Wing XIV Report # 26 (2002-11-30)

This report was submitted by COL Duncan Idaho

Wing XIV Report

WC Report #4 for 30.11.2002

Wing Commander: COL Duncan Idaho

Wing News

- I guess most of you heard it already. After only one month of beeing WC of this great wing I have to resign. The reasons are simple. I´m a RL Sgt 1st class in the German Armed Forces (Army Aviators) and live during weekdays in my garrison. After lot of trouble I finally got my telephone line and an internet connection there. Now something new happened. One of the airfields in the north of Germany will be closed. So we will get one more wing and one more squadron in our garrison. This means I have to move to another building. Our communications officer will not grant me a telephone line in my new room, because he needs all outgoing lines for duty purposes. This means I can´t be online the whole week and this makes it impossible for me to react in time. So I finally decided to transfer to the reserves until I can establish a new connection for me to be online the whole week. Believe me, this hurts me badly. I´m a Wing XIVer since I joined the EH nearly 3 1/2 years ago.

- Cobra ended it´s citation comp. LCM Justin made first place (IS-GR), CM Kettch second (IS-SR) and Cpt Tissaya Argat third (IS-BR). Congrats to you all.

- Spearhawk of the ISD Immortal plans the so called Project Andromeda. A return of the famous arcade game Space Invaders. (Yes, exactly what I played as a child).

- We have a fleet wide comp. Create a new ASF website. Details:

-Asp is planning the Blitzkrieg-Comp from 1. - 31. December.

-Asp is also looking for a citations officer.

-LCM Tatsu of Viper is constructing characters based on your own face. If you want one contact him.


Intrepid´s MP score board

- LCM Hubert: 1 victory.

- Maj Michael: 1 victory.

- CM Gistenjunge: 1 victory.

- Cpt Linoge: 1 victory.

- Cpt Delak Krennel: 1 victory.


- LT Hastix completed HTML 2

- Cpt Jedi Eclipse: XvT Mission Creation 2.


- CM Jedi Eclipse promoted to Cpt.

- CM Tissaya Argat promoted to Cpt.

- LCM Arid Foxtrott promoted to CM.

- CM Derek Dan promoted to Cpt.

- LCM Phantom promoted to CM.

To all of you congrats and good job.


- LCM Ace transfered to the reserves.

- LCM Bane Wolfblood is AWOL.


- LCM Zhaim Jifarr received PC.

- LT Talon Astruar received ISM.

- LT Ulah received ISM.

- Maj Michael received IS-BW.

- Cpt Tissaya Argat received BS and IS-BR

- LCM Justin received IS-GR.

- CM Kettch received IS-SR.

[XvT] January Week of War
12/30 (14:00) - 12/30 (05:00)
[XvT] January Week of War
12/30 (14:00) - 12/30 (05:00)
[XvT] January Week of War
12/30 (14:00) - 12/30 (05:00)
[XvT] January Week of War
12/30 (14:00) - 12/30 (05:00)
[XvT] Week of War
12/30 (14:00) - 12/30 (05:00)

More official TC comps at:

Citations board


14 citations

28 citations

31 citations


0 citations

19 citations

261 citations


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Ø Wing XIV message board:

Ø Wing XIV picture archive:

Ø TC Battlecenter:


COL Duncan Idaho

WC/COL Duncan Idaho/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
SS/BS/PCx5/ISMx5/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoC-ISx13/CoLx2/CoB/OV-3E [GLDR

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