Wing XIII Report # 5 (2002-04-22)

This report was submitted by LC Wes Janson

    And here we go again. As for the absense of a report last week, I had some family problems I needed to work on all weekend, and was away from all my records/info, and a PC. And why it was late this week is easy... I haven't been feeling too great mentally or physically the last couple of days, so if I seemed a little EXTRA surly, I apologize. Additionally, the golf courses finally opened up this week (1 week ahead of schedule. Yay! :P), so I spent alot of Sunday out trying to get myself warmed up again for the Members Open over the summer. So here we go again. :P


1) ImpStorm III hath commenced! I'll keep everyone posted when we fight and all, and I'd like to see as many ASFers out there as we can get. Gooooo team. Az - Keep an eye on the battle plan we laid out... it should help you alot with fleet movements. We'll keep in touch on that one. :P
2) SCIV - Well... what can I say? We're not doing so hot. MAYBE third place, depending on the Van's scores. It ain't pretty guys. I want EVERYONE (and I can't stress EVERYONE enough) to start working their arses off and flying hard. We NEED to catch up to everyone else. Not only is the Flagship title on the line, but so is the honor the ship, and your WC and COM.
3) XWA-CAB 1 came out today! FA Striker released it today, and let's be honest... it looks great. Anyone with XWA, I strongly recommend you fly this.
4) XvT WoW on... everyone get out and fly (LoC's/DFC's/IS's for all wins)
5) <--- TTT 0.8 is out, with Lightsabers! :P
6) 2 CMDR positions open... more later.

-=Medals=--=Promotions=--=IWATS Courses=-

PC --> CM Panaka
PC --> LT Artur Knight
PC --> CPT DarkC
PC --> CM Thomas Solo
PC --> LT Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk
PC --> LT Tyrael Elfhelm
PC --> LT Kael Malahk
PC --> LCM Thorn
BS --> MAJ Hev Randrowan
BS --> CPT Kodiak Kereban
LT Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk/Odin 3-1 --> LCM! Congrats! (Also promoted to FL! :P)
IWATS Courses:
LCM Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk --> FLA
LT Jrai --> GFX
LCM Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk --> AIM
CPT Rekio Corsair --> Reserves
MAJ Hev Randrowan --> ISD Challenge (Nooo! Good luck Hev... tell Mai to take good care of one of my best and brightest. :) )

-=Final Thoughts=-

    Well, sadly to say, Major Hev Randrowan will be leaving us for the Chal shortly. I'm VERY sorry to see him go... he's put in two good solid years with the Grey Wolf, and we owe him a great deal of thanks. Hev, if you EVER want to come back to the Wolf, there will always be a spot open for you.
    Thusly, Captain Rekio Corsair, someone who I have come to admire greatly lately both as an officer and a friend (I hope.), was forced to resign this week. So this leaves me with another open CMDR position... mine (and Az's) old home... Phoenix. Seems like a good luck charm... both your COM and WC have succeeded to the Thrones through Phoenix. :P
    So... send your apps to Me ( .. though if you don't know that, you're foolish. :P), and CC RA Azazel Djo'tarr ( with the following:
1) Plans for the Squadron (competitions, etc)
2) Why you think you should get the job.
3) What extra skills you have to bring to the job (IE - HTML, PHP, ASP, GFX, etc).
4) Remember - Fleet wide order, no one who hasn't taken SM/2 is inelgible for the position!!! Don't apply without it!
    Now... something I've neglected for a month now. :P WC's Own for February and March of 2002...
    February --> A VERY close month between two of our Squadrons... but I had to go with Odin Squadron for February! Odinites, please add
-=Wing XIII WC's Own - Feb 2002=- to the end of your ID Lines! Congrats!
    March --> Another semi close month, but naturally, congrats to Tartarus Squadron on ANOTHER WC's Own title. :P Please add
-=Wing XIII WC's Own - March 2002=- to the end of your ID Lines.     Congrats to both!!
    Thats it, ladies and gentlemen. Note what I said about SCIV above, and GET FLYING! I want to take this competition by absolute storm...
Lieutenant Colonel Wes Janson
Lieutenant Colonel 
( - "The Wrench, Eight Ball"
WC-ENV/LC Wes Janson/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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