Wing III Report # 0 (2001-01-10)

This report was submitted by GN Sasquatch

Yeah baby, it's the latest and greatest Wing III Report! We have quite a lot of news to discuss, so pull up a chair and settle in for a good read. Without further adeau ... let's get going.

Wing III Stats
Aleth - 6
Beth - 10
Gimel - 0 (Inactive)
Daleth - 9
Hey - 7
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
The Elusive WildMan - 1
Total: 33 (-5 from last report ... Ack!!!)

Combat Response Ratings
Aleth - CRR Level 0, 11/00 (Cannot Depreciate)
Beth - CRR Level 4, 10/00 (Expires 02/01)
Gimel - Inactive
Daleth - CRR Level 2, 10/00 (Expires 02/01)
Hey - CRR Level 4, 11/00 (Expires 02/01)
Vav - Inactive

Position Moves (12.19.00 -- 1.10.01)
- FL/LCM Cal Sinis, Beth : Promoted to Commander!
- FM/SL Dufar Jabar : Transfers aboard the Sovereign to Aleth Squadron!
- FM/LCM Emperor's Shield, Beth : Retires to the TIE Corps Reserves
- FM/COL Raith Sienar, Beth : Retires to the TIE Corps Reserves
- FM/LCM Nurel Turr, Aleth : Transfers to Psi Squadron in Wing II due to tech difficulties with XWA
- FM/MAJ Jeff Domm, Hey : Retires to the TIE Corps Reserves

Awards 'n' Stuff
The Palpatine's Crescent (PC) has been awarded to :
- CMDR/LC Sequoh Marden, Beth

The Imperial Security Medal (ISM) has been awarded to :
- FL/CM Egg'Foo, Daleth
- FL/CM Van, Daleth

The Legion of Combat (LoC) has been awarded to :
- FM/CPT Werdna Elbee, Beth (x2)

The Order of the Vanguard (OV) has been awarded to :
- FM/CM Lavos, Beth

Wing III Extended Training
- FM/CM Var Zoraan, Beth : Passed IWATS HTML 1 [IIC/1]
- FM/CPT Werdna Elbee, Beth : Passed IWATS Computer Basics [CBX]
- FM/LT Psylocke, Beth : Passed IWATS mIRC 1 [M/1]
- FM/LT Psylocke, Beth : Passed IWATS mIRC 2 [M/2]

Wing III News Headlines

- Where to begin? Let's start with the Holiday Aftermath. During the Christmas season, I took an unexpected leave of about a week and a half, and I'm still paying the price with EH make-up work! But not to worry, I'm managed to whittle my inbox down to a measly 20 messages, and most of those are ungraded Christmas Bash submissions. So, everything should be returning to normal around here (or as normal as things ever get).

- Speaking of the Christmas Bash, I am still compiling the results. I have missions to fly, fiction to read, and FCHG points to count. The full results should be released in a matter of days, and the appropriate medals awarded as well. I appreciate your patience as I sift through the massive amounts of data and try to form it into understandable results ...!

- The "Place Your Bets" competition for the Sovereign Squadron League is still running ... more info from the Sov SL for you concerned betters as soon as it is released!

- We've got several good squadron competitions either currently running or coming up, including Beth vs. Phoenix and Hey vs. Dagger! Additional info and results will be posted in a future report when available.

- Commendation of Loyalty time is fast approaching, and I still need recommendations from Aleth and Hey ...

- CM Var Zoraan from Beth is petitioning for a Sovereign-wide Message Board ... feel free to lend him your support!

- CMDR/LC Sequoh Marden is currently getting BlackHawk II ready to launch. For those of you unfamilar with the BH system ... it is a Wing III wargame / diplomacy simulation, masterminded and maintained by Sequoh. BH2 is currently in need of players, so if you're interested, be sure to e-mail Seq! Also be sure to check out the website :
Think your forces can take on the RayCastle Alliance, the Mikalen Protectorate, or the Black Quasar Colony Worlds? There's only one way to find out ...

- LateBreaking News : COM/FA Kramer, after years of trying, has once again petitioned the Command Staff to change the SSSD Sovereign's mission statement from 'Aurora Home Guard' to 'Patrol and Peacekeeping of EH Territories'. If he is successful, the Sov will actually leave the Aurora system for the first time in many months, and most likely see more open combat situations. NOTHING is offical right now, however. More news on this as it becomes available ...

- CMDR Jaster Sadista reports random difficulties with the Aleth Squadron mailing list over the past few weeks ...

- Preferred Wing III IRC meeting times are still being collected by CMDR Osan'gar and myself! Be sure to get in touch with us if you have a preference.

- An Ewok Identification Contest has been created by GN Ricardo! Be sure to stop by and 'Name that Ewok' :

- Aleth Squadron 'Personal Badge' currently in development, project spearheaded by LCM Mayk Wolverine!

- Big News this week : The XWA League has begun once again. As the only XWA Wing aboard the Sov, it is our duty to prove to everyone that the biggest ship in the fleet is also the best ship. Beth and Daleth did remarkably well in the last league, and I'm looking forward to seeing a Wing III squad take the top spot this time.
For round one, the mission to fly is FREE-XWA #4, deadline Jan. 20th. Be sure to get those pilot files in to your CMDR! For more info, visit the XWA League website at :

- New Hey Squadron egroups mailing list being compiled by CMDR Osan'gar!

- The Sovereign Research Project I am conducting is still in Phase One (Info gathering). Work on the project ground to a halt over the holidays. I am looking forward to resuming the work once the Christmas Bash has been squared away.

- Last but not least, a new round of CRT Tests will begin bright and early this Monday morning. Both Aleth and Daleth squads have requested CRTs for next week ... good luck, pilots!

Wing III Orders

- Say farewell to the Wing III 'orders' section. It will merge with the 'News' section, beginning in the next report. If you think about it, any new orders I have for you are really 'News' anyway ... ;-)

Wing III Quote of the Week
"Well, the holidays are over and everyone is sobered up (hopefully), so now we can get down to business. Oh, and I want the person who snuck that stuffed Hutt toy dressed as Santa in my office after this report. I have something *special* for you." -- CPT Jaster Sadista

Other notable quotes ... since the last report :

"Also, if Sequoh steps down, we could get a really evil taking his place that would push us to our breaking points and punish you for the slightest of things (yes, that means I will request think carefully about who you would rather have in charge)" -- CPT Werdna Elbee responds to the rumor that Seq might step down from Beth CMDR

"Ugh! Looks like I can't do that to you!" -- Sequoh wisely decides to keep his job

"Grats Cal!
(Sorry I'm that short, but if you would have been locked out at -30 C for 5
and a f*&%%$# half hour, you would be in a bad mood, too :P)" -- CM Var Zoraan finds time to congratulate CM Cal Sinis on his promotion

" 'Hey - not a greeting but a squadron' " -- CM Osan'gar

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines." -- Anonymous

"WING NEWS: Our illustrious Wing Commander has uttered the word 'sup'." -- Taken from Jaster's Aleth Report ... he can't prove anything!

"Thanks Cal! Let's drink until we can't stand anymore!" -- Seq gets ready to celebrate Cal's promotion, the old fashion way


- This week's discussion topic : Pop quiz, hotshot. Your bunks have just been flooded with 250 hungry Assault Hamsters. Now what do you do? What do you do?

- Your WC's crusade against the evil Nokia corperation continues ...

Okay, that about brings us up to date. Watch for Christmas Bash results very soon! Until next time ... Fly high and watch your six!

WC/GN Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx4] [PCx11] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"

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