Wing XX Report # 2 (2003-01-11)

This report was submitted by LC Phoenix Man

<Wing News>

  • New pilots are flying in. Welcome LCM Kalith Jaenus to Ravager. There's a pilot on the dead-adalus that has a transfer request in that's going to Kraken. You may ask, "Why are they all going to Kraken?". Answer -- Kraken pilots asked them to. If you want new pilots in your squads, you gotta get out there and recruit.
  • WXOs are MAJ A.J "Tainer" Brown and CM TK-7764. Any complaints about me or ideas for the wing should be brought to their attention. Remember, the major purpose of the XOs is to act as a union rep for the pilots. If you dont like something, contact them. That's why they're there.
  • Talon was officially closed. The pilots went to Raptor, except Talon Zetar went to Kraken, by special request.
  • CMDRs, make sure your egroups are straightened out, and all your pilots are on them. Also, I'd like you to provide Lain and I w/ the addresses of your squad Egroups. Also, make sure you're keeping up to speed on the ATF points league.

<Wing Activity>

26 BSFs, down from 54, flown this week by CM TK-7764, CM Joe Arena, CPT Alsdyr, MAJ Tainer, CM Falcon, LT Arvel Crynyd, LCM Ache Nu, CPT Pete Mitchell. The leader is TK-7764, with 7 this week.

<Promotions, Medals, Transfers, IWATS>

CPT Alsdyr -- LoC
CM TK-7764 -- IS-SR, SW
CM Bryan-- MoT-BH
CM Joe Arena -- IS-BW, LoC x5
CM Falcon -- JS, SM/3, LoC x2
LT Arvel Crynyd -- TT, XTT

<WC's Notes>

This report brought to you by the sponsorship for a drug-free wombat.

WC/LC Phoenix Man/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

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