Wing III Report # 4 (2001-05-02)

This report was submitted by LC Sequoh Marden

Wing III Report #4 - May 2nd, 2001

"Isn't the Sov supposed to have temperature regulators? It's far too hot in
here.", CPT Osan'gar wondered. He had just started celebrating his recent
win of the current round of the Survivor Challenge with the rest of the Wing
(and some drinks) in the cantina and the temperature seemed to increase from
minute to minute.
"Yeah, it's been getting a lot hotter than usual lately.", LCM Josh agreed,
"I guess there must be some flaw in the machinery, maybe we should talk to
one of the technicans - the drinks would stay cold longer as well."
"I got to do that as soon as the party ends.", replied Osan'gar.
"Actually, they would only tell you all machines are working under normal
parameters, so better spend the time on something useful.", said LC Sequoh
Marden who had suddenly appeared besides them with a smile. "I've manually
increased the temperature in our part of the Sovereign to make it more
suitable for my new assistant... Ferret! Come here!"
From the back of the room something long and hairy with two long round horns
walked slowly towards Sequoh....

Listen up everyone! I want to introduce my new assistant, Ferret, a not yet
fully grown bantha I brought here from a visit to Tatooine, to you. During
the last few weeks I've taught him to make deliverys for me and to clean my
office by simply walking around and catching most of the dust with his long
hair, but enough on that.
Since I also have some other duties as your WC, I can't care for him all the
time, so some of you will have the 'honor' of washing him, going on a walk
with him (he walks a bit slow and therefore these usually take a few hours,
but I guess that won't be a problem for you) and cleaning all the places
where he left his bantha poodoo.
I want to warn you though, that he seems to have made some bad experiences
with javas and usually starts some kind of unstoppable bantha stampede when
he sees one, but since we have no javas in Wing III, I guess that won't be a
problem as well... ;)

I'm sure you'll get along fine. Now, continue partying :)

Wing III News
- First I'd like to send a warm welcome to the new members of Wing III: SL
Ma's Trine, SL Thomas Smith and LT Gold Finger! Welcome to Wing III! :)

- The website contest continues! There was no entry so far, but that's not
that surprising since it's only begun few days ago. You still have until May
15th to present your creations to me! :)

- Top Gun contest deadline extended! The deadline for the competition has
been extended from May 1st to May 8th - This was mostly done since the
current participation is simply unacceptable! I only got 4 submissions so
far and you just had to fly a lousy free mission! Imagine this was a Wing
vs. Wing comp. (ok, I know there's a slight difference in motivation here,
but it being a simple free mission should make up for that) and we only got
4 entries! So better fly it *now* and get your file to me ASAP! Another
important factor for it being extended was that whole Aleth Squadron didn't
know about the competition until a few days ago due to a mailing problem...

- Wing III Survivor Challenge update! It's getting harder...

This week all Survivors sent at least something to me and they got 16 points
total this round so their current medal-score is 130 points - not far from
an IS-SR (150 points) and even the silver one with wings (200 points) is
still in reach. Osan'gar was the fastest with submitting a complete list of
URLs and therefore got immunity for this round.

Voting has finished as well - here are the results!

3 votes - CM Mayk Wolverine
1 vote - CPT Van
no vote from: CPT Osan'gar

Looks like CM Mayk will have to live the Survivors this time -
Congratulations for coming this far Mayk! That was some good work :) These
are the four remaining Survivors:

CM Cal Sinis, Beth Squadron
CPT Van, Daleth Squadron
CPT Osan'gar, Hey Squadron
LCM Josh Popelka, Hey Squadron

Here is the challenge for you for round number 5:

FREE-XWA Challenge! In case every Survivor manages to fly all FREE-XWAs he
didn't fly so far every Survivor gets whooping 9 points! When some missions
remain unflown the percentage of the number of missions related to the
number of missions that should have been flown will be substracted from the
amount of points every Survivor gets. Ok, I know that's a bit complicated,
but here's how it works: There are in total 26 missions left to be flown and
if only 20 of them are flown during this challenge (77%) then every Survivor
would only get 77% of the 9 points which are about 7. In case you still
don't know what I'm talking about feel free to email me and I'll try to
explain it again ;)
Now there are Survivors with fewer missions left to be flown and some who
still have to fly some more... therefore you can ask one of the other
Survivors if he can fly for you or if you can fly for him - after all it's a
team game and working together can earn you much more points in this round.
(of course I will *not* BSF things someone else flew for you, so please CC
me in all agreements you might make)

Good luck!

- Wing III meetings are held in #wing_iii on Undernet at 6 pm GMT / 1 pm EST
every Sunday. Attendance to last Sunday's meeting was not good.. only
Craydon, Dark Angel, Dan, Cal, Osan'gar, Josh and me were there....but we
had a lot of fun with triva hosted by LT Dark Angel! First Cal and Bash were
tied with 4 right answers, but then Cal won through the tie-braker
question.. Thanks for the triva, Dark Angel, and good work Cal and Bash :)

- We have a message board and it's even fairly active! Go and post at!

- The inta-Aleth Squadron competition "AC #1" ended with CM Wolverine
winning and LT Stirner coming in second! Congrats!

- Daleth intra-Squadron competition ended as well. LT Dark Angel won it and
recieved an IS-BW! Well done!

Wing III Quotes of the week

A Sasquatch was recently seen on the Beth mailing list:

"Active Omega! I thought it was the old pilots nursing home" - CPT
Werdna Elbee replying to Sas telling us about his duties in Omega

"Not quite. Oh, there are plenty of old pilots (although I refuse to think
of myself as 'old'), but you'd better believe that we're active. My e-mail
load has increased again, and just recently I had to fly a mission because
Omega is participating in the Sovereign League. Imagine that! Me! Flying a
mission! I'm missing retirement already ;-)" - COL Sasquatch

"Sounds pretty old to me Sas. I bet you guys even play Bingo! ;)" - CM Cray

"No Bingo, but I think I've seen some of the other guys playing shuffleboard
;-)" - Sas

" 'I remember when I was a young LT, now I had respect for my superiors, not
like these young whipersnappers today.' - Bet there are a few of those
conversations going on... :)" - CPT Jahan Kalar

"What was that sonny? Speak into my good ear next time. Hang on, let me turn
up my hearing aid ...
You kids today, with your long hair and your big pants and God knows what
else ..." - COL Sas

We also have another note from Sas:

"Greetings everyone! No, I have not gone senile and started to write reports
again (although the whole 'senile' thing might not be too far off. Ford,
Sasquatch blames you for that, for no particular reason). This is just a
quick note to let you all know that I'm still very much alive" - COL
Sasquatch in 'Sasquatch Status, 5.01.01'

Other quote(s):

"My school had a bomb threat, so we got a nice day outside playing frisbee
and stuff. We get several of these a year, so I wasn't too worried" - CPT
Jahan Kalar

Wing III stats
Aleth - 10
Beth - 8
Gimel - inactive
Daleth - 7
Hey - 6
Vav - inactive
Seqy - 1
- - - - - - - - - - -
Total - 32 (+3 from last week - keep recruiting, good work so far! :)

Wing III Combat Response Ratings
Aleth - CRR Level 3, Expires 06/01
Beth - CRR Level 2, Expires 06/01
Gimel - Inactive
Daleth - CRR Level 3, Expires 06/01
Hey - CRR Level 0, can't expire
Vav - Inactive

Wing III roster changes
- LT Gold Finger joined Hey Squadron! Welcome!
- CM Cray Mikalen, transfered back to Beth! Welcome back!
- LT Craydon Bash, advanced to Beth FL! Congrats!
- LT Stirner transfered from Aleth Flight III to Aleth Flight II
- LCM Joran Dax, transfered to the reserves
- LT Joba, AWOLed

Wing III awards
- LT Dark Angel, awarded Iron Star with Bronze Wings for winning the recent
Daleth flying competition

IWATS graduates
- LCM Josh Popelka, completed mIRC 1 IWATS course
- LCM Josh Popelka, completed the TIE Tactics IWATS course
- CPT Osan'gar, completed Graphics IWATS course

Fleet News
- You can now go directly to subgroup homepages by using the following
pattern: http:// SG abbreviation For example
- Counter-Strike is now selectable as game platform in your personal
- The XvT Tactics IWATS course it online again
- Name changes now have to go to SA Kawolski and FA Priyum
- The XWA week of war started again lately
- FA Kermee resigned as SCO

Fly your craft slightly above your opponent, and do not forget to look for
chasing enemys as you do so!

Wing III Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Sequoh Marden
WC/LC Sequoh Marden/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign [GALL]
PCx11/ISMx18/MoT -gh/MoI/IS-BW/LoC-CSx6/CoL/CoB/OV
{IWATS-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-SM/2} T/D Firedragon
DJK Sequoh Marden (Sith)/RM/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

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