Wing XIV Report # 6 (2001-01-21)

This report was submitted by MAJ Astin


Wing XIV Report #6 (01.21.01)

Late report, I know.
Very slow week... time to wake up, guys?

CM Dengar, CM Idaho, CM Kyle, and myself had a long discussion about improving Intrepid's activity. We are planning a new competition for next month, more details on that as the end of this month approaches.

One thing that was brought up is active membership. Although our physical membership is not too bad (it's still on the lower end of the TIE Corps, though), active membership is what's killing us. I'm seeing alot of 'AWOL evaders', which are pilots who report in now and then, but never do anything. I have a question for those particular pilots... are you getting any fun out of that? Didn't we join the TIE Corps to have fun? To fight other people in multiplayer matches, and fly custom missions? Try doing something, like flying, writing, drawing, taking IWATS courses, etc. You'll find it's actually quite fun! Plus you're always rewarded for your activities in one form or another. :)

As I mentioned above, our physical membership is on the lower end of the TIE Corps. There's a way to remedy this... recruit! Go to the Zone, to Star Wars message boards, to chatrooms, to real life friends, to Internet friends, to ANYBODY that might be interested in joining the TIE Corps (and preferably the ISD Intrepid :) Help them through Daedalus, and you get a Medal of Instruction, AND, if you've recruited the most pilots to the wing in a month, you'll get a Palpatine Crescent!


TIE Corps Combat Center  (visit this website often to receive up-to-date information on multiplayer events)

Upcoming Competitions

[XWA] Zone Sunday 1/21 (13:00 - 14:30 EST)
[XWA] NC CapShip Night 1/21 (14:30 - 16:00 EST)
[XWA] [XWA] Praetorian Comp 1/22 (19:00 - 22:00 EST)
[XvT] [XvT] Praetorian Comp 1/22 (19:00 - 22:00 EST)
[XWA] Greenwich Wolf Comp 1/24 (13:00 - 16:30 EST)
[XvT] Greenwich Wolf Comp 1/24 (13:00 - 16:30 EST)
[XWA] ASF Competition 1/24 (19:00 - 22:30 EST)
[XvT] ASF Competition 1/24 (19:00 - 22:30 EST)
[XWA] Thursday Night Training 1/25 (20:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XvT] Thursday Night Training 1/25 (20:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XWA] Week of War 1/26 (14:00 EST) - 2/2 (14:00 EST)
[XvT] EuroComp 1/27 (10:00 - 11:30 EST)
[XWA] EuroComp 1/27 (10:00 - 11:30 EST)
[XWA] Kampfergemetzel 1/27 (13:00 - 15:00 EST)
[XvT] Outer Rim War 1/27 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XWA] Outer Rim War 1/27 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[JK] Outer Rim War 1/27 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)

Ongoing Competitions

- Intrepid Competition: Part One-Mission creation. Create One or more missions for Any platform (TIE/XvT/XWA) if more than one mission is made, they must create a storyline, but the missions will be judged separately. Missions must meet all TAC guidelines.
Part Two- Mission Flying. The Best XvT mission will then be the basis for a flying comp.
Part Three- Story. Either write a story to go with your mission submission, OR write a story about the mission you flew for the flying comp.
Part One will run until Jan 25, and Part Two will be Jan 28-Feb 5. Part Three will be open until Feb 5.

Winning Story will get a PC, Second place an ISM
Best Mission Overall will get a PC, best mission in each platform will get an ISM.
Highest Score on Flying will get a PC, Second Highest an ISM. Fastest time will also get an ISM.

You are only eligible for One medal per division, but you may compete in all divisions, and may enter the Mission design division with multiple missions, as long as they are all part of the same story arc All missions submitted for the contest will be submitted for TAC approval as either Free Missions, or Battles as appropriate

- Round V of CM Duncan Idaho's trivia is starting! Kyle, Dvader, and Prophet has made it to the final round!
- Round 2 of LC Badland's XWA League III has begun! The file is F-XWA 17. The Deadline is 3 February. Send your pilot files to me. I'll will get your information to LC Badlands on the deadline date. Let's get some participation out of Wing XIV!

Intrepid Monthly 'Competitions'

- Each month, the pilot with the most new Battle High Scores will receive an ISM and the title of COM's Protector. The pilot with the most Mission High Scores will receive an ISM and the title of WC's Defender. No medals will be awarded during months when there is a major competition running.
- Each month, the pilot with the most new LoCs earned will receive a PC, and the title of Intrepid's Guard.
- Each month, the pilot who recruits the most new members to the wing will receive a PC.

TC, ASF, and Wing XIV News

- Sector Admiral Compton has resigned as Executive Officer of the Emperor's Hammer, and has taken a FM position in Omega Squadron (elite) as a General. High Admiral Kawolski has taken his place as Executive Officer.
- Admiral StarLion is the new Tactical Officer of the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps. He is currently looking for TCC:TIE and TCC:XWA. He'll also be looking for a CA:TAC soon, too. Stay tuned to for details soon.
- Rear Admiral Coolguy is the new COMM, after Fleet Admiral Kumba stepped down.
- Admiral Priyum has been promoted (if you want to call it promoted :P) to CA:FO. Vice Admiral Vitcarp (formerly Wing Commander/Colonel of Wing XIII) has been promoted to BGCOM. Congratulations to both of you!
- Commander Kyle is the Intrepid's new Doctor. Contact him whenever you need someone to talk to, at


- LT Danest Scopor from Asp to Cobra.
- SL Frodo to Krayt.


- MoI to LCM Nightmare/Krayt
- CoB to LT Sambuca/Asp

IWATS Courses Completed

- CM Kyle/Cobra completed SM/1/2
- LT Tuomo/Asp completed PHP/1 and VBS

CR and FCHG Points

- Total Wing FCHG points: 2440
- Total Wing CR points: 82

Copperhead: 10
Krayt: 6
Viper: 27
Asp: 35
Cobra: 4

This is rather disappointing. We're a multiplayer wing, are we not? Let's act like one, then! There's a whole bunch of competitions listed on attend one or two!


- Sub-Lieutenants, just do one of these 5 things to be promoted to LT!

1. Submit your Imperial Navy Pilot Record (INPR) to your Squadron Commander.
2. Participate in any official TIE Corps competition or contest.
3. Fly any official TIE Corps battle, with the exception of free missions, these are located at the TIE Corps Battle Center.
4. Submit EH/TC fiction or graphics.
5. Assist your Squadron Commander with the squadron's homepage or other activities.

- Join the Intrepid club on
- Stop by in #WingXIV whenever you're on IRC (Undernet)
- Recruit!!
- Fllllyyyy!!!

ISD Intrepid (32)
Flag Officers - 1
Copperhead - 6
Krayt - 5
Viper - 4
Asp - 10
Cobra - 5
Diamondback - 0
Total: 31

That's all for this week. As always, fly alot, and have fun!!

Major Astin
WC/MAJ Astin/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
[Knight] {IWATS-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-SM/2-GFX-NS}

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