Wing IX Report # 5 (2003-08-12)

This report was submitted by MAJ Cray Mikalen

Greetings all,

Welcome to another Wing IX Weekly Report.

Shield CMDR Open
Colonel Gunman has stepped down from the position of Shield CMDR. Congrats to him on a wonderful tour as CMDR, and thanks for his great service to the Relentless during that time.

This also means that applications are open for the Shield Squadron CMDR position. I'm looking for a motivated individual who's willing to put time and energy into their work to make Shield fun. Prior command experience is not necessary. Send your applications to MAJ Cray Mikalen ( and VA Jahan Kalar ( So far I have received zero applications, so if you're interested get yours in ASAP!

Wing Commander's Own
Sword Squadron has won WC's Own for July 2003. Congrats to CPT Erec and his squadron on another great month.

COM On Leave
VA Jahan Kalar is on leave while he moves to Sunny California. He should return soon, but until he does MAJ Mikalen is A-COM. Email with any questions.

Wing IX Website
A new website has been established for Wing IX. This site will be used for news postings and competition information until the new Relentless site comes online. I encourage everyone to check this site at least once a day for up-to-date information and announcements. It is still very under construction, as SquadFirst+ seems to still have some bugs in it. Check it out:

Incoming Transfers
COL Ricaud - Transferred from Reserves to Sword Squadron

Outgoing Transfers
MAJ Brad Tack - Transferred to Tau Squadron

Awards and Promos
LCM Dukimar, Sword Squadron - Promoted to Commander
Medal recommendations are slightly delayed due to the resignation of the Operations Officer.

No wing-wide competitions going on at this time. Look for some new things within the next couple of weeks, and have fun participating in your squadron events!

We've risen quite a bit from our low of 19 pilots a couple months ago, however we still have a long way to go. I encourage everyone to contact cadets and offer your assistance with their training. Don't forget Tycho's website: Make sure you coordinate with Tycho so he knows who is talking to who and so forth. Also, if you know anyone in the reserves who might be interested in returning, feel free to drop them an email or two. :)

Weekly BSF Count
Sword - 29
Crossbow - 1
Hammer - 2
Shield - 7

There's a bit of a margin between Sword and the rest of the Wing. Great job to them, and everyone else who flew. Remember everyone, you joined the TC to FLY, so dust off your joysticks, pop in the XWA cd, get sit back and blow up some rebels!!! You might just enjoy yourself. ;)

That's it for this week.

For the Empire,
Major Cray Mikalen
Wing Commander, Wing IX, ISD Relentless

WC/MAJ Cray Mikalen/Wing IX/ISD Relentless [LGNR]
Beth Squadron Golden Spoon (TM) Recipient
T/D "Spoon of the Empire II"
TC Pin: 3243

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