Wing III Report # 3 (2002-11-10)

This report was submitted by MAJ Aeishline Strathaven

"Twenty-two foundation letters: He ordained them, He hewed them, He combine=
d them, He weighed them, He interchanged them. And He created with them the=
whole creation and everything to be created in the future."

[Sefer Yetsirah "Book of Formation"]

Welcome to another Wing Report. Last days we had many medals awarded. I am proud f all who gained them.
Many were awarded for competitions, but also for the Wing Point system. It's great to know that you care. For the activity there is always recognition!

a.. The Database is almost fully operational, BSF system works fine (no, we can't use it yet, so keep your files for yourselves and your CMDRs) and medals awarding form also is operational- therefore medal spending spree flooded the Wing last days.
b.. Hawkeye II trailer is avialable here:
c.. Wearable Eh/TC patches? go and read the thread here!:
d.. Squadrons patches for every Wing III squadrone were made by Ace, you can ask your Commander to send it to you if you want to. They will be included in the next version of TTT.
e.. Remember that today there is a meeting at 7 GMT on #wing_iii !

Report received
b.. BETH
Report received
Report Received
Report received
Report received; competition with Delta Squad;

a.. IN
a.. LCM Jania, Gimel - welcome to the Wing!
b.. OUT
a.. CM Yun

a.. Aeishline Strathaven - GS
b.. Keller - ISM
c.. Darkmage - IS-BR, IS-BW
d.. Ace Hobbes - PC, IS-SW, IS-BW,
e.. Abel Malik - PC, ISM, IS-BR
f.. Zekk Thyne - PC
g.. Var Zoraan - IS-SR
h.. Razor - PC
i.. Jania - IS-SR
j.. Dark Iceman - ISM
k.. Maw'la - ISM

a.. Halloween Scavenger hunt
Congratulations to CM Var Zoraan (first place) and CPT Abel Malik (second place).
Submissions are attached to the report


a.. Quotes

a.. [21:04] All those promotions are denied.
[21:05] Well, I'm too lazy to check them. It's easier just to deny.

b.. [17:40] maybe. if i only knew what a natter was
[17:41] <`Jd> chat
[17:41] <`Jd> chit chat
[17:41] <`Jd> natter
[17:41] <`Jd> gossip
[17:41] <`Jd> gabble
[17:41] * Aeishline smiles
[17:41] <`Malik> moo
[17:41] <`Jd> no
[17:42] <`Jd> moo's have nothing to do with chatting

a.. Some meanings
Our Wing squadrons are named from Hebrew letters. That you know. But I am aware that not many of you has a pale idea of what they mean. Each letter in Hebrew has its meaning. Now let's see what are they. It will be a short cut of the bigger part as I don't want to bore you to death. If you have a real media player, you can go here and listen to pronounciated letters:
Also here is a quite good site with more descriptions and wav files to listen:
I am quite interrested in that symbolics, it's connected with Caballah, Tarot and such things. If you want to I can make a wider description of each letter in next reports.
a.. Aleth - Ox, primal energy; thousand; teaching; master
b.. Beth - House or enclosure
c.. Gimel - Camel or carrier; reward and punishment;bridge; weaning; benevolence
d.. Daleth - Door or womb; poor man; lifting up - elevation. e.. Hey (Heh) - Window; to be broken; to take seed; behold; revelation
f.. Vav - Nail or hook; connection

.:LINKS:. - Wing III site - Wing III MB - TC site - Temporary IWATS site - Temporary battle center

That is all. Dismiss.

MAJ Aeishline Strathaven
WC-TOA-PROF/MAJ Aeishline Strathaven/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign

DJK Aeishline Strathaven (Sith)/FL/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae

Glory of the Fallen lies in the memory of their deeds.

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