Wing XX Report # 30 (2004-03-06)

This report was submitted by COL TK-7764


Wing XX Report


March 6, 2004


Wing Commander Rant




Report number 30, ph33r.

BJ results and medals (January’s too) will be awarded soon. Soon we will find out that we are wing of the month again.

One a smaller scale, it is time for Squadron and Pilot of the Month to be announced. The winning pilot is none other then CPT Archangel. *clap clap clap*  Archangel also won CMDR’s Club with over 100 FCHG points earned in February. It may be no surprise then that the Squadron of the Month is Arch’s Kraken Squadron. Raptor finished in second place.

There was not a whole lot going on this week, but this may be the quiet before the storm.

I will not be at the TIE Corp meeting tomorrow, but if I were, I’d announce the new Ravager CMDR. Don’t worry, he’ll be announced officially soon enough. I just want some suspense now.

Our beloved COM is only 6 FCHG points away from reaching the coveted 1500 mark. Good luck man.


Wing News


CMDRs and everyone else should check out, it contains a great database to show you what missions need to be flown by which pilots in order for your squadron to gain citations. Citations bring prestige and honor to your squad, and also earn your squad points under the Squadron of the Month point system.

The squadron/pilot of the month point system and procedures can be found in my 19th Wing Report at

The old message board has been archived at

The current message board at is back up.

I want everyone trying to recruit. We need quite a few more members in order to get the respect we deserve from the entire fleet. It will help the wing’s image, help you get noticed by the higher ups, and possibly earn you a medal for TK-2107’s Subjugator Reinforcement competition (see below).




Wing Orders


Fly for BJ (

Battle Group Commander’s Judgment is a massive monthly ATF wide competition. The wing with the best results in the 8 categories wins Wing of the Month. Get out there and fly for the wing. We have one day left, so fly for the glory of Wing XX. I want to keep our winning streak going.

(see the website for submission rules and events).


ISD Subjugator Reinforcement Competition

A recruiting competition where you get an IS-SR if you get the most active recruits into the wing. See COM’s report for current standings.


ISD Subjugator COM’s Escort March – fly XvT TC 87 and XWA TC 37 to become one of VA TK-2107’s escorts.


ISD Subjugator Massive Flying Activity Competition – you get medals for flying, what more could you ask for


Open to the entire EH, Homeworld Screenshot Gallery Part II

Send in your best screenshots from the game Sierra game “Homeworld” to LT Shinobi at The competition starts on March the first and lasts until March 15th. Send in ones with cool backgrounds and strange formations to get a good shot at victory. IS-SR and IS-BR will be awarded.


Kraken: RS Engagement

This is a great little competition with Kraken and Praetorian squadrons flying against two squadrons from the Rebel Squadrons club. I’ve seen a few other people try this over the years (such as Frey) and it is always a great idea. Go crush those Rebel scum buckets.


Ravager Platform Competition


Kraken Sale Rush


Commander’s Club March


Nemesis: Welcome New CMDR


Nemesis Activity Race


For details, see your squadron reports or the Subjugator report.



Squad Reports


Kraken none

Talon none

Raptor none

Ravager new CMDR soon

Nemesis done






BSFs: 8

LT Harr-Arr 5 XvT TC

LC TK-7764 2 XvT F and 1 XvT TC



None for now



LT Zeke Freeman MP

CM Trido CBX

CPT Archangle IIC 1/2/and 3


LoC: 1

CM Trido


DFC: 0


Medals: 5

LT Harr-Arr ISM

LT Dark Star IS-BR

CM Trido SS for IWATS course.

CPT Archangel IS-BW

LC TK-7764 MoT-gh



LC TK-7764 tried to set up Descent 3 competition. Homeworld screenshot competition.


New Victims… erm… Pilots:




LT Harr-Arrj to Nemesis 3-1


Final Thoughts:

Not a bad week overall. Lets try to get some activity in those ship competitions and make TK-2107 happy. Make sure to keep in contact with your CMDRs and try to recruit some people for the wing if you can.


The Shadow Avengers are Here (Roster)



Let me out of here!!!


WC/LC TK-7764/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

SS/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx5/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-20BW-6BR-11SW-6SR-8GW-3GR/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [ARCN] {IWATS-BOT-CBX-GFX-IIC/1-M/1-MP-SM/3-TT-XTM/1/2-XTT}


QUA/KAP TK-7764/Qel-Droma/Arcona

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