Wing X Report # 2 (2001-05-20)

This report was submitted by GN Darklord


== New Tornado CMDR ==
Big news this week is that Tornado has a new CMDR! If you didn't already
know, COL Mairin has been selected as the new CMDR due to her impressive
record of activity, and her enthusiasm towards Tornado and Wing X!

== Winx X Webhunt ==
The next round of the webhunt starts today - keep an eye on for details - well done to those who scored points
on the last round and thanks to those who took part! Remember that speed
the name of the game. Also, its by no means too late to join in and gain a

== Sov SL ==
The true tradition of the SSSD Sovereign Squadron League continues as we
still await the final results... maybe we'll find out how well Tornado
did... sometime... maybe :P

== FMC / Wing X Competition ==
Ship doctor CPT Airyu is running a competition to design a script for "Bob
vs Fred Wars"... the deadline is June 1st. You already have details, if
then please email Airyu and ask!

== Zone Night ==
Work is continuing to bring you a multiplayer event. CM Nebers is working
a website and we're looking for people to keep track of things on the
News will be in your inboxes soon hopefully!

== Wing X Trivia ==
Latest round of the trivia is out... good luck to all!

== Bronze Stars Awarded! ==
Many congratulations to CPT Locke and COL Mairin on being the proud new
owners of a bronze star each! Well done :-)

== BGCOM Pilot Of The Month ==
Well done (again!) to COL Mairin on becoming BG Pilot Of The Month for
month (slightly delayed I know ;P) This report isn't biased... really it
isn't! Promise!


== Typhoon Squadron ==
Congratulations to CM Yutzka Serovich on being promoted to the rank of
Commander! A well deserved promotion!

== Tornado Squadron ==
Big news here is obviously the new CMDR... COL Mairin takes control of
Tornado... lets hope to see more from them soon :-)

== Thunder Squadron ==
Due to exams and stuff, Thunder squad are a little quiet right now...

== Tempest Squadron ==
Tempest are currently taking on Inferno squadron in a competition using
FREE-TIE 149... good luck to both sides! Also congratulations to CPT Locke
on being the ISD Challenge nomination Cmdr of the month... unlucky you
didn't get it Kev, you deserved it ;)

== Inferno Squadron ==
As already reported above they're currently engaged in competition against
Tempest squadron! Triji Boliv is doing a fine job as A-CMDR of Inferno
whilst Calvin is on leave, and special congratulations to him on being
promoted to the rank of Commander (CM)!

== Cyclone Squadron ==
No report as of yet... :/

LCM Yutzka Serovich (Typhoon) -> Commander

CM Garrett Hap'Kette (Reserves) -> Cyclone
LCM Sint Seelasi (Cyclone) -> AWOL
COL Mairin (Tornado) -> Tornado CMDR
LCM Badlan (ISD Relentless) -> Tornado

LCM Oskar Holtz (Inferno) - Imperial Security Medal
COL Torres (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent
LCM Jerry (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent
COL Corran Force (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal
LT Alimet (Tempest) - Palpatine Crescent
LT Vonnegut (Cyclone) - Imperial Security Medal
LCM Sephiroth (Tempest) - Iron Star-bronze wings
CPT Locke (Tempest) - Bronze Star
COL Mairin (Tornado) - Bronze Star
LCM Sephiroth (Tempest) - Imperial Security Medal
LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Typhoon) - Imperial Security Medal

COL Torres (Inferno) - TIE Tactics, Rebellion Tactics
CPT Daisuke Airyu (Typhoon) - VBScript
COL Striker (Tornado) - XWA Mission Design
CPT Locke (Tempest) - XWA Mission Design
MAJ TopDawg (Tornado) - XWA Mission Design

thats it! ;P

WC/GN Darklord/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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