Wing VIII Report # 1 (2001-07-15)

This report was submitted by MAJ Absolut Vodka

WING VIII Weekly Report

Week Ending 07.15.01

FLEET NEWS As taken from

Flight Officer on Leave
Imperial Storm II
TOA2 is open
Relevant News in Detail

July 14, 2001
Flight Officer on short leave
02:57 - FA Priyum Patel []
Some unexpected RL things have come up, so I'll be on leave for the next two days, until late Monday evening. Since I'll be away from my computer over this time, all roster requests and other emails will be dealt with when I get back, as will all outstanding requests.

July 13, 2001
Imperial Storm - End of Turn V events
12:58 - FA Priyum Patel []
A brief update for ImpStorm on the end of Turn V:
Silver Saber forces have captured the planets of Valkier and Beeni
The A/FRG Peyote has arrived at the neutral world of Ampwi
Flaming Arrow ships have captured the lunar world of Gengar.
For full details on which ship is where, please visit the Imperial Storm site at [].

TOA2 is open
08:28 - HA Astatine []
TOA2 is open for applications. Full details are available at Any questions can be via email.
Wing News
(Note: Any replies to anything in here should be made to the Colossus Egroups at ( or me individually at ( Don't just hit Reply all. It is done like this so I can be sure that everyone gets the report)

I'd like to first start off with I'm sorry if I missed anything, as I didn't have much to go on for this report. Since I've only received 2 WSR reports this week. Remember I asked that they be done by Saturday so I could do my report early Sunday morning when I awake. Please make this the last time CMDR's for those who where late in sending your reports. More on the CMDR groups later. My information for this week was very weak, partially because I didn't see that many BSF's or other activities from alot of our pilots come thru my desk.

BGAPL - Battlegroups Ace Pilot League
In case you forgot the BGAPL is still on. The last week brought a bear no show by our COM, who made the attempt to snatch it away from CPT Darknyte. Our good ole Nu CMDR retains it yet for another week. I think we're the only ones who actually had a challenge for the title this week. The other ship we're lazy and lame, and their pilots didn't even make the challenge to try for it. However, the BGAPL comes around again this week, and I have formally challenged our BGAPL Master. I'm gonne see if I can't dethrone our Champ, wish me Luck!

Command Changes
Only the Main one. But of course everyone knows that I was appointed the newest WC for this fantastic Wing! And if you don't know then, START READING YOUR MAIL MORE OFTEN!

Ships Doctor Appointed
None I don't believe. Since Kodiaks departure we have no "DOC" So if anyone desires to uphold this position send me an e-mail ASAP, Mell needs a shot!

Shopping List
There isn't a shopping list yet as not much is happening around here Lately! However I would be willing to give out an ISM for flying 20 missions this upcoming week. Meaning if you pump out 20 missions whether it be free TIE's or battles I will get you an ISM for your troubles. Why am I doing this you say? Well the reasoning is very simple, there is NOT much activity going on these days. Its seem everyone went into a slumber, and hopefully this will change that.

RA Mell and AV want to see more chatter, more activity, we like to see alot of BSF's and or tfr's. Care to help us out? I have most recently updated the egroups mailing list to ensure the most accurate list possible. By removing the rubbish, and adding you if you weren't there. Remeber if you reply to this Wing Report then please only hit reply and send it to me, or hit reply and add the Colossus egroup addy at ( I can't express this enough. Because if your reply is trivial then the others don't need to see it, as well as being personal.

Still Average activity there. May even have slowed down a bit recently in light of many finding a RL job or new girlfriends, etc.

Message Boards
Truely nothing. I went to check the board and the last addition to the MB was on July 5th. Wooooo very sad gents! I am working on becoming a moderator of the MB so we can edit this board and remove some old topics. Hopefully this will be soon. Other than that GO POST ON THE MB!

Colossus Website
Absolut Vodka been tinkering again, this time you can't see nuthin! I'm working on re-doing the Colossus website and so I have moved the site to a test site until its complete. However, the old one still remains and is alittle freaky at the moment.

Don't forget, pease if you have any important news what so ever, YOU CAN STILL POST IT TO THE COLOSSUS NEWS PAGE! Use your admin access to post important news, such as squadron comps, new links to GFX you created or whatever. Just don't ramble or say stupid stuff there or Mell will freak and spank you to death!

2 IWATS courses passed by a Colossus Pilot this week..
Bizzare ICQ, RT (Rebellion Tactics Course)

And that was it...this is very poor considering the amount of pilots we have onboard, and keeping in mind that most of the pilots are LCM's or below. CMDR's I would like for you to review your people and see what they have and what you would require them to have. Then issue a completion date for the courses you select to be done. Thank you.

Okay I finally got some stats for you all now. Now keep in mind this is starting from this past Moday, as like ai stated in my Wing address, Moday is the start of the week, not Tuesdays as in the past, since Drake didn't require the CMDR,s to have their reports in by Saturday. But like I said this is chaninging and will be dealt with accordingly. Anyway onto the overall stats for the Wing.

Total BSF's: 35
Total Missions: 162

Not bad for an overall count, for the past week. Lets see if we can up that alittle eh? Squadron and pilot breakdown coming up.

Top 5 Pilots of the Week
Since I now have some stats to go on here are the Top 5 Pilot of the week showing their BSF stats:

CM Wap Eal: 7 BSF's, 31 missions
LCM Aidan Pryde: 3 BSF's, 26 missions
LT Dave Darklighter: 5 BSF's, 25 missions
LCM Phalk Sturm: 5 BSF's, 20 missions
LT Oorl Quygg: 5 BSF's, 16 missions

My congratz Wap in winning the POW (Pilot of the Week) award.

Top 5 Pilots of the Month
Here we are with the same stats from the POW. Reason is because since I took over WC this is it. But I will continue to go from there, so stand by.

CM Wap Eal: 7 BSF's, 31 missions
LCM Aidan Pryde: 3 BSF's, 26 missions
LT Dave Darklighter: 5 BSF's, 25 missions
LCM Phalk Sturm: 5 BSF's, 20 missions
LT Oorl Quygg: 5 BSF's, 16 missions

Top Squadron of the Week
Everyone congratulate Eta Squadron, as they take the SOW (Squadron of the Week) award taking it with gaining an overall 60 completed missions. Alittle knowledge though, Mu came in a strong second with 43 total missions, and that was without a CMDR! Watch out Eta, Mu may get ya in the coming months.

Top Squadron of the Month
As far as here on the Colossus? No one yet. This is a new month with new awards, etc. However, as far as the BGCOM is concerned, Mu has received the BGCOM's squadron of the month award. Woooo....good going Mu, you definitely deserve it.


Palpating Crescent:-

Absolut Vodka, Mace Farrell, Indaro

Commedation of Bravery:-

Imperial Security Medal:-
Aidan Pryde

Don't know of anymore :P

SL Bizzare ----> LT!!
LT Phalk Sturm ----> LCM!!

Transfers In
CM Wap Eal ----> Eta

Transfers Out
LT John Pennl Mu ---> Typhoon
LCM Richlet Nu ----> Reserves
LT Wes Combat Eta ----> MIA
CPT Juve Eta ----> AWOL

Special - Name Changes or e-mail
LT Janus new e-mail addy --->
Squadron Summaries

Mu Squadron Mu has been alittle slow this week. Partially due to a lack of a CMDR. I'm hoping that will change. They have a competition with Sigma squadron of the Sovereign, we'll see how they fair in the weeks to come. Comp deadline I believe is the 28th, but don't quote me! However overall, they are still showing their desire to excel by making it to the secondary squadron of the week!

Nu Squadron Nu is slowing down a bit, I think its due to an unforeseen RL deal the CMDR is facing. He is looking for a possible replacement if things don't pick up for him. (hint: no apps are taken). Nu did managed to accomplish abit this week, completing a total of 9 BSF's for a total of 33 missions. All in all they are still holding up, I just hope they don't buckle under the pressure. Hey guys ya heard of teamwork right? Well take care of your CMDR!

Pi Squadron Aiden Pryde a hard working pilot, who has his mits into everything, and definitely keeping me on my toes. One thing here, it seems as though hes the only pilot to accomplish anything this past week. Whats up with that guys? Slacking abit? CMDR/MAJ Owen Nivarian I need you to contact me ASAP! This is unsatisfactory

Omicron Squadron It would seem that they are still settling in with their new CMDR/CM Mace Ferrell. Didn't even get a squadron report this week. So I couldn't tell you anything as to what they are doing these days :P I will say one thing this squadron is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. The only thing happening here is a lone medal was given out and that was from last month! Unsat! CMDR/CM Mace Farrell I need you to contact me ASAP as well!

Eta Squadron and then we come to the Assassins. They have proven their worthiness yet again, and thus remaining to be the Top Squadron this week! Topping the charts with 14 BSF's , and an outstanding total of 60 missions under their belt, is proving that when they want to do something they do it! Another good form of Teamwork at its best. But remember what I said earlier about Mu? Don't forget it, they were nippin at your heals through out this past week. I guess someone has to keep you on your toes. But at any rate good job and keep up the good work.


Well, well here we are again at the end of another gruesome week. I hope most of you have enjoyed this report as I'm sure some of you will not. But what am I here to do? Anyone? Report on what happens here in the Wing. And how can I do that when nothing happens? Remember I said that thing about teamwork? Well, really only 2 squadrons seem to know what this means. And I'm here to point them out incase you didn't get it.

Eta and Mu squadrons were the absolute best squadrons we have onboard, with Nu right behind them. We really need to get this working together thing down and soon. I am arranging two competitons for the Wing. They are 2 totally seperate comps which will require everyones attention. So please everyone I want to see you guys gearing up for them. Which means what? A bit more activity from all of you. I mean come on, I even ,managed to pull off 2 BSF's with 9 missions. And if I can do that write this wing report and still have time to do my RL stuff then I know you can to. So until next Sunday, when I hope to see some changes around here...Good Luck to all and Happy Hunting!


Respectfully Submitted

In the Service of the Empire,

WC/MAJ Absolut Vodka/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
T/D: Orange Crush

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