Wing XV Report # 9 (2002-07-05)

This report was submitted by LC Ekim Yellek

The Vanguard Times
WC Report #9 for week ending 7/5
Wing commander: Lieutenant Colonel Ekim Yellek

Cmdrs remember to fwd this to all your pilots as the egroup is being updated currently by va leeson and does not contain everyone. Also all comments or replies should go to the wing egroup or to myself at

Wing News

· Well there’s a lot of news to go out, first will be the new wing competition; top Dog. This is a new format for the competition. Each round of the competition will last one week, each week you will be facing another van squadron. The first battle under competition will be TC-XWA-30. The first round starts July 1st and lasts one week. Please send all submissions to your CMDRs and they will fwd the results to me. I have received THREE submissions, and am deeply disappointed. Fly or don’t your choice, but be looking for AWOL then.

· Sunday noon will be the first battle for the asf in the current Imperial Storm III competition, against the ATF. The battle commences at 1200 EST so be in #Project_faithful to root for the ASF and participate. Let’s kick the Avenger’s ass.

· Activity has been slipping and I know there’s a few reasons for it, but I’d like to see things come back to previous levels, so this is just a general statement.

· CPT Azrael has left for the reserves, his abcense will be felt quite a lot by myself and the other Scorpion members that knew this great pilot.

· CPT Erryc Lassiter and CPT Drax are both having computer problems, please be patient. MSE Medals will be awarded when I have all MSE’s still missing some… get them in if you want your awards.

Vanguard standing orders

Standing Order #1: (RL) Real Life first!
Of course the first and foremost thing is RL. It is highly recommended to take all RL matters first and before all ship functions, unless you just don't care. I would like to enforce this order to all members. But please be reminded that you should inform your superiors of any situation so that we can count you on LOA, and don't forget to mark your profile stating your on Leave. Even if your only going to be on leave for 2 days, please mark your absence. This way if it takes longer than we know where you are and won't count you as MIA/AWOL.

Standing Order #2: Squadron Histories! (COMPETITION STATUS: APPROVED)
So I am now implementing something, I’d like to see a wing history and squadron histories for every squadron onboard. Histories can be fictional or what not and should include all members of the squad in the history as well as the cmdr. I'll be making this an official competition soon for the wing, meaning i'd like to see them. :D

Competition URL:

Shopping List
Fly all the battles you can… and not free missions, cause I hate BSF’ing those things one at a time. :P

squadron of the week

This week I think the title goes to Scorpion, congrats gentlemen.

Pilot of the week

CM Alec Qarni Dufar was also a great pilot as have Andrew. These men have set a great pace.

Medals of the week

There should have been a lot of MSE medals, but due to the lack of MSE’s I have not been able to do these yet… I am waiting. Ender has been awarded 20 TAC medals recently. Alec Qarni received 6 DFC’s WONDERFULLY done.

Also a lot of LoCs were awarded to our pilots and especially to the new pilots in Hornet, thanks guys keep it up.


· AIM IWATS Course completed: LT A. G. Snijglau


· 4 SL’s have made LT, congrats.

Fleet news is available at


· ISD Vanguard: #ISDVanguard on mIRC

· ISD Vanguard MB:

· ISD Vanguard Y Group:

· Major Ekim's Alternate Email:

· Aggressor Strike Force: #EH_ASF on mIRC

· ISD Vanguard website:

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