Wing XX Report # 36 (2004-04-18)

This report was submitted by COL TK-7764


Wing XX Report


April 18, 2004


Wing Commander Rant




Applications Raptor CMDR are still being accepted. I’ve pretty much made my decision about both this and Talon, now it depends on Davi and the FO.

CM Kyle Darklighter was on leave, but Harr-Arr is doing a good job and released a report again. He’s back and filing BSFs now.

All pilot from Talon and Raptor have to be sent directly to me for BSFing until your CMDRs return or are selected.

The new BGCOM”s Judgment assignments have been given.

I have heard rumors that an XWA Tactics IWATS course may be out soon (actually I just stumbled upon the notes on Google, nice work RougeWing :p).

The ATF is now the smallest Battlegroup. Go recruit. Maybe you can win the COM’s Reinforcement Competition. I’ll begin re-emailing certain reservists myself.

The game Imperial Alliance, a Science Office project to create a free, stand alone SW game based on the Free Space 2 engine, continues to move along nicely as a HUD is being worked on now.


Wing News


The squadron/pilot of the month point system and procedures can be found in my 19th Wing Report at

All CMDRs are expected to send their squad’s point totals and their MSEs to me at the end of the month.

The old message board has been archived at

The current message board is at

Main site is always at


Wing Orders


Fly for BJ (

Battle Group Commander’s Judgment is a massive monthly ATF wide competition. The wing with the best results in the 8 categories wins Wing of the Month. Get out there and fly for the wing. We have one day left, so fly for the glory of Wing XX. I want to keep our winning streak going.

(see the website for submission rules and events).


100 Going on 200

In honor of Wing XX’s 100 report, write a small short story about what things are like in Wing XX 100 reports from now (about 2 years). Submissions to me by the end of the month, IS-SR and IS-BR are awarded.


The Perfect Landing

Get a screenshot that shows your fighter/ship from an angle in which it appears to have landed on another object. Be creative with your location/ship/camera angle. I will judge based on quality and interest factor. No docking or landing procedures in (ie XWA tricks) are allowed. Bring the ship down on your own power and skill.


April Foolery

I wish I could say I originated this competition, but the point is simple. Prank another Subjugator banner (the ship, wing, or another squadron but your own) by adding in text or changing around the graphics or by meshing the picture with something else. I will grade on quality and comedy. Please, nothing extremely obscene.


ISD Subjugator Reinforcement (recruitment) Competition


Commander’s Club April


For details, see your squadron reports or the Subjugator report.


Squad Reports


Kraken done

Talon no CMDR

Raptor no CMDR

Ravager done (remember to send them out on the yahoo e-group)

Nemesis done (good job A-CMDR)






BSFs: 10 (nice work Nemesis)

LT Harr-Arr 4 XvT TC

LCM Daar Skeloria 2 XWA F

CPT Iceman 4 XvT TC





IWATS: 4 (is there a pattern here)

LT Harr-Arr WPN, mScript

LC TK-7764 WPN

LCM Daar Skeloria WPN


LoC: 0


DFC: 0



LC TK-7764 IS-SW

CM Kalith Jaenus IS-BR

CM Zack Amberam IS-SR




New Victims… erm… Pilots:




MAJ Arcangel Kraken > Spear CMDR

MAJ Pete Mitchell Raptor > Reserves

LC Maverick Ravager > MIA Reserves


Final Thoughts:

We have lost a few pilots this week, but I plan to gain them all back. Expect a few more changes around here soon anyway, like new CMDRs and another surprise.


The Shadow Avengers are Here (Roster)



Let me out of here!!!


WC/LC TK-7764/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

SS/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx5/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-20BW-6BR-11SW-6SR-8GW-3GR/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [ARCN] {IWATS-BOT-CBX-GFX-IIC/1-M/1-MP-SM/3-TT-XTM/1/2-XTT}


QUA/KAP TK-7764/Qel-Droma/Arcona

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