Wing XV Report # 0 (2000-12-19)

This report was submitted by LC Ender mBind

"Space, The Outer Rim. These are the reports of the Imperator Class II Star Destroyer Vanguard... Its continuing mission to suppress strange alien worlds. To wipe out alien life and rebellious populations. To boldly shoot down flying reindeer where no man has seen sledges equipped with repulsor lifts before!"

Vanguard Interactive Battle: Prologue V (inc. Mission)

Without pushing the chimes first Hizad punched the lock next to the entrance to the Mantis Squadron. He stepped through while the doors were only still opening, entering the living room of the Vanguard’s Deep Strike Squadron. For a moment he was still unnoticed by the pilots scattered across the room. Which gave him the chance to look around a bit. The piece from his psychology studies claiming that “The behaviour of the Imperial Pilot when not flying is very similar to that of the average student or teenager in a dorm.” floated through his mind. Besides the obvious untidiness of the facilities, the pilots assembled – flight three playing sabbac at the dining table, most of the others draped around the couches or on the floor watching some 3D pirate epic - made the place look even more messy… “No… cosy,” Hizad decided smilingly before he cleared his throat.
“Guess what guys? We’re going on patrol again…”

The sigh that came up from the room was nearly unanimous.
“Gah, we’re never going to see battle this way,” Lieutenant Commander Werwax complained from behind his sabbacc cards.
“Seen your luck today, perhaps that’s just as well,” Sub Lieutenant Strahd grinned from the other side of the table. He had definitely more credits lying in front of him then Werwax, or the other two.
Hizad threw both of them a datacard to their heads and then started to pass out his other cards to the pilots who now had understood the hint and had started to file in for them, walking towards their lockers while they plugged the cards into their datapads.
Still rubbing his head Strahd read the briefing. “So this time Python and Hornet are also going? Why are the rest staying?”
“Because someone needs to stick around and protect the Vanguard ofcourse,” answered Lieutenant Victor Stalwart who had the locker next to him.
Strahd’s flightleader, Ray Lazzak, didn’t look all that happy about it all, “Most probably there will just be an attack of some kind on the station, getting Echo and Raptor lots of credit and excitement.”
“Nahh,” Hizad said as he zipped up his flightsuit, “Actually with Python and Hornet going as well the excitement probably lies in the patrol for once.”

Similar events had just occurred in the Python quarters and now Commander Hawk was standing by the opened doors to those rooms, checking that all his pilots were making their way to the hangars and – more important perhaps – that they all had their suits on properly… Losing a pilot because he exploded in his depressurised TIE not being among the things that a Commander really wanted to do.
When his last pilot was out of the squadron quarters, Hawk was tapped on his back. Behind him an ensign was standing with a storm trooper behind him.
“If you’d like to come with me sir, the staff wants a word with you.”
Hawk was only slightly confused by this request just before a mission and remembered to seal his squadron quarters before he answered with a simple “yes” and followed the ensign in the opposite direction of his squadron.

“Sir,” Blade leaned over his Commodore’s desk toward the SO agent sitting on the other side, “I’ve told you guys before that this ship is not here to accommodate the Security Office in all her work. I know you guys have your own forces to do this.”
The Agent remained cool. “Sir, as you might have noticed in this operation it is of essential need that the craft doing this assault are the normal Imperial forces, not the Security Office. Seen the amount of media coverage the more direct result will most likely attract it’s of the utmost importance to…”
Blade didn’t give the Agent more time to repeat his earlier words again. “Yes, sure, that the cover up assault has to be done by one of my squadrons I can understand. But I see no reason why the delivery of your ‘goods’ has to be done by my WC.” He pointed towards Ender who was standing with his back against the wall nearer towards the door to the Vice Admiral’s ready room.
Ender was dressed in civilian clothes and seemed more interested in the aquarium filled with aquatic species from Mon Calamari, where Admiral Blade had been on campaign in his younger years. Now he mixed himself into the conversation. “Hey, I got no problem with me doing this… Rather that then let some SO people for too long on my ship. What I don’t appreciate is that you guys let one of my squadrons go up against a whole Rebel taskforce while I’m not completely convinced that this is required for this mission’s success.”
The agent turned around to face Ender. “We’ve been through this already. Your guys just pull all the attention away from the Luggage that delivers our goods to the station. ”
Blade slammed the table with his fist. “Right, and that’s my point exactly. Why the Luggage? Why him? You guys have your own stuff for this and you know it.”
The Agent didn’t look impressed. “It’s simple. That craft is a way better cover then anything we could arrange at short notice. It still has its old non-Imperial transponders and in case it gets pulled over, authorities would find a lot more interesting things then our cargo... The ship is just too typically a Custom’s Officers Dream. And why him?” The Agent pointed a thumb over his shoulder towards Ender. ”Well, he won’t let any of our guys onboard.”
At that moment the chimes of the door were activated.
Blade quickly nodded towards the agent, who immediately stood up, nodded towards Blade and Ender and made his way out of the room via a more concealed door on the other side of the room.
“You may enter,” Blade responded towards the main entrance, pulling his face into a more official one.

One of Blade’s ensigns entered. “Commander F. Hawk of Python Squadron is here sir.”
“Great show him in.”
The ensign left and Commander Hawk stepped inside, dressed in his flightsuit – helmet dangling next to his leg from his left hand. With his right he saluted. Hawk quickly scanned the room, pulled an eyebrow up at Ender’s civilian clothes, and said. ”How can I be at your service sirs?”
“You’ve handed your orders to your pilots?” Blade inquired.
“Yes sir, they are on their way to the racks now.”
Blade nodded and handed Hawk a plastic sealed bag the size of a playing card.  “Good, in this envelope, there is a piece of paper with a code and another envelope. You may open it and type the code into your datapad. It will give you access to your next briefing.”
Hawk teared the plastic open, got out the piece of paper and started to type the code into his datapad. Before he was finished, the paper suddenly burst out into red and purple flames and fell apart into ash. It gave Hawk quite a fright.
“Ah yes,” Ender commented. “Paranoia paper – it can’t take oxygen well, or warmth, or cold... The other envelope has the same stuff inside so be careful.”
“’I’ll remember that,” Hawk grunted under his breath while he read the briefing on his pad. “So we’re going out on patrol like planned, but on our next hyperpoint we make a 90 degree turn and make another short jump?”
“Yes,” Blade answered, “and there you open the next envelope. The code of that one you transmit to your pilots so they’ll be able to see the next part of the briefing on their HUDs.”
“So we’re on a special mission?” Hawk wanted to know.
“Yes, we’re sending out Hornet and Mantis as well to cover for your and Ender’s departures.” Blade informed him. “Your WC is officially on leave as of now, so it’ll be quite normal for him to leave the system as well.”
Hawk looked puzzled. “On leave? Huh? Going for lifeday celebrations somewhere Bender?”
Ender shrugged: “No-one to celebrate that with…”
“Your Wing Commander is going to deliver a package for the fleet at Genko,” Blade said at a low volume. “Ÿour task is to make sure he doesn’t get intercepted and completes his mission. Your squadron’s mission is just to be a diversion for that operation. Understand?”
Hawk nodded.
“You understand that this is top secret?” Blade inquired him. “No word to even your squadron.”
Hawk nodded again. “Yes sir, I understand.”
“Good, get to your Squadron then, serve the Empire above all others!”
Hawk saluted and turned on his heels toward the door again.
“Good luck Hawkie,” Ender wished him before he reached that door.
“You too Bender,” Hawk answered and he stepped out onto the hallway outside.

Immediately the Security Agent reappeared from wherever he had been making himself scarce. “Didn’t you tell him too much? How much can he be trusted?”
“You guys trusted him enough to make him lose a pilot on that platform there,” Ender retorted. “Unlike the SO, the corps likes to inform their men about what they’re heading into. Now if you don’t mind – I gotta go out and play mailman.” He saluted and went out the same way Hawk went.
“Temper! Temper!” the Agent laughed.
“Now don’t you expect anything better from me,” Blade growled back from behind his desk. He rummaged through one of his drawers, pulled out a bottle and poured himself a drink before placing the bottle back into the drawer.

The fighter racks of the Vanguard were full of activity. Pilots doing last minutes checks, rack crew helping others into their fighters or loading the warheads the pilots had requested.
Helmet on, Hawk was making his way towards his TIE Advanced. Another Commander immediately approached him.
“So what’s your special mission about?” Ace laughed through his facemask while he grabbed Hawk by the shoulder.
Hawk turned and started: “Well, euh…”
“Now don’t tell me,” Ace laughed, “Just remember we of Hornet wish you the best of luck. Though you should also remember that it will be us boring our arses off in deep space to give you your cover – so don’t mess up.” He slapped Hawk on the back and started to make his way to his squadron, getting ready just on the next rack.
“Well, there has to be a difference of course,” Hawk laughed back and he as well started walking towards the rest of his squad, meanwhile checking if the envelope was still in his top right leg pocket.

“Vanguard Control, I have all lights green.” Ender punched some more buttons on his TIE Bomber’s controls.
“Here Vanguard Control. You’re clear for take off. Have a nice leave sir.”
“Thanks,” Ender sighed as he punched the rack release button.
His Modified TIE Bomber immediately started falling out of the Officer’s Hangar of the Vanguard, towards the planet Pyrath deep below them. Outside the Star Destroyer, Ender hit the throttle, making the craft make a complete 90-degree course change towards an old patched up freighter tagging along with the larger ship.
“Hmmm, wonder how the rebels are going to like those pieces of A-Wing I used to fix the starboard container…” Ender wondered as he rummaged through his pockets to find his keychain. He pulled it from one of the pockets of his vest and pressed the garage door opener hanging from it. After a short and chirpy pling-plong from the opener the hangar doors in that starboard container started opening up.
The TIE Bomber made it’s way up into the hangar’s racks and the doors automatically started to close again. Within minutes the freighter disappeared between the other freighter traffic around the Pyrath Naval Base and jumped into hyperspace into the direction of Aurora.

there will be more in next week's report, you can read over the story/download the mission at
note: there is more of this story at the end of this report.


From my captain's chair onboard the M/FTR the Luggage I hereby transmit to you the Wing XV report...


Ok... I couldn't keep myself... I HAD TO get this ViB thing started... so I made a XvT mission. *grin* This is because we're still going to stay in the prologue for a while anyway (no sight on a XWA mission yet) and I still wanted to give you guys something to fly over the holidays. According to the roster about 6 or 8 of you don't own XvT and I'm very very sorry about that... If I can get this mission converted to XWA I will ASAP.

Read the fiction above this and the Python fiction at the end, they'll tell you what the mission is about. Then fly the mission just like you always fly missions, only this time write a report afterwards on what you experienced. This report has to be fictional, as for example your INPR. You are a pilot in the Imperial Navy, report what you just went through. It can be simple, it doesn't need to be great literature or anything... but it can be if you want it to. Zip it up with your pilot file and send it to you normally send your pilotfiles to - presto.

There will be a PC for both the best score and the best the best fiction (as judged by VA Blade and myself), ISMs for the two runners up in both categories.  You have till the 27th to get your zip file in (7days). The best fiction and scores will be taken up on the site. More awards are possible for other contributions like help running the comp or graphics for example.


As you might have noticed: the ASF Supremacy Competition is running to an end this week. I must say that up to now I've been very happy with the effort given by the whole participating part of the wing (come on Raptor...  zero points?). In the last ranking update our third pilot has entered the pilot top ten: Damon Kast from Python, great work there - It made Python take over the lead inside the ship from Hornet and safe for two points practically overtaking the first GW squadron! Meanwhile Echo pushed the last Intrepid Squadron out of the top ten and is now well ahead of the next squad. Mantis pilots have been working at a sprint just before the end with CPT 007 delivering a staggering 13 battles all at once, including high scores. But we haven't heard the last from Hornet either, recent events might push this squad up to the higher reaches of the competition, with LT Pavz making the top three practicly for sure.... This last week might be just that little bit of boost we need to get high up here:)

Because the competition is ending, I will need your info on any points you think that you (personally/squadron) still should receive. With this i mean FCHG ranks, citations, Combat Ranks, whatever you feel that hasn't come across. Also this is ofcourse the right time to send in anything you might have been saving for the end.


*cough* Euh... as you might have guessed: no Vengeance Competition this month.... I guess we were all a bit pre-occupied with the SC and I guess with it crossing over the holidays and all it wouldn't have been a great success anyway... Oh well you can still go fly at the Weeks of War if you wish ofcourse. If Forward all the automated mails from BSC saying that you've won to Priyum, he'll accept them as LoCs, thus SC points, always easy if you don't feel like single player stuff.


Because many cultures have the habit to celebrate whatever around the midwinter's eve next weekend, and because mine is one of them, I won't be sending my report out till at least the 27th. Consider me on leave from Friday on, though I'll still check my hotmail  account. I guess most of you will be doing about the same, so I guess I'll hereby wish you all a merry christmas, lifeday, boomchakalaka or whatever you celebrate:D

Fleet News:

General TC News:
- AlliED v1.55 has been released for registered users! An XWA Skirmish Editor beta version is also available for free at Troy's website:
- Battlecry 10 has been released and can be found at a new URL, which is
- SA Kawolski is looking for responsible message board moderators for the main TIE Corps forums, particularly with the Training/Help Forum where some members seem to enjoy breaking the rules and recruit for their squadrons or wing or ship on there. The requirements are simple: Be a TIE Corps member, be able to check the message boards at least once or twice a day, and hold the rank of Commander or higher.
- (because your WC  has been too lazy and slow again...) Grand Admiral Ronin needs a good and enthusiastic artist to create his uniforms for the Skye Rangers (GA Ronin's MechWarrior club). The uniforms components are all ready, but they must be assembled in a form that the Fleet Commander finds to his liking - mainly from the information you will receive. You will be rewarded in the Emperor's Hammer for the work. The object is to do a quick and good job. If you are interested please e-mail Grand Admiral Ronin and his Attaché Admiral Keiran Idanian. Thank you!
- Captain Brucmack of the ISD Grey Wolf is the first Pilot to achieve the FCHG rank of Templar. Congrats to him and his extraordinary flying ability.
- As of 3:52am (EST) this morning, all accounts that have requested continued hosting have been transfered to the new server. If you requested a new web hosting account via, and have not received the email with your new username/password details, please email the IO at ASAP. He has transferred all domains with the exception of the following: (problems with NSI) and (awaiting password resets) and (the owners of these domains have been contacted to alter their domains DNS servers)
Absolutek hopes to have the problems with the above mentioned domains, resolved within a week.

Wing News:

General Wing News:
- ASF:SCII enters last week! Make sure to get all your last submissions in and warn me about ones I should've.
- Vanguard interactive Battle starts off in Prologue phase with XvT Missions.
- Damon Kast is after Pavz and Hawk the third wingmember to enter the ASF:SC top 10.
- Echo pushes the last Intrepid Squadron out of the ASF:SC top 10, getting us ready to get the GW ones out as well.
- ASF:VC of December is canceled because of lack of alertness on the side of the ASF flag officers.
- XWA Week of War starts this week, great place to score LoCs over the holidays:)




Started: 20th Nov. 2000
Ends:  23rd Dec 2000
Participants: All pilots and Squadrons and Ships in the ASF.
Description: “The long awaited Second ASF:Supremacy Competition is here! The first Supremacy competition began on 17th April, and ran for six weeks, ending on 28th May. Up for grabs were the titles of ASF Flagship and ASF Escort Squadron. The six weeks saw an amazing amount of activity for all pilots. Thousands of missions were flown and scores of graphics, fiction and INPRs were submitted. At the end of the competition, well over a hundred merit medals had been awarded to the various participants. The competition had proven to be a success, and shown that the ASF was capable of amazing achievements. This Competition runs just the same way, with a slight change in the awarding of points."
SUBMISSION DETAILS: All submissions (with the exceptions noted below), must be sent to:
You must have 'ASF:SCII' in the subject of the email, and zip the submissions when needed. You must include your FULL ID Line, and a brief desc. of what you're submitting.
Failure to abide by these rules will result in the submission being deleted.
BSF approved confirmations, notifications of LoCs awarded, FCHG/CR advancements and Citations earned do NOT need to be sent in. These will be handled by your Flag Officers for you.
AWARDS: Medals will be awarded at the conclusion of the competition, and will be based on the number of points an individual has achieved. The top three scoring pilots will receive a set medal:
1ST Place: Silver Star of the Empire
2ND Place: Bronze Star of the Empire
3RD Place: Bronze Star of the Empire

The winning ship will be granted the title of "ASF Flagship" (currently held by the Gray Wolf) and the winning Squadron will be awarded the title of ASF Escort Squadron" (currently held by Vortex Squadron). Members of the winning Squadron will also be awarded with the Palpatine's Crescent.

NOTE: The number and types of medals awarded will depend purely on the participant numbers. More pilots will equal more awards!!

As you see: big prices to be won by everyone - and just by general participation, you fly a match, make graphics or whatever in an other comp, or even just for fun, and you, your squadron and the ship gain points for that. The most active Ship goes off with most of the prices. Look below (competitions) for current standings and points.

Important: You gain points by FCHG promotions and citations too... but i need to know that you just promoted or got your new citation. Pilots, please email me when you go up a FCHG rank, CMDRs, do the same for your citations. This way we can be sure everybody gets all the points they can get.
CURRENT STATUS: Last week has been an exciting one again, with Python taking over the lead in Vanguard's Squadrons from Hornet and Echo pushing the last Intrepid Squadron out of the top 10. A nearly new Pilot top 10 too: with Brucmack taking over the lead from Raven and our next Vanguard Pilot, Damon Kast from Python, arriving in the top 10 as well. Great work... and I've heard about new submissions from Vanguard pilots that might even get some real chances in the rankings: Don't be surpriced if Python surpasses Odin, the first GW squad on our hitlist, soon and if Hornet Rockets upwards following some major points scoring by Pavz. Even though we've entered the last week: Everything is still open:)
1. ISD GREY WOLF [5831]
2. ISD VANGUARD [1466]
Squadrons: (top ten)
1. TARTARUS [1339]
2. CRUSADER [1324]
3. VORTEX [1243]
4. AVENGER [1067]
5. PHOENIX [661]
6. VALKYRIE [636]
7. ODIN [500]
8. PYTHON [499]
9. HORNET [459]
10. ECHO [323]
Pilots:  (top ten)
1. CPT Brucmack [799]
2. CM Arestar [707]
3. CM Khadgar [328]
4. LCM Weisio [263]
5. LT. Jack Pavz [261]
6. CM Hawk [199]
7. LCM Verr [187]
8. LT JamieK [168]
8. LT Kaczynski [178]
9. CM Mace [173]
10. CM Damon Kast [170]

Note: this is just a brief view on the status, it might be that your points haven't been taken into account yet.
Note 2: If you think you are missing any points you think you should have (personal/squadron) MAIL ME NOW and I'll get it to Pri before it's too late.

XvT Week of War December (started)
Started: 02:00 PM, Fri December 15
Ends: 02:00 PM, Fri December 22
Participants: The whole XvT Zone community
Description: “Week of War is an "Open" event where clubs from all over the XvT Community participate in a week long, fly till you drop event. Score keeping is handled by the database and provides real time stats in a vast array of categories.."
CURRENT STATUS: Running. Remember that you can FFD the emails from battlestats proving you have won to Priyum as ASF:SC submissions, he'll count them as LoCs..

Vanguard Interactive Battle (started!)
Starts: today
Ends: hopefully never, but every 3 weeks (=turn) medals and other scores will be awarded
Next mission deadline: Wed December 27th
Participants: All pilots onboard the Vanguard.
Description: “The Wing XV Commander will add a piece of a story to his wing reports, together with a XWA Mission based on that part of the story. Participating Pilots in the wing send in their pilot files of that mission to their CMDRs - including a short written fictional account of their experiences in the mission. The CMDRs check the pilot files, forward the scores, the reports and their own files to the Commodore and Wing Commander and include the best fiction of their squadron in their weekly reports. The best fiction in the wing will be taken up in the wing report, arranged into "propaganda"-type news coverage. Medals are awarded to the best flying and to the best writing but also to outstanding activity like helping to run this competition.
Flying and fiction both influence the story, and so the missions: the Pilots' performance in one mission has consequences on the next mission they'll fly. Making this a true Interactive Battle with a flexible story line, centered around the ISD Vanguard and it's Squadrons.”
CURRENT STATUS:  First mission is attached to this report and downloadable from the site. It's XvT I'm afraid - but XWA missions were taking too long... and as this is a Prologue (test) missionrun anyway, I hope you guys don't mind too much. The storyline should be clear, you can read it in this report. The mission includes a intro-text and a briefing to get you along further. If you encounter any bugs - warn me at once and I'll see what I can do.
SUBMISSION DETAILS: Fly the mission with a new pilot at whatever difficulty you usually fly it at, but keep your eyes peeled - you should be able to report your experiances later. (a hint given for this was to keep your camera running). After you fly the mission, write the fictional report on what you saw happening during the mission. Zip pilot file and a .txt version of your report to the same officer you normally send your pilotfiles to. They'll check it for scores and stuff and foreward it to me. Make sure the CMDRs get your zip by the 27th. Normally it would be just 5 days, but since it's Christmas and all it's easier to extend it a bit... also gives you guys a chance to fly it during the holidays:)
check for more details and help!
AWARDS: For the best pilots and the best fiction writers there would be two PCs per turn (3 weeks), the two runners up in both categories will receive ISMs . Special awards will be given to those who get involved into the running of the ViB, such as in helping write the storylines, designing or testing the XWA Missions, creating "the Vanguard" or making graphics.

All missions will be submitted to the TAC Office upon release, giving the XWA Mission Designers the chance of their Medal of Tactics and the pilots the chance to submit their pilot files for FCHG points. But this ofcourse can take a while.

ASF Vengeance Competition December (canceled!)
Starts: never
Ends: neither
Participants: nobody
Description: ...
CURRENT STATUS: Cancelled because we were a bit too late this time noticing it was going to start, sorry... better luck in January.

XWA Week of War December
Starts: 02:00 PM, Fri December 22
Ends: 02:00 PM, Fri December 29
Participants: The whole XWA Zone community
Description: “Week of War is an "Open" event where clubs from all over the XWA Community participate in a week long, fly till you drop event. Score keeping is handled by the database and provides real time stats in a vast array of categories.."
CURRENT STATUS: Well, as we are a XWA Multi Player Wing this should be our event. The COO:A rewards LoCs for wins and a DFC for the top pilot I believe. The best thing is that this is 24hour a day for 7 days long, giving you a chance to fly whenever you want.

Weekly  TC Online competitions
Starts: various
Ends: various
Participants: All pilots in the Tie Corps.
Description: “On the combat calendar are all the weekly competitions like the Vengeance Comp, EuroLoC, Thursday Night – Training Night… etc. Check the combat calendar regularly.”

Wing Squadron Status:

Commander: MAJ. Archon (
Page URL:
Squadron Citations (8):
   TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
   TC-XWA Battle 2 - First Contact
   TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
   TC-XWA Battle 4 - Privateer
   TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector (new!)
   TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force
   TC-XWA Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
   TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
Status: 8 out of 12 positions filled. LC DS was awarded the Imperial Security Medal for getting 100 points in the SC!  Excellent work as always, LC. Please try to fly XWA battles!  I know some of you love TIE, but we need the XWA ones if we have any hope of getting citations!  Your primary target should be TC-XWA 6, but any XWA battle will do...

Commander: LC Garik Hizad (
Page URL:
Squadron Citations (7):
   TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
   TC-XWA Battle 2 - First Contact
   TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
   TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force (new!)
   TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
   TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
   IW-XWA Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
Status: 7 out of 12 positions filled. Mantis is finally starting to gain some ground in the SC's not too late to get some points =)
All the backlogged BSF's were done by K after As Striker disappeared.... LC Hizad and LT Victor Stalwart flew uite a lot of missions. CPT 007 flew TC XWA #11,#10,#12, #8, #9,#7, #6, #2, #5  and gained 2 FCHG ranks! Great work! Orders: Hizad would like to see everyone fly some of the IW-XWA missions, they're all fairly easy, and fun. Also, Hizad is contemplating having some online flying comp/training after I return from him so he can judge the squadrons interest.

RAPTOR SQUADRON: Heavy Bombardment.
Commander: COL Kaye (
Page URL:
Squadron Citations (0):
Status: 7 out of 12 positions filled. Waltz was the Temp CMDR while Kaye was away.  Unfortunately, it seems he fell ill during the weekend. Raptor's Quebecois members (Volht, Ray, Chuck, DeLorean) got together and played online Unreal Tournament, Star Lancer, and Starcraft/Brood War matches last week.

HORNET SQUADRON: Interdiction.
Commander: MAJ. Ace Armageddon (
Page URL:
Squadron Citations (9):
   TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
   TC-XvT Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
   TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
   TC-XvT Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
   TC-XvT Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
   TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
   TC-XvT Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
   TC-BoP Battle 1 - Double Cross at Coronada
   DB-XvT Battle 1 - Jedi Academy (new!)
Status: 9 out of 12 positions filled "I have been planning a trip out to Califonia for some time now. I will leave Wednesday and be gone for about 2 weeks. I was planning on taking leave tuesday. However, due to the fact that i was under so much stress lately i had a blood vessel break in my eye last night. Pavz, the squadron XO, will be taking over for me while I'm gone. The only
thing I want to see in my mailbox are BSF's and messages from Pavz." - MAJ. Ace. Hornet Pilots flew an insane amount of missions this week, with a lot of outstanding BSFs being approved of as well. Great work guys, see you in the squadron top 5;)

PYTHON SQUADRON: Interdiction. (WC’s Own)
Commander: CM Fraggle Hawk (
Page URL:
Squadron Citations (5):
   TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
   TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
   TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector (new!)
   TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil (new!)
   IW-XWA Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
Status: 8 out of 12 positions filled. Well Python is still WC's own but if you want to keep it we going to have to put a bit more effort in... but its Christmas. ASF:SC2 is going very well, Python is already in top ten and is top Squadron from the Vanguard and also only one point behind ODIN: a GW squadron lets destroy them like you destroyed Copperhead. Hawk is still 5th overall and Damon catching
up fast at the 10th spot and the rest of you are scoring! Great work by all of you:)

Wing Squadron Fiction:

Python ViB Chapter Four.
written by: CM Fraggle Hawk (
note: contains mission hints;)

The 11 fighters hung from the racks dangling over the vast open space, ‘This is Vanguard control to Python leader you’re clear to go and good luck.’ With sudden bang the 11 fighters dropped from the racks, falling in to the open space the fighters roll through the freighter traffic and then breaking into full thrust they blasted past the Pyrath base.

Rolling his T/A into formation Hawk looked from side to side. ‘Flight 3 keep in close I don’t want to lose anyone on our first mission.’ With a quick glance to his right he notice flight three gliding into position, looking down at his panel he knew he was good to go ‘Ok on my mark jump to are first patrol marker, MARK’, around his eyes the stars disappeared and hype space panelled out.
`Ok I’ve got 15 minutes to myself  - not a long jump but still I’m scared shitless... what should I think about? mmmmm How about food but Bender how could he take me off that mission? I lost a man on it for god shake! No I didn’t, I lost Fortune on it… How could I lose her? I didn’t even know her but did I want to know her? What’s the matter with me? Ok I’ve got to pull back to real space - right lets do it…’

The 11 fighters smashed into real space but still in formation. Looking back and forth Hawk pick up on surroundings.
‘Hawk this is Knight. I’ve got a VSD and escorts on scanners. They’re ours, Sir. But I can’t pick up on a name. Sorry Sir.’
Hawk brought the squadron into a soft banking roll. ‘This is Python Leader off the Vanguard. Please ID yourself – Over.’
The signal burst over Hawk intercom. ‘This is the VSD Aggressor to Python Leader - this area is clear can you move on before I unleash Avenger on you.’
Hawk lead the squadron into a new vector towards his next patrol marker: ‘Ok Snakes, it looks like these Hot shot elites don’t want us hanging about in this system, so lets move on.’ With that the Squadron slammed into hyperspace leaving Aggressor and escorts hanging in darkness alone.

Rocking into real space the 11 fighters came to steady cruising speed. Tapping his comlink Hawk held the stick softly. ‘Hawk to snakes. Ok this is our real mission boys and girls: On our next jump we will exit 5 clicks away from a rebel station. Which is also home to small rebel task force. Our job is to hit a Rebel Frigate named the Austin and get out alive, any questions?’
‘Damon to Hawk - Well sir, one squadron versus a task force isn’t that death on a plate sir?’
Smiling to himself Hawk looked over to Damon’s fighter. ‘Hawk to snakes - Remember this is a hit and run only guys. Flight three will hit the frigate with Flight two as back up and Flight one will fly cover.’ Pulling his hand back on stick the 11 fighters flashed off into Hyperspace.

‘If they only knew what we really here for. I think it would make it easier on them… But then again Bender would kill me giving away mission objectives. Well, I’m keeping an eye on that freighter. The Force only knows what is on it, but if my mission is to see it dock with that station – I’m going see it dock on that station… and if we can throw in a dead frigate and a few fighters all the better. Ok jumping back into real space in ten, better get ready’
Looking from left to right, Hawk watched his 11 fighters form up. Then looking ahead he could see the station hanging above a green blue planet. Hanging behind the station was what looked to be a Mon Cal cruiser and its escorts. ‘Ok, Jourdain give me a scan - where that Frigate?’ While waiting for the reply Hawk took the time to scan for the freighter it was hanging at the edge of the system with a fighter escort coming to guide it or scan. ’I’ve got to move fast we can’t let get scanned or the whole game was over what ever that game was…’
‘Jourdain to Hawk – I’ve got the Frigate Austin. She about 8 clicks away and orbiting the station. Looks like we got a break: the station between her and the task force should make it little easier.’
Raising a thumb to Jourdian Hawk gave a smile ‘Ok Snakes, it is time to rock and roll you know what to do - get to it’.

The 11 fighters broke into flights moving and started gliding towards the lonely Frigate.
‘This is the Genko Station Brook – Stand down Imperial fighters or we will send out fighters to push you back.’
Rolling his fighter to port Hawk flick his com lick on, ‘This is Python Leader to New Repubic forces - I think we stay for awhile, Ok?’ Pressing his finger on the triggers Hawk let out one single green laser, with that action Flight three rolled down in towards the Austin letting off 8 torpedoes.
Eight glowing blue lines flew across space streaking in on their target. Then, with a flash of light the first one struck against the Austin’s shields and then the second and third and fourth did the same, lighting the shields up again. With a giant fire ball the rest of torpedoes thundered into the hull strike after strike ‘This the NR Frigate Austin we’re taking multiple hits against our hull and our the hanger. We’re losing the battle to control the fires. I think we going break apart! report S.O.S S.O.S, Someone get out here and helpppppp………..’.

From his seat Hawk watched as the Austin split apart with flames flashing out of the hanger and series of blasts up and down the hull. Looking down at his scanner he noticed the escort heading towards the Freighter had broken off and were heading for them. They had taken the bait and would let it dock. Looking back, the Austin had broken apart and was falling towards the planet. ‘Ok snakes! Let take a few of these fighters out. Flight two: waste that Gunship, which is coming up - the rest of you, snakes with me’.

Four snakes rolled off towards a Gunship exchanging fire all the way, lasers glowing of shields and torps heading in.…  beening shot apart from numb rest guns on that ship. Meanwhile seven snakes rolled and shaked in and out between at least three squadrons of X-wings firing back and forth.

Holding his stick hard, Hawk pushed into a small banking roll onto a top half of a X-wing, holding his finger lightly above the trigger he let off a few shots - blowing apart his target S-foil. Flashing his eyes back to his scanner he noticed the Freighter had started to what ever was it was about to get in that station. ‘Ok Snakes, it’s getting to hot out here for me: Finish off you’re target and hyper out. That’s an order. I don’t care he we catch so stick from Hornet so get to it’.

One by one T/As broke off and headed for the run to hyperspace. Looking back, Hawk saw the freighter finish off its docking. A glance to the Gunship told him it had a dirty big hole in it, but it was still firing off lasers that could kill anything smaller than a capital ship. ‘Ok, no need to hang around here anymore - everybody else on their way home… time to leave this place for the rebels’’

there will be more in next week's report, you can read the story over on the vib site.
fly this mission yourself too: see the attachment:)

Hornet Squadron Fiction. "Good Times"
written by: LT. Jack Pavz (

Lieutenant Pavz walked into Captain Stele’s office less than 12 hours later.  He stood at ease in front of his commanding officers’ desk.  “Lieutenant Pavz reporting in, sir,” Pavz announced and stood at attention. The black chair of the captain whirled around, revealing…
 “Grand Admiral Daemon!”  Pavz said in amazement and immediately saluted sharply, clicking his heels together.  “I, I didn’t know you would be arriving sir…” he stammered.  “I would have worn my dress–“
 “At ease Lieutenant,” the Grand Admiral smiled.  “I didn’t announce my coming to the Striker. You weren’t notified.  However, I came especially to talk to you about your… rendezvous… at the Artemis.  We need to know what happened to that ship, and how you managed to escape with Ace.”
 At that moment Ace hurried into the Captain’s room, and went white with shock when he saw Daemon.  He gave a smart salute and apologized for his tardiness.
 “We were just talking about you, Lieutenant,” Daemon explained to him.  I wanted to know about your adventures in the past few days.  Please,” he motioned to two seats that were stationed in front of the desk. “Have a seat and relate to me the story of your escape.”
 Pavz and Ace described in great detail their experiences aboard the Rebel Frigate Salvation.  Pavz first explained about his arrival there, and Ace piped in about the battle and escape.  Most importantly, however, was the Recon pilot’s account on the happenings aboard the Artemis before Pavz’s arrival:
 “…We weren’t expecting anything to happen, really.  The Artemis was responding to an imperial distress signal that was being transmitted from the third planet in the system we were surveying.   All TIEs were out…” his voice began to waver.  “We never got to the surface, all of a sudden we lost contact with the Artemis.  Rebel fighters were everywhere!  We tried to fight them, we were outnumbered, there was too many!”  Ace was near tears in his recollection of this thought.  “We lost Sub-Lieutenant Arkov in Scout 3, Sub-Lieutenant Gammo in 4th slot.  Gammo had just arrived on the Artemis last week.  He was too young, too inexperienced.  Damned rebels killed him!”  He stood up, his chest heaving with anger and sadness.
 “Calm down Lieutenant, your comradery is impressive,” Daemon said.  “Faeroth got away safely, although he has had to undergo some time in the bacta – a hole was blown into his TIE, the shrapnel severely injuring his legs.  Another shot to his fighter and he would have never made it.  That is why we needed you to come back and explain it to us.  Faeroth’s flight records showed that your two fighters were the only ones left towards the end of the battle.  We had feared that we lost two of our best Lieutenants.”
 “Thank you, sir,” the Lieutenants chorused.
 “Back to the matter, though – you do not know what happened aboard the Artemis?”
 “No sir, I’m sorry.  As I said, everything was normal until that distress signal.”
 “Did you hear the distress signal yourself?” the Grand Admiral asked.
 “No sir.  Priyum told us about it at the briefing.  The comm. officer had shown it to him quickly, and we didn’t delay at all.”
 “Hmmm…” Daemon stroked his chin.  “Interesting.”  He got up.  “Thank you officers, I must ask you to remain absolutely quiet about this with all your fellow pilots.  Do not even relate this with your commanding officers, as I will tell them when I see fit.  Seeing as you have no ship to be stationed now, Ace, you will take the Kappa 3-1 spot under Lieutenant Pavz.   Dismissed!”
 “One question sir,” Pavz chipped in.  “I want to request to be a part of the rescue mission of the Artemis.  I assume there will be a rescue mission?”
 “Yes, Lieutenant.  I will make sure both of you are included.”
 “Thank you, sir,” the lieutenants said and saluted and walked out of the office in silence.
 The dark form of Commander Tuomo J. of the Imperial Security Bureau stepped out of the shadows in the corner of the office.  “What do you make of it, Commander?”  Daemon asked him.
 “It’s hard to say, sir,” Tuomo replied.  “The rebels obviously had some help on board the Artemis.  I believe a few of the members on board had defected to the rebellion, and had therefore led the carrack cruiser into a trap.”
 “And what do you suggest we do, Commander?”
 “It is wise to keep the capture of the Artemis under wraps.  The empire should be spared of all embarrassments possible.  I feel that the best bet would be to send a rescue party out there as fast as we can.  The VSD Striker is battle-ready as far as I know sir.  We should hyperspace now without hesitation.  Any further delay will surely reduce the chances of them still being there.”
 “Thank you, Commander.  Your advice is appreciated.”  Daemon flipped on his comm. link.  “Captain Stele?”
 “Yes sir?” the captain’s voice buzzed over the link.
 “Send all stations into full alert.  We’re going to hyperspace out in five minutes on a rescue.  I’ll be up on the bridge shortly to give you the coordinates, and to fill you in on the mission.”
 “Understood sir,” Stele acknowledged and proceeded in readying his ship for hyperspace.

this story will be continued in next week's report.

Mantis Squadron Fiction. "The Beginning" (prologue)
written by: LT Victor Stalwart (

 Leaving his tiny cabin, Lieutenant Victor Stalwart headed for what served as the recreation area in “pilot’s country” aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Vanguard.  Walking along humming to himself, he stopped suddenly as a group of stormtroopers came marching down the corridor.  So tightly grouped together were the soldiers that he almost failed to notice a hint of black uniform concealed within the sea of white armor.  He had only time for quick second glance, but what he managed to see caused the blood to drain from his face.  In that split second he had seen the profile of Commander Halycon a member of his squadron aboard the Vanguard.  Finally after a few moments of stunned silence he managed to continue walking towards the turbolifts still visibly shaken.

 The hypnotic blur of hyperspace cascading through the transparisteel behind him, Lieutenant Colonel Garik Hizad stood at a rigid parade rest.  Sitting in front of him brows furrowed in anger Lieutenant Colonel Ender mBind stared at the datapad sitting on his desk.  Only years of practice kept his true feelings hidden behind a mask of composure as Hizad stood there, wondering at the cause of his Wing Commander’s ire.  Slowly the Wing Commander looked from the Datapad towards the spectacle of light seen through the viewport behind Hizad.  “I just received this”, he finally spoke indicating the datapad he had picked up with his right hand.  As he spoke his gaze finally fell on Hizad.  “Here is a list of over a dozen communications made from this ship to New Republic forces in the sectors surrounding our task force’s position over the last few months.”  “Furthermore these transmissions have been traced to the communications console in your office.  What do you have to say for yourself?”  It took all of Hizad’s mental discipline not to yell in denial of these charges and proclaim his innocence.  He simply stood there, still as a mountain as the storm rages upon its face.  Inside however his mind was a blur of confusion and questions.  He knew he had not made those transmissions, but was unable to fathom who had.  As he sat there, studying the face and posture of the young squadron commander, Ender searched his features for any sign of guilt or remorse.  Slowly as if relieving themselves of a great burden, his shoulders sagged and his face relaxed.  “Stand at ease Garik, we know it wasn’t you.”  As if something had snapped inside him Hizad shook visibly for a moment, as much from relief as from his muscles quickly releasing pent up tension.  “We have been aware of the covert transmissions for sometime, however up until now were unable to pinpoint the culprit.  We were finally able to break the code being used and were then able to determine the exact times of transmission.  The last one occurred this morning at approximately six hundred hours.  “But sir, I was in my office working on the squadron’s duty assignments at that time….”  His voice trailed off as Ender motioned for silence.  “I know. The calls were only being routed through your console.  We know Halycon was the one responsible for the security leak.  It appears he has been a New Republic agent for some time now.”  “But”, Hizad stammered “I have known him for years, I never had any indications of any anti-Imperial sentiment in him.”  As the two talked, Commander Halycon began the first of what was to be number of interrogation sessions….

 His uniform in tatters, stripped of all rank and insignia Halycon slumped in his restraints.  Strapped to the upright table, his mind barely gripping consciousness, he again heard the voice.  It seemed as if he was listening to a conversation taking place inside a vacuum.  He could only occasionally catch snipets of the conversation taking place.  He guessed one of the speakers was standing to his right.  However the other voice seemed almost on top of him.  “Almost as if it was coming from my own head.” he thought.  As realization slowly dawned on him in his last moments of consciousness, he wondered what he was telling them, and what he already had……

this story will be continued in next week's report.

And to finish up:

- Fleet-wide meeting on IRC-Undernet channel #emperor's_hammer (every Saturday at 5PM GMT)
- TIE Corps meeting on IRC-Undernet channel #tiecorps (It's every Sunday at 9PM GMT)
- Don't forget our own IRC-Undernet channel #Vanguard it's a fun place to be afterall:)

- Emperor's Hammer Message Board -
- TIE Corps Message Board –
- Aggressor Strike Force Message Board -

I think that's it – If I've forgotten anything, let me know via email (use only a.c.w.t.zwegers@bk.tudelft for official TC/Wing mails.) or ICQ (9706474)

Thanx Pavz, Victor and Hawk for your contributions. This report might be getting out of hand in size, but at least it's getting more and more interesting to read.

Al these reports are online now as well: you can reach them via the Wing's roster on the TC database. This is also the reason why this report has been changed around into a negative of it's old self.

Until next time, Season's Greetings, good luck and have fun.

WC/LC Ender mBind/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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