, all name changes and or ship transfer requests must go thru the Flag Staff, as we must be informed what you are doing. We don't mind approving transfers, however, we like to know in advance that your thinking of transferring before its popped on us, like THE DAY YOU TRANSFER. Name changes, simply just CC the Flag Staff when you mail the Flight Officer that your changing your name. Its basically a courtesy thing to let us know. Even though most do it anyway, but this is a reminder.

Standing Order #5: Competition Notifications
Once again informing the Flag Staff (WC and COM) of any competitions your squadron is having would be greatly appreciated. That way when a CMDR goes on a leave of absence, or transfers to the RSV's or another command, then we know. This way the WC or COM can complete the competition while awaiting another replacement CMDR and close out all competitions for that squadron.

Standing Order #6: Bi-Weekly AWOL Requests
To be conducted 1x a month by CMDR's through out their entire squadron, and bi-weekly for those pilots whom they have not heard from. This must be consistent to ensure we have the most active pilots onboard. I know as CMDR's you should have good contact with members, but sometimes a pilot will slip through the cracks, and not get noticed. If the CMDR hasn't heard from a pilot should look at the pilots profile to ensure LOA's are noted, if not then a MIA request will be made to remove that dead-linked pilot. But make sure you send the list of those to be removed to the Flag Officers!

Command Changes

Shopping List
See ISDCA above


Overall the chatting is slowing down again, can't explain why this time, and I don't have a clue. We do need to make sure that everyone is part of their egroups to ensure they get all mail sent to them. Just make sure you CC Mell on all communiqués. I don't want him being left out! Remember if you reply to this Wing Report then please only hit reply and send it to me, or hit reply and add the Colossus egroup addy at ( I can't express this enough. Because if your reply is trivial then the others don't need to see it, as well as being personal. Thats why I send the mail this way.

Getting better, just need to help others find there way to the #isd_colossus chat room.

Message Boards
I have an idea, but you have to contact me first.

Colossus Website
Absolut Vodka is working on some good stuff for the website, just gotta find alittle more time and it will be done. Just stay tuned to the Colossus news section for updates as they are made :).

Stats Currently Not available

Okay were back in the saddle again. Looks like we got some real go getters out there for once! Still no one got the amount of 5 this time, so no ISM for you :P . CMDR's try and atleast get those who you think will be promising Officers for the future to take the SM/2 course.


Top 5 Pilots of the Week
No Stats this week:
POW Will be announced later by MAJ Absolut Vodak

Top Squadron of the Week -- TBA
Also TBA

This is a Best-Guesstimate based on Reports

Imperial Security Medal
LT Janus, LCM Jacob Racke, CPT Raf, LCM Phalk Sturm, LCM Wysseri Arestar, LT Bizzare (x2)

Palpatine Crecent
CM Daniel Stephens, CM Aidan Pryde, LCM Derek Wolfe, LCM Mystery Ace, LT Brigon, CM Night Grue, LT Aero Slasher, MAJ Zystem Fryar(x2)

Bronze Star
CM Kyle Katran, CM Dan Kilvian, LT Bizzare, CM Avantar, LCM Oorl Quaygg

Medal Of Tactics
CPT Raf (-Blue hammers x2)

SL Zept Leeartic ----> LT

Transfers In
SL Executor ----> Daedalus -> PI

Transfers Out
LT Ainon Lothlann ----> Reserves

Special - Name Changes or e-mail
Got one or two coming soon!

Squadron Summaries

Mu Squadron: Not much for the week, at least 6 BSFs, , loss of a Pilot to Reserves, and 5 Medals to the pilots. Won a Comp against Omicron. Preparing to Battle Omega in a comp next.

Nu Squadron: A Quiet week here, except for LCM Oorl Quaygg, with 10+ BSFs. (11 Total). Running another BoW.

PI Squadron: Very quiet this week.. Other than the 6 medals Collectively Received By Pilots. and a New Member SL Executor, about to announce a Comp.

Omicron Squadron: Keeping busy with 5 Medals received, and 6 BSFs. Lost a Comp Against MU

Iota Squadron: Seems This week they are livening up, 6 Medals here as well, 1 IWATS, and 1 BSF, Running a Battle of the week, a comp is coming up.

Eta Squadron: They graced us with the Only Promotion this week, 4 BSFs , and 2 medals among her Crew. Currently in a Comp against Temptest Squadron, and working on one against SHIELD.


All in all The ship has been prospering well. A fair amount of activity from a number of pilots. Even our CMDR's have gotten involved, which is highly unusual. I guess that means that their pilots aren't creating enough activity to make the CMDR's work hard :P Oh well, I think there is much potential with the Wing considering we have flown for 2 Wing vs Wing comps and came out on top both times. Well we'll see how the Titans collide next round as yet another Wing vs Wing comp is in the works.

I expect another win, but I'm not jumping to conclusions just yet. We'll have to see how the boys and gals hold up. Since we're desperately awaiting news for the ECR comp which hopefully will be soon! But until then we'll see if any squadrons takes the challenge with my mini comp I've mentioned above, its the new Colossus Ace comp round #1 I want to see whos the best and this should prove it. It would seem that I will be going on a trip soon and I'm looking for an escort pilot to be my wingman, the winner of the Ace comp will be that pilot, so lets see if anyone cares to try for it! Until next week....

Respectfully Submitted

In the Service of the Empire,

CMDR/MAJ Zystem Fryar/PI/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
SW Zysfryar(Sith)/House Galthain of Satal Keto/DB [WR-PM,DC-KC]
Zystem Fryar ICQ: 4655888 AIM:ZysFryar

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