Wing XX Report # 20 (2003-12-13)

This report was submitted by LC TK-7764


Wing XX Report


December 13, 2003


Wing Commander Rant


Welcome to my 20th Wing Report, Hurrah


Cricket, cricket

Dang, holidays have killed everybody.


Check out the EH library at

AbK’s server is down, so the Message Boards and some bots among other things are offline for now.

Wing News


BJ is here Nice new site, same old comp.

I’ve created a temporary fiction archive for old BJ fictions on the EH message boards on the ATF thread. The EH library (see above) is far more impressive.

Exar fixed his e-mail trouble earlier this week.

Squadron and Pilot of the Month are up. If you want to see the point system, e-mail your CMDRs.




Wing Orders



Battle Group Commander’s Judgment is a massive monthly ATF wide competition. The wing with the best results in the 8 categories wins Wing of the Month. Get out there and fly for the wing.

(see the website for submission rules and events).


Avenger Task Force Trivia

A nice little individual competition for an IS-GR.


Commander’s Club December


Kraken: Corellia Operation and Why Archangel of all the names in the Galaxy?


Talon: Battles of the Month


For more details on all competitions, look at your squad’s report or the ship report.




Squad Reports


Kraken done

Talon done

Raptor none

Ravager done

Nemesis none (Iceman, whats up? You’ve sent them in late for a few weeks now)






BSFs: 1 OMG! My battle this week is pending High Score, what is your excuse everybody (but Exar)

CPT Exar Kit (1 XWA F)



LT Nir Fallas to LCM

LT Gregor MacDonald to LCM

Congrats you two.




LoC: 0


DFC: 0



LC Frey Gallandro Commendation of Service (they still award those, sweet). 2 x MoT-rh for making XvT TC 80 (took them long enough, huh Frey?)

CPT Alsdyr BS for high activity extending before his transfer into Wing XX



LC TK-7764 16 EH Library Submissions, BGCOM’s Judgment graphic

CM Bryan EH Library Submission

CPT Archangel EH Library Submission


New Victims… erm… Pilots:




LT Eightguy made Talon 2-1.


Final Thoughts:

I have had to deal with a lot of people over the years. Arrogance has always shown up. I have been insulted over all sorts of tedious things. Of course, the higher up the chain of command you go, the more people have a problem with you. Just look at Ast. Every FM in the TC who thinks he is a hotshot has something to say about how Ast does a crappy job. He tries to shrug it off, but there is only so much 1 man can take. Of course, this behavior is not unique to the TIE Corps. For example, every American either hates or loves President George W. Bush. He is the butt of every joke, as was every president before him.

The old annoying phrase you’re mother always said about people teasing you because they are jealous may be extremely stupid, but it does have some basis. People aren’t jealous so much as they are ambitious. They are so eager to get to the top, that they don’t realize that if they knock everybody out of the way, then there will be no one left to be lead.

As a leader, one must shrug off the insults. You have nothing to prove. However, an insult to an inferior is worse because it discourages activity and prevents the TC from being what is about, providing a fun, family friendly (sort of) atmosphere to enjoy our hobby.


The Shadow Avengers are Here (Roster)



Let me out of here!!!


WC/LC TK-7764/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

BSx2/PCx5/ISMx5/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-14BW-5BR-10SW-4SR-4GW/CoL/CoB/OV [GLDR]

{IWATS-BOT-CBX-GFX-IIC/1-M/1-SM/3-TT-XTM/1/2-XTT} (that can’t be accurate :p)


KP TK-7764 (Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona

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