Wing IV Report # 2 (1999-08-14)

This report was submitted by GN Ricardo

Greetings pilots of Wing IV, and CCed recipients..

WC/LC Ricardo reporting in for Wing IV on 8.14.99.

SL Thrawn (Zayin) promoted to Lieutenant (LT).
CMDR/CPT Guthwulf (Yod) awarded a Bronze Star (BS).
FL/LCM SlothMan awarded a Medal of Instruction (MoI).


SL Thrawn has joined Kaph Squadron.
SL Gate Surpahet has joined Cheth Squadron.
SL Alexey Koloubuff has joined Cheth Squadron.
SL Cracoucas has joined Cheth Squadron.

FL/LCM Demon Yoda has left Wing IV to become Commander of Gimel Squadron in Wing III. Major Havoc, you have an excellent pilot coming your way.

1). The new Wing IV page is up! Please view and bookmark it at . Also, view the "News" page often, as it will be updated every 1-2 days. A few parts of the page are still under construction, and I'm having a little trouble with getting themes to work.

2). The Wing IV August competition is still going on! Battle 79 is to be flown, and sent to your Squadron Commander. Squadron Commanders send their squadrons files to me, by August 30th.

3). The new Cheth page is up! . Cheth page designed and posted by CM Demon Yoda.

4). The new Lamed page is up! . Lamed page designed and posted by LT Exar Kun.

5). I have decided on a Lamed Commander, whoever.. I have to let you guys sweat it out, for a while longer. Hopefully the official announcement will be out in a day or two. I can tell you, it was one of the hardest decisions I've made in my EH career.

6). A-CMDR/LCM Syn (Kaph) is in the process of designing a Wing IV automated Message Board.. More news later.

7). CMDR/CPT Mortu (Teth) is on leave. Serving as Acting-Commander is CM Brian

8). CMDR/MAJ Jeff (Kaph) is on leave. Serving as Acting-Commander is LCM Syn

9). CMDR/CM Dan (Zayin) is on leave. Serving as Acting-Commander is LCM SlothMan

10). I have eliminated the Wing Commander's Assistant position (established by Major Wet Willy).. As Fleet Admiral Kramer said, I already have six assistants, my Squadron Commanders.

11). I still need July MSEs from Yod Squadron, Zayin Squadron and Kaph Squadron. Please get these to me right away.

12). The Wing Commander's Own for July is: Zayin Squadron. Good work to Zayin Squadron, and also to Kaph and Yod Squadron, it was a close race between those three.

13). The Commodore's Own for July is being withheld.

14). There is also a competition going on between Zayin and Yod Squadrons, I do not know the details on this..

15). I will be away, for today, so there will be no Wing IV meeting. I still need more feedback. What time is the best to hold a meeting? I've some people say early evening, others, in the morning after the EH meeting.. You tell me what time would be best.

1). Results of the Squadron League Finals are out! The matchup was Typhoon was Tornado SquadronThe winner: Typhoon Squadron with the Top Gun being Major Callista (Typhoon). More results to be sent out later.

2). Fleet Admiral/Commodore Kramer/SSSD Sovereign has been awarded the Imperial Cross (IC). Conratulations.

:: LC Ricardo, being the new WC on the Sovereign prepares the glasses of Sprite for everyone. :: :P

3). The Training Office Competiton is going on for another week. The deadline is August 20th 1999. Details at:

4). As you've probably heard, a new Subgroup will soon be formed. The Imperial Senate will assist with the management of civilian resources throughout the Territories. The Chancellor of the Imperial Senate is Nighthawk.

5). A new Science Officer was chosen this week: Rear Admiral Zoraan, formerly the Commodore of the ISD Relentess was awarded the position and promoted to Vice Admiral. Taking his place as Commodore is: Colonel Scoser (formally WC on the Rel). Scoser (yes, Scoser's my brother) was promoted to Rear Admiral. Thus, the Wing Commander position of Wing IX is open.

6). Recon Officer Admiral Arcon Telf has been promoted to the rank of Fleet Admiral.

7). Apperently, a new COMMA was chosen, COMMA Zoltar is now in charge of awarding MoCs...

8). Wing II WC Gallows, was promoted to General and awarded a Bronze Star.

9). Wing V WC Major Khaine promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

10). Wing I WC General Wolly was awarded a Gold Star... Congrats to all above for their awards!

11). Omega Squadron (The Elite) is no longer in Wing VI, it is an independent squadron, not belonging to any wing.

1). I have decided on a name for my personal fighter. It is designated: "The Sable".

2). Wing IV has 42 pilots, 10 (24%) hold the rank of Sub-lieutenant. If you are a SL, and are wanting to be promoted, visit the Wing IV page ( and click on the 'Sub-Lieutenant Page' on the sidebar.

That should be all for now...

Lieutenant Colonel Alec Ricardo
WC/LC Ricardo/Wing IV/SSSD Sov {Gallant}
[PCx3|ISMx4] [MoC-3BoC] [IWATS-SM-mIRC]
JH Ricardo (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto
"Death, thunder, destruction and brawl!"

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