Wing XV Report # 0 (2001-01-23)

This report was submitted by LC Ender mBind

"Space, The Outer Rim. These are the reports of the Imperator Class II Star Destroyer Vanguard... Its continuing mission to suppress strange alien worlds. To wipe out alien life and rebellious populations. To boldly join in on all the competitions where no man has seen such active guys before before!"


As you might have guessed: this is where the competitions have gone, from out of the wing report. This way I can get more info in here, and be a bit more elaborate per competition. As you will see: if you feel like doing anything, there's plenty of chance to do so, and not just flying... Besides the EH competitions that are almost daily, there are also the WoWs again to fill in any gaps in the schedule:)

If any of the CMDRs or Squad XOs have their own comps, mail the info to me and I'll add it here too.


Vanguard Renaissance Competition (started)
Started: 14th Jan. 2001
Ends:  31st Jan 2001
URL: none yet
Participants: All pilots and Squadrons on the Vanguard.
Description: “To revive the Vanguard, you'll be receiving points for normal activity over the second half of January. In many ways this is a ASF:SC at ship scale - and there are some nice prices to be won: the winning squadron will receive the same as our winning squadron in the SC:) "
STATUS: VA Blade will gather points from BSFs, fiction should be sent to him as well, BUT YOU (pilots) MUST INFORM ME IF YOU PARTICIPATED OR WON IN ONLINE EVENT, so I can give you points!
Flying Free mission - 2 points
Flying a battle - 2 x no.of missions
Fiction writing - max 5 points
Participating in online comp. - 10 points
Winning a match in online comp (getting a LoC) - 15 points
Recruiting new pilot (he/she must join our Wing) - 25 points
AWARDS: All Participating members in the Winning squad will receive ISMs, the Squadron will be WC's Own. The Ship's Top Gun will receive a PC and will be Commodore's Protector for the next month.

The Great and Wonderful Give Wing XV a Motto and Nickname Competition (new!)
Started: Tue January 23
Ends: Tue January 30
Participants: The pilots of Wing XV
Description: “Any good suggestions for either will be rewarded with an ISM, for both a PC... As an idea I'd like to add that a motto should be seen as a battle cry... I prefer  short and brutal over long and intelligent i'm afraid. No-one runs into battle screaming something
like "Why fly like the Gray Wolf when you can sit around looking good?".
This new title and motto I'll keep as our main motto for at least a year, or at least as long as I can keep my current position if
that's shorter.;)"
CURRENT STATUS: Well i already got a few suggestions from you guys for a new motto and title:)
LCM Werwax came up with "Death's Army" as a nick and "We are the first to attack, and the last to leave.." as motto.... though
that might be too long as a battle cry again... LT. Victor Stalwart gave me a selection of motto's and titles: "Death Dealers" (title),
"Victory or Death" (motto), "Hammer's Shield" (title), "Strength and Honor" (motto, gladiator?), "Magnum Force" (title) and
Power Unequaled" (motto).
Actually I think they all have something that's usable... but I'm going to give you other guys till the end of this month to come up with
something even better - if not I'll make my choice from the current submissions:)

Vanguard Interactive Battle
Started: December 19th
Ends: hopefully never, but every 3 weeks (=turn) medals and other scores will be awarded
Next mission deadline: unknown
Participants: All pilots onboard the Vanguard.
Description: “The Wing XV Commander will add a piece of a story to his wing reports, together with a XWA Mission based on that part of the story. Participating Pilots in the wing send in their pilot files of that mission to their CMDRs - including a short written fictional account of their experiences in the mission. The CMDRs check the pilot files, forward the scores, the reports and their own files to the Commodore and Wing Commander and include the best fiction of their squadron in their weekly reports. The best fiction in the wing will be taken up in the wing report, arranged into "propaganda"-type news coverage. Medals are awarded to the best flying and to the best writing but also to outstanding activity like helping to run this competition.
Flying and fiction both influence the story, and so the missions: the Pilots' performance in one mission has consequences on the next mission they'll fly. Making this a true Interactive Battle with a flexible story line, centered around the ISD Vanguard and it's Squadrons.”
CURRENT STATUS:  The first active turn of the Vanguard interactive Battle has come to a close and it's winners, LT Strahd and CM Fraggle Hawk, have received their medals. Next turn will start soon, though we still need XWA mission creators badly - if you can do anything in that area, please report in.

XvT Week of War January (started)
Started: 02:00 PM, Fri January 19
Ends: 05:00 AM, Fri January 26
Participants: The whole XvT Zone community
Description: “Week of War is an "Open" event where clubs from all over the XvT Community participate in a week long, fly till you drop event. Score keeping is handled by the database and provides real time stats in a vast array of categories.."
CURRENT STATUS: Running. Remember that you can FFD the emails from battlestats proving you have won to Blade as VRC submissions, he'll count them as LoCs..

XWA Week of War January
Starts: 02:00 PM, Fri January 26
Ends: 02:00 PM, Fri February 02
Participants: The whole XWA Zone community
Description: “Week of War is an "Open" event where clubs from all over the XWA Community participate in a week long, fly till you drop event. Score keeping is handled by the database and provides real time stats in a vast array of categories.."
CURRENT STATUS: Well, as we are a XWA Multi Player Wing this should be our event. The COO:A rewards LoCs for wins and a DFC for the top pilot I believe. The best thing is that this is 24hour a day for 7 days long, giving you a chance to fly whenever you want.

Outer Rim Night
Starts: every Saturday night 2 PM EST
Ends: every Saturday night 11 PM EST
Participants: The Emperor's Hammer, The Rebel Squadrons, The Star Vipers, The Vast Empire, The Last Starfighter League and The New Republic.
Description: “This engagement is the center of conflict between New Republic and Imperial factions over the newly discovered and mineral rich Cadrel Expanse, located in the Unknown Regions of the Outer Rim. This strategic sector of space is now the focal point of the fictional conflict with the Lucas Arts multiplayer games XvT, XWA, and JK. All pilots, soldiers, and Jedi are encouraged to join the field of battle... your club's honor is at stake!”
Place: Innernet. It will still be in #outerrim, and here are Servers to possibily join: Oakland.CA.US.InnerNET.ORG Helena.MT.US.InnerNET.ORG Espoo.FI.EU.InnerNET.ORG.
CURRENT STATUS: One requirement to play in the OR War is to have a login PIN # at Once you have that setup send AD Zsinj an e-mail with your ORDB PIN# and your PIN# so that AD Zsinj can award your LoC's. e-mail is

Weekly  TC Online competitions
Starts: various
Ends: various
Participants: All pilots in the Tie Corps.
Description: “On the combat calendar are all the weekly competitions like the Vengeance Comp, EuroLoC, Thursday Night – Training Night… etc. Check the combat calendar regularly.”

I think that's it – If I've forgotten anything, let me know via email (use only a.c.w.t.zwegers@bk.tudelft for official TC/Wing mails.) or ICQ (9706474) All these reports are online now as well: you can reach them via the Wing's roster on the TC database.

Until next time, good luck and have fun.

WC/LC Ender mBind/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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