Wing V Report # 9 (2003-01-18)

This report was submitted by LC Frodo

Lieutenant Colonel Frodo reporting for Wing V, 18/01/2003

General Information

Alright Wing V, we have to get down to business now. Lately, we slacked off a bit, and we need to compensate for lost time. Firstly we have a few comps you should take a look at, general activity, plus, your squadron should have at least one comp running right now.

As for pilots, lately we have been excellent with Deadelus recruiting. This week we have a new pilot to show for it, welcome LT Aresis Lothorekith To wing V!!! You can still be part of the Wing V academy, contact me if you want to be in it. My e-mail is I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you that I’m not afraid of mail, you can e-mail whenever you want for any problems that your CMDR cannot solve, or just things that involve the wing.

The Nun Squadron CMDR has been chosen a few days ago, please congratulate CPT Death Angel on his newly acquired position, he is off to a great start and I’m sure it will continue on for a good while ;)

Our activity needs a little bit of refurbishing this week I got few BSF notices in my inbox, which is indeed sad, I want more activity out of you guys. You have a Pilot of the Month comp now, an opportunity to win an IS-SW every month, and yet many of you have not taken the opportunity yet. ALL THAT SAID, I know that you have EXAMS at this particular time of year, if you do, don’t get all mad at me if I ask activity, just tell me. I don’t mind at all if you put school ahead of TC.

Operation outrageous fortune will soon begin, It is scheduled to start on Sunday the 19th, which is…lemme check…TOMORROW!!!!!! I am the Task Force admiral of our Task force, I will make it my PERSONNAL mission to have you participate, against us (Wing I and IV included), Wings II, III and Omega squadron have no chance what so ever, lets show the rest of the BG that we kick a lot of ass!

Come to Wing meetings! They do exist! Cool, I’d like to underline that LCM BubbaX won our last trivia comp, how did he win that? Easy, he came to the meetings! Who knew that meetings can bring you medals!!!! Gee golly! I’m amazed!

I’ve chosen the Winners of the pet comp!!! 1st place goes to LC Benjamin Jahou Morgan with CPT Cook the parrot! He will get an IS-SR for this. Second place with the IS-BR goes to CPT Death Angel with Stick the Mimic! These are my pets, and they will each have a portion in the report for you to gaze at in wonder. I told you that you wouldn’t know where these pets would end up:P

I’ve been telling you guys for the last 2 weeks that the KoTW medals would be awarded soon…Well they are!! That goes for 3 weeks:P It has prooved more difficult than I thought to gather all the scores and resubmit the comp, but I am fully concentrating on that as we speak.

As you know, we have a sov Battle of the month comp, the battles are: TIE-TC #194 Terrorist Attack
XvT-TC #40 Leaders of New Republic
XWA-TC #32 Rebel Resurgence

Sovereign /TC news
-Sov Comp to end all comps (operation outrageous forturne) Will begin tomorrow, get ready!
-We now have new Sovereign Battles of the month released,
-The TAC officer himself has requested that people please STOP skipping missions in battles, they are mandatory to fly if you cannot fly one of the missions, you don’t get credit for the battle. If there is a bug go submit it in the database and it will be fixed, if it exists. Never ever skip missions in free missions either : P

Wing V News!

-We have a new Nun CMDR, CPT DEATH ANGEL!!!!
-The pilot of the Month comp has begun!
-Our recruitment Comp has been approved, the score is BubbaX 3 Zexipher 1, rest of us 0
-Our Channel is currently under registration with Cservice, cross your fingers!
-Pet comp winners have been announced.
-Thanks to CM Zexipher, we now have a webpage that explains with GREAT detail how to on IRC it can be found here at:

Transfers in/out

-LT Aresis Lothorekith


-Wing V Recruitment Comp: Just recruit anyone you can from Deadelous and the Reserves and get medals for it!!
-King Of The Wing Competition is complete
-Sov Comp to end all comps details are out can be found here:

Passed Iwats Courses

-None this week? Huh?


SL Aresis Lothorekith is now LT Aresis Lothorekith, good jobJ


-IS-SR to LC Benjamin Jahou Morgan
-IS-BR to CPT Death Angel
-IS-BR to LCM BubbaX
-MoI to CM Zexipher Van Taelyan

Wing V Open Bar

This week’s wing tips are:
1. Recruiting is good, remember that you can recruit from Deadelus the reserves, but NOT from other Squadrons.
2. Recruitment comps are Coool! Since you’re getting rewarded for something I oblige you to do anyway : P
3. I hear that CPT Cook can peck people’s eyes out…

E-mailer of the week: Ehhh…Nothing notible, I got a lot of BSF notices though.. *Winks at Proton: P

Pilot of the week: CPT Death Angel flew the most missions this week, and got second place at the pet comp! 2 points for you!!

Quote of the Week:
<|Frodo> I can move Golan platforms right?
* `Jd doesn't think so
<`Jd> you buy 1 at your home base it stays there
lol Platforms CAN'T move lol
<`Jd> if you want another at a different location you have to build it there
<`Jd> Mickk they can be towed
<|Frodo> ok, so only one
I'd like to see that factored into the game lol
<`Jd> yeah ;p
<`Jd> 4 days to move the golan 1 square having to use 4 craft to move it ;p

Captain Cook’s Words of Wisdom

As you know, my new pet is Captain CookJ He is a nice bright green parrot created by LC Benjamin Jahou Morgan.

Starting now, he will have great words of Wisdom in each and every reportJThis week’s words are: harrrrrr harrr, rightful treats for flying harrr there is….

Promotion Info for SLs

To get promoted to LT, SLs must do one of the following tasks:
-Fly an EH Mission or Battle
-Create an INPR (Imperial Navy Personal Record)
-Participate in an Official EH Competition
-Help your Commander with the Squadron web page
-Create an Official EH mission or Battle and get it through TAC (that can take a while)

Wing Roster

Mem Squadron: 7 pilots
Nun Squadron: 7 pilots
Samekh Squadron: Closed
Pe Squadron: 7 pilots
Aylin Squadron: Closed
Sadhe Squadron: 9 pilots
Flag officers: 1

Wing V: 31 pilots

Stick`s Object of the Week

Stick is a mimic, created by CPT Death Angel, he can morph into any object within 6 inches in height. This week sticks object is….Drumroll….A JOYSTICK! That you should all go use and fly!J

Top 5 FCHG Ranks

Closing Message

Always remember, if you have exams, it’s a good Idea to tell me and your CMDR about it, so that I won’t expect too much activity out of you, I completely understand if you have more important stuff like schoolwork.

But always remember, flying is very very important to me, if you fly you will make it somewhat far within my esteem of you, and you will succeed more in this wing than someone who isn’t flying.


WC-TCS/LC Frodo/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
BSx2/PCx7/ISMx4/MoI/MoT-9rh/IS-1BW-1BR/LoC-CSx3-Rx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [ARCN] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TM-XTM/1/2}

Pin # 5956

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