Wing IV Report # 21 (1999-12-31)

This report was submitted by GN Ricardo

WC/COL Ricardo reporting in for Wing IV on 12.31.99...
[This report is going out a day early, because of the impending doom of


SL Josh Wilkins has joined Kaph Squadron's ranks.
SL Mini Minkus has joined Teth Squadron.
SL Azreal had joined Teth Squadron, but was transferred out almost
immediately (don't ask me why.. ?).
LCM Thrawn (Cheth) has been declared AWOL.


SL Josh Wilkins (Kaph) has been promoted to Lieutenant.
SL Mini Minkus (Teth) has been promoted to Lieutenant, and to Flight Leader
of Flight Three in Teth.


1) We had a decent amount of battle submissions this week, especially from
our newer members. I have so far: 5 submissions for Wing IV: Battle of the
Continents Round 3, and 6 subs for Wing IV vs. Wing VI competition!

2) There will be a Wing IV IRC Meeting this week, on Saturday, January 1st
at 7:30 PM EST (assuming we're all still living :p). I don't know whether to
expect a crowd or not, but I figured I'd hold one anyway. So, meeting in
#Wing_IV on the Undernet, on IRC.

3) No Multiplayer Events this week! LCM Bret K'thraz will be on leave from
the 1st to the 14th of January.

4) The tenth Wing IV Honor Guard matchup went on earlier this week, between
LCM Bret K'thraz and LCM Damien Warchild.. LCM Bret came out on top, but
only by 3K! Good work both of you.

5) Remember to fly Free Mission Shin Squadron's Ambush! This is for the Wing
IV vs. Wing VI competition, obviously. I have attached it again to this
message, in hopes it will inspire every one to fly it! Remember, it is due
to your CMDRs by the 7th of January.

6) Reminder to visit the Wing IV page often (! I
update the News page about every 2-3 days, and besides there, you can find
all kinds of information and stuff there! A feature I created that's a bit
easier to read now than before is the Wing IV Command Staff History.. A look
back at all of the CMDRs/WCs (that I know of) we've had..

7) And, be sure to visit and post on the Wing IV Message Board!
( Posting has dropped off recently, and we need
to pick it up again!

8) LCM Damien Warchild has created a Kaph Flight II webpage: .. Very nicely done!

9) CMDRs! I need your MSEs ASAP, along with your choice for Pilot of the
Month.. Thanks to CPT Reaper for getting me his MSE. Also, I need your
pilots joining dates (for those of you who haven't sent me that info

10) Flight Leaders, I will be emailing you about getting your flight's
nicknames/mottos up on the TIE Corps roster.

11) #Wing_IV, our IRC room has finally been registered!! CPT Astin/Wing III
set this up for us, so finally, we have a bot :)


1) A new Chancellor has been chosen for the Imperial Senate, following CHS
Nighthawk's resignation. It is White Tiger.

2) Faethor, an Inquisitor, has been promoted to Fleet Admiral, following his
updating of the Emperor's Hammer Domian.

3) Grand Moff of the EH Directorate, Z'lar Kahn has stepped down from his
position. Armus (who is also my DB QUA), was promoted to GMF.

4) CA:OPS Howlader has been awarded a Grand Order of the Emperor medal..

5) FCA-FM/CPT Atrus/Rho 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sov has been appointed as the Fleet
Commander's Assistant.

6) One thing I probably haven't stressed enough, is Training Office
Competition #5. Please visit the page at
and check out all the details.

7) Rat Pack update: The competition between the Rat Pack (the Sovereign Flag
Officers, GN Devin, and FO Kessler) and Rho Squadron is going on until the
10th of January. I have not heard details on the Rat Pack vs. the Brat Pack
(BattleGroup Flag Officers) competition.

8) Vice Admiral Ricaud (valricaud@a...) will be accepting
submissions of any kind: fiction, interviews, reviews, previews, personnel
records, music, graphics,missions, battles, plotlines, speeches, uniforms
for a TIE Corps magazine.. Your submissions will also be included in the EH
Newsletter, and you will be awarded Letters of Achievement for this.
Flag Officers - 1
Zayin - 0
Cheth - 3
Teth - 4
Yod - 9
Kaph - 4
Lamed - 5
Total: 26 +1 since last week, despite two new members.. On the bright side,
this is the highest we've been for weeks!

WC/COL Alec Ricardo/Wing IV/SSSD Sov {Imperator}
[BS|PCx3|ISMx4|MoC-6BoC|OV] {PIN- #275} T/D "Sable"
[IWATS-SM/1/2-mIRC] -
DJK Ricardo (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto [DC]
"Death, thunder, destruction and brawl!"

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