Wing VIII Report # 0 (2001-04-09)

This report was submitted by LC Drake

WING VIII Weekly Report
Week Ending 09.04.01

Fleet News In Brief As taken from
New EH Logo!
Ammendment to Tactical Order #001
Flight Officer promoted to Fleet Admiral


Relevant News in Detail

Flight Officer promoted to Fleet Admiral
The Flight Officer, Admiral Priyum has been promoted to Fleet Admiral. A testament to the hard work that the Flight Officer undertakes.

Ammendment to Tactical Order #001 (By AD Starlion)
It has been brought to my attention that i wasnt clear enough in defining Bug Report.
A Bug Report shall be filed by the Pilot, in the case that he/she skipped a mission during the course of that battle, on the Battle Board. Reasons attached to BSF's will NOT be considered Bug Reports.
For specific instructions on bug reports, log in to the database and click on the link marked Battle Bug Report Information.

New EH Logo!
The new EH Logo competition has been won by LCM Tempest. He earns a Grand Order of the Empire Medal for his troubles!


Wing News

Farewell to a loyal friend
Earlier this week, CPT Devin McCloud transfered to the reserves to concentrate on RL issues. 'Cloudy' is one of the most loyal pilots I have known and has stuck with the Colossus through thick and thin. A former Commander, He has always been helpful, considerate and was keen to help in any way he could. He will be sorely missed not just in Omicron, but also on the ship itself.

Farewell Cloudy.. Hurry home

Promotions Galore!
As one chapter closes on a peice of Colossus history, another opens. The monthly reviews went through last week and were followed up with a string of promotions.
Kyle Katarn of Mu recieved a promotion to Commander, Alain Dindareanu and Andrew Strinder of Eta both recieved promotions to Leiutenant Commander. And McCrae, Kessap and Jacob Racke are no longer known as SL's.. They made full Leuitenants!
There was one other one.. Cheers Mell for that :)

ISDColossus Email Addresses
Last week I told you that if anyone wanted a 'reliable email account contact AV'.. They then promptly all failed :P
All Email Addresses are know up and there are many more available. If you want to show the pride for your ship then you can't get much better than an Email Addy!

Nu Vs Eta - The Battle Royale
Darknyte is so confident of his squadron that he issued a challenge to the entire ship. Eta responded and the chosen battle is TC#100. This is really too close to call. I can't tell who is going to win. Whoever emerges victorious will have bragging rights for months to come..


Really not much chat going on. I'll update the list as soon as I can.

I finally get my ops back on #ISD_Colossus. Mell gets drunk as usual, Bradtack is spotted being backwards, LT Mark gets banned in #Tiecorps for 'Being too like Ramos', Wyldefyre returns much to my enjoyment and Darknyte continues to rebuke comments made about his tatoo.
That about sums it up...Become a legend on IRC; Log into #ISD_Colossus Now!!

Message Boards
ACTIVITY! Andrew Strinder is qualified to kill Rebels.. But not to drive to Wall Mart. And the Eta Limerick contest is underway! (BTW AS, Did you pass?)

Colossus Pilots are proving to be the brainboxes of the fleet. No fewer than 19 IWATS Courses were passed by us this week! Here is a rundown on who passed what.

 Bradtack  Tie Mission Design, Tie Tactics, HTML 1 and 2, Graphics
 Alain Dindareanu  Tie Mission Design, Tie Tactics, Rebellion Tactics, ICQ
 Kodiak Kereban  Tie Tactics, Rebellion Tactics, mIRC 2
 McCrea  Graphics, Computer Basics
 Darknyte  Graphics
 Daniel Stephens  ICQ
 Rana Grande  ICQ
 Daniel Klivian  Tie Mission Design
 Jacob Racke  Rebellion Tactics

With all this talent aboard, It's easy to see why we have a secure future. I'm particularly interested in the people that passed Tie Mission Design. I'm looking forward to seeing your work!

This weeks BSF report is hampered by the loss of all my Emails when the accounts went down. I'm pretty sure that I BSF'd 4 for Absolut Vodka and half a dozen for Nu which I do not have confirmation for. These haven't been included in the round-up.
Last month we finished the month strongly on 278 BSF's. This month has been quieter, possibly due to the forthcoming holidays. Last week I had on my desk 45 BSF's which puts us on 49 for the month. There is still 2 weeks to go for this month. Lets try our damnest to get at least 150.

Top 5 Pilots

 1st  LT Kodiak Kereban  (Nu Squadron)  9 BSF's
 2nd  LCM Andrew Strinder  (Eta Squadron)  8 BSF's
 3rd  LT Alain Dindareanu  (Eta Squadron)  6 BSF's
 4th  LT Jacob Racke  (Nu Squadron)  4 BSF's
 5th  CM Absolut Vodka  (Mu Squadron)  3 BSF's

No Darknyte for the second week running allows some new recruits to show exactly what they are made of. Kodiak Kereban leads the way just ahead of the ever-dependable Eta pair of Andrew Strinder and Alain Dindareanu. Jacob Racke fights back for Nu and Absolut Vodka proves that being a commander doesn't always mean not getting around to fly..

Kodiak therefore wins himself the title of
Pilot of the Week!

Top Squadron

For the first time since I have started doing these tables, we have ourselves a Tie. Nu an Eta are inseperable, The winner of the competiton between the two of them will win the Squadron of the Week title.

 =1st  MU SQUADRON  18 BSF's
 =1st  ETA SQUADRON  18 BSF's
 3rd  Mu Squadron  7 BSF's
 4th  Pi Squadron  2 BSF's
 5th  Omicron Squadron  0 BSF's

The following medals were awarded to our brave pilots this week. My congratulations to them

Commendation of Bravery:-
Kodiak Kereban, Ulysses, Andrew Strinder, Alain Dindareanu, Night Grue

Iron Star - Bronze Wings:-

Imperial Security Medal:-
Jague Philu

Medal of Instruction:-
Kodiak Kereban

Bronze Star:-

MAJ Drake > LC!!
LCM Kyle Katarn > CM!!
LT Andrew Strinder > LCM!!
LT Alain Dindareanu > LCM!!
SL McCrea > LT!!
SL Kessap > LT!!
SL Jacob Racke > LT!!

Transfers In
LT McCrea Daedulus > Nu 2-2
LT Kessap Daedulus > Eta 2-3
SL Watkins Daedulus > Nu 2-4
SL Endymion Daedulus > Omicron 1-2

Transfers Out
CM Nic Rety Eta > Reserves
CPT Devin McCloud Omicron > Reserves

Mu (-) Nu (+2) Pi (-) Omicron (-) Eta (-)

Net gain of two pilots....Hurarh!!


Squadron Summaries

Mu Squadron are still without the semi-leave of CM Absolut Vodka. He seems to be more active when he's on leave :P. Anyway, The newly promoted CM Kyle Katarn is still acting commander and has set his pilots the task of flying FT-130. Something which they shouldn't have to much trouble with. SL Corann Kojo still needs to be promoted, I will mail him immediately following this report.

Nu Squadron is performing well under the command of Darknyte and the situation resolves itself sometime next week. They are becoming quite cocky, challenging everyone on the ship to a fight... Just what I like to see. Eta have accepted, let battle commence.

Pi Squadron, no report this week. MAJ Rand al'Thor, I need to speak to you ASAP.

Omicron Squadron are in combat with Dagger Squadron at this very moment! The task is to fly FT-1, Uphold the pride of the Colossus and beat them about with a sharp pointy stick!!

Eta Squadron are not going to lay down against the rampant Darknyte without a fight and have busy flying the battle chosen for their encounter. I can't call this one, It's going to be very very close!!



Banned words on IRC
The following words are no longer acceptable on IRC. Please refrain from using them

"Arsenal, FA Cup, Viera, Pires, Arsene, Wenger, Semi-final, Old Trafford, Highbury"

Anybody seen using these words will feel my wrath.....

Wing Commander's Leave
I *hope* to be going on holiday during the last week of May/ First week of June. Consider this a pre-warning. Mell will be in charge of wing operations until I come back to repair what damage he did :P

Solaris a wanted man
My brother Solaris is now offically a wanted man for scratching my Tie Fighter disk so he could play flippin Starcraft on my computer. I discovered it late on thursday evening on my desk, scratched so badly that I can no longer play with music or CD Sound effects and have to polish it before I play it. The only thing saving him is that I bought him a copy of Tie Fighter as a present last year...


WC/LC Drake/Wing VIII/ ISD Colossus
Flying TIE Advanced Doombringer
ISD Colossus - Fleet Commander's Own 2000
Project Uprising - Keeping the Dream Alive
"Think you're the greatest?... Guess again.."

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