Wing XVIII Report # 9 (2002-01-03)

This report was submitted by LC Fenn Logan

Wing Commander's Personal News

Well, I would have had some personal news, but it's no longer applicable, so...

But as a result, something else is...

So. Here again I stand on my soap box, eating crow. Only this time, it's a double dose because more than 1 person was involved. And once again, I am practicing a bit more of my personal philosophy of chastise in private, but praise in public.

In my defense, I must say I had been having a bad couple of weeks because of some various and sundry RL problems, but that ain't no excuse.

Suffice to say, some of what I felt was valued, some of what I felt was innacurate. All of it came out in a tangled mess and some words were said that shouldn't have been said--most of it my fault.

As per the last time I performed this necessary duty, what was said is irrelevant. The fact that it was said, is.

To Commander Dei, please accept my sincerest apologies

And to the rest of the wing, with me standing at ground zero and witnessing the expanding rings of disturbance, you have my heartfelt apologies for the disruption caused.

To my BGCOM: we both know what I felt about certain... circumstances were completely valid, buuuut... I was probably less tactful about expressing my feelings than I should have been. And for that, I deeply apologize.

I am merely human, and coming off these RL events, I was understandibly frazzled, and a little bit of my iron control slipped just a bit... :)

There's something that was in the my first draft Personal News that I think I should post anyway, concerning my commanders... :)

Jargon, you are a serious workhorse and have a longevity in the club almost equal to mine. I really appreciate your steadfastness in the face of adversity and your friendship. You are a rare person and I value your presence immensely.

Avantar, when I selected you to head up Stalker, little did I realize the drive and commitment you'd bring to the job, along with the hard work. I haven't known you all that long, but you have my tremendous respect.

And finally, Dei. To be frank, you scare me :). To have that much drive and commitment to a thing is rare and wonderful in one so young. You took a squadron that was on the verge of shutting down and built it up to serious contention quality. I stand in awe of that. I know this may come as a surprise, but I do respect and like you a lot. I was prepared to lose my TC career to come to bat for you during your HCI incident and not many around can claim that level of personal commitment from me. Do well, and go far.

And not to slight the rest of my commanders, Eridani, Rexal Qel and Karimicus, you three also show tremendous potential and I hope you go far in the TIE Corps.

That was part of my Personal News that got scrapped for obvious reasons for those in the know... :). But I felt this part bore repeating here anyway.

There was some fiction to go here too, but that's no longer applicable, so, again, Happy New Year!




Major Fenn Logan Reporting week ending 01.02.02


I apologize for the lateness of this report, and missing the last one

The reasons are varied and too complicated to go into.

But I am back on track.

Roster News

None yet, but I believe some are pending approval

Pilot Population

Flag Officers - 1

Rage - 10
Hunter - 10
Spectre - 5
Butcher - 6
Wraith - 8
Stalker - 7
Total: 47

Multiplayer News

MP Competitions

I need to be brought up to speed on who's current in MP. Again I am temporarily out of the MP business... :(

Activity News

The Commendation of Bravery has been awarded to the following pilots:

CMDR/CPT Talek Pter Dei, FM/LT McGregor, FL/LCM Kir Kanos, FL/LCM Fallien Skull, FL/LT Ketan-shej, FL/LT Andrijas, FL/LT Saber, and FL/LT Matti Kuokkanen

Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer:
WC-TCT-TCS/LC Fenn Logan/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
By: TAC-PROF/FA Striker/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign
Reason: Creation of XWA Free Mission #45 "Seeds of Creation"

IWATS Graduation

Officer: FM/LT Reeva Silverhand/Rage 1-2/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger, IWATS Course: XvT Mission Creation: 96%

Number of BSFs Processed: 12.

I just know we can bring this number up. Right? Right?

Miscellaneous Activities: There's definitely a Wing XVIII web page in the works. it can be found here:

Competition News
The Wing Banner and Motto is still open, I believe, but be quick.

NOTE: Always check the main TIE Corps page for current and pending competitions.

COM's Judgement is up and running! Go here for details -

Avenger Task Force Academy News

The ATF Academy has a new Director. Stay tuned.

Miscellaneous News

Members of the ATF -I bring to you today Several Comps-

Please note that Wing XX and the ISD Subjugator have declined to be in these COMPS for the simple reason that they like their Nick's and Motto's Plus they are very good at making Web sites :P Although that does not mean that Wing XX members cannot participate in these COMPs actually the more the merrier :P

The Nick/Motto COMP- Starts-11.24.01- Ends 12.08.01-

The Banner COMP -Starts-12.09.01-Ends12.24.01-

The Web Site COMP-Starts-11.24.01-Ends 12.08.01-

I will take Submissions for the ATF as a whole Please CC COM/ShadowHawk and COM/Smitrock on these Submissions as well.

WC Demos of Wing XIX will take his submissions and CC COM/ShadowHawk, and CC BGCOM/Tiger

WC Fenn Logan will take submissions for his wing and CC COM/ShadowHawk , and CC BGCOM/Tiger

COM/ShadowHawk will take Submissions for the SSD Avenger and Please CC COM/Smitrock, and BGCOM Tiger.

Those that do not follow those guidelines will be thrown out. Folks this will tell me if you guys acutally read these things. :P The Subjuect line should Read for each part-

Wing XIX-Nick/Motto-
Wing XVIII-Nick/Motto-
SSD Avenger Nick/Motto-
ATF Nick/Motto-

Any thing else gets thrown out.

All COMPS will run for two weeks-

1.) Nick and Motto comp-

I would like to give the ATF a face lift so to speak. I think that new Nicknames and Motto's for each wing and the SSD Avenger would be Great.

2.) Wing Banner COMP-

Yes its exactly as it states we are going to update the Wing and Ship banners- Some of those banners have been around since my CMDR days :P

3.) Wing and Ship Web sites-

I would like to see an example of what a member of the ATF would like to see for a web site. Now this comp will need some dedication as the person that is chosen winner for each wing and Ship as well as the Big one the ATF will be the sole caretaker of said Web Site. So please do not enter this comp unless you can keep up the web site on a regular basis. There are other perks for winning this more medals down the road for the ones that do a good job.

FCHG Points for Medals-

The original get a medal for FCHG points is back. Yes that’s right folks you can now get yourself an easy medal just for flying battles. Here's how it works. CMDR's you pay attention to your Pilots FCHG points. FM's and FL's you tell your CMDR when you have enough points if they aren't paying attention.

CMDR's you then mail your WC with the REC for a medal on the FCHG points listed. For said Pilot. You will need the pilots PIN# and name to be eligible for this.

WC's you must watch your CMDR's FCHG points same goes for the CMDR's If WC isn't watching it then we can all Publicly Flog him on #avenger for not watching :P

WC's Rec your CMDR's for the Medal to your Local COM using the same PIN# and name method.

I will be watching the COM's VERY VERY Closely >J I will then REC these two fine RA's myself. Sorry simple Pred joke there. :P

Here are the points needed to get the medals- This is in effect as of this mailing. Do not try and get medals for points you already had but did not get a medal for. That wouldn't be fair to those that have far surpassed the highest points allowed for the system.

50 for ISM
150 for PC
500 for BS
1000 for SS

There you go simple way to get medals all for doing something most of you already do on a daily basis :P

That’s it for now folks mail me with any questions or concerns.

BGCOM/VA Jeff "Tiger" Loruss/Avenger Task Force/PIN#2352
GS/BSx3/PCx3/ISMx3/MoI/MoT-2rh-3gh-bh/LoC-PSx36/DFC/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA-OV-2E-[EXCR]- [XADI-A]
MUTR "Tiger's Claw"
SBM Jeff Loruss(Sith)/P:SHW/QUA/Archanis of Taldryan GC/SC-SoI/WR-PM/DC/(BNG) {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-VBS-XTM-XTT}

"Death Becomes my Enemies"

Former Director of Training - ATFA
Former Sith Academy Instructor- {SA:DfSS


To keep abreast of how the rest of the wing is doing, I urge you to read each other's squadron reports.

As always, be good! And if you can't, get shots!

Respectfully submitted

Lieutenant Colonel
Fenn Logan
WC: Wing XVIII / SSD Avenger Access TIE Corps Profile

"Never start a fight, but always finish one."

-- John Sharidan

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