Wing III Report # 0 (2000-09-24)

This report was submitted by GN Sasquatch

Greetings one and all, welcome to this week's Wing III Report! Take a seat and we can begin.

(*Several W3 pilots actually pick up their seats*)

... ... ... That's NOT what I meant.

Wing III Stats
Aleth - 8
Beth - 7
Gimel - 7
Daleth - 8
Hey - 7
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer - 1
Total: 38 (No change from last week)

Position Moves (9.16.00 -- 9.24.00)
- TRN/CT Vixer Malari : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant, assigned to Gimel Squadron!
- TRN/CT Dan Jenkins : Promtoed to Sub-Lieutenant, assigned to Hey Squadron!
- FM/LT Betabeton, Hey : Removed from the rosters due to numerous CoC violations; suspected of being a clone of a banned EH member
- FM/LT Dark Angel, Daleth : Retires to the TC Reserves

Awards 'n' Stuff

No awards this week!

Wing III News Headlines

- Kind of a slow week for us, which is probably not such a good thing when you consider that the MegaSov competition will be ending soon. Still, we have quite a few things to discuss ...

- New Daleth Squad message board, courtesy of the recently-retired LT Dark Angel :

- Attention XWA mission creators! A brand new IWATS course on XWA mission creation using ALliED (both registered and unregistered) has been posted by TAC/AD Striker :

- Commendations of Loyalty STILL have not been awarded. I know, I know. Hopefully these will be out before it's time to award the next round of CoLs.

- The Summer Free TIE Challenge, created and maintained by GN Ricardo, has come to an end! The Challenge was to fly most of the available FREE-TIE missions out there (95% I think ... not entirely sure. Anyway, it was a lot!). Here are the pilots who managed to complete the competition :

WC/GN Wolly/Wing I
COL Gallows/Omega
LC Reaper/Kaph
CPT David/Lamed
CPT Ixion/Nun
CPT Janich/Omega
CPT Jonathan/Yod
CPT Pete Mitchell/Gimel
LCM Alexandr III Biges/Nun
LCM Astarosta/Kappa
LCM Carl Lost/Theta
LCM Tim/Zeta
LT Bonzo/Tav
LT Jaster Sadista/Rho
LT Uriel K'rrden/Rho
LT VBerhends/Nun
LT Xavier Sienar/Nun

Congratulations to CPT Pete Mitchell! He was the only pilot from Wing III who even attempted the competition (to my knowledge), and he went all the way! Not too shabby, if you consider we are XWA based. Pete recieved a Palpatine's Crescent for his efforts.

- A competition between Gimel and Hey squadrons is currently in the works ... details are being hammered-out by CMDRs Pete Mitchell and Lavos.

- Hey Squad website under construction ... please pardon CM Lavos' dust :

- A fresh chapter of the 'New Adventures of Gimel Squadron' has been written by LCM Treb Helfest! The plot thickens as our heroes discover that they are searching for an ancient behemoth ... !

- Results for the Wing III multi-catagory competition are still pending ... I'm waiting on the judging of the fiction catagory to be concluded. So far, only 2 out of 6 judges have reported in with their preferences. Since I really need to get this squared away and get the necessary medals handed out, I'm afraid that September 30th will be the deadline for judging.

- The newest issue of BattleCry has been released by our own CPT Werdna Elbee ... be sure to check it out :

- Lots of new Squadron Citations, most notably for Beth and Daleth squadrons! Beth even managed to double their SC's from 5 to 10 over the last week!

- Wing III Combat Readiness Testing (CRT) will be implemented on October 1st as planned. Right now, it is being discussed by the Wing III command staff and myself. We're getting all the bugs worked out, including one nasty little unforseen difficulty that would have made CRR level 5 impossible to reach unless your squad has 10 pilots or more. I am confident that with this many people looking it over, the CRT system will be started up rather painlessly at the end of the month. All W3 CMDRs have the necessary info for any of you who are curious, and I'll be making the 'official' announcement, along with a complete breakdown of the rules and regulations, in next week's report.

Wing III Orders

- Fly ANY battle or mission to help Wing III compete in the MegaSov competition!!! TIE Corps missions ... Infiltrator Wing missions ... Dark Brotherhood missions ... oh my! If it will gain you FCHG points, then go do it! Remember that earning 100+ points will automatically earn you a Palpatine's Crescent!

- Combat Run #14 of the Sovereign Squadron League (for pilots who own TIE CD / 95) has been announced. This will be the very last CR before the playoffs begin. Battle to fly is TC-TIE 156, 'EH Wrestling Extravaganza', which is an enjoyable battle even if you don't like wrestling. Deadline is October 2nd, so CMDRs take note. You will find the battle attached ... why not kill two birds with one stone -- fly this battle for the SovSL and earn us some MegaSov points all at the same time! It's a win/win situation!

- The Supreme Squadron Series has been started by LC Ace Pilot to find the "best squadron in the TIE Corps". The first round is fiction ... 200 words or more, any theme or plot you wish. Submit to your CMDR ... CMDRs should have a report for their squad (even if there is no participation) in to me by September 29th at the latest. More detailed info has been sent to your CMDR, who can answer any questions you might have.

- Fly! Communiate! Kill Rebs! Do stuff! Have fun!

Wing III Quote of the Week

"Ok, why should we use our own supply of drinks? We can all go CPT Pete's promotion party!" -- MAJ Sequoh Marden explains why we get so happy about promotions around here

Other notable quotes this week :

"Duty?! What are you talking about?? -- Anyway, just kidding!" -- Yeah, sure he is ... MAJ Marden AFTER he had attended CPT Pete's promotion party ;-)

"Damn't, Twinkie boy, give our WC LC!" -- Wing II's infamous CPT Psyko demonstrates the wrong way to make a request of the Commodore

"Ah yes, the ever vociferous Psyko. I believe you had some interest in my Death Scorpions? I rarely bring them out, as they're so volatile, but in your case I'm more than happy to. Watch out behind you, Psyko, you never know when they're going to pounce." -- COM/FA Kramer releases the hounds ... erm, scorpions.

"Mom, Ford should have listened to you and become a used alluvial damper salesman. But nooooooo...have to go join the Fleet, he said....have to go fly and serve the Empire, he said...have to go have rollicking adventures all over the galaxy and have excitement, fun and really hoopy things. Bah. Mothers, don't let your children grow up to be pilots." -- Acting Wing II WC, MAJ Ford Prefect, shortly after the Death Scorpions flooded his wing looking for CPT Psyko

"Yeah - we've already lost a lot of pilots to this mortal enemy......" -- MAJ Sequoh Marden, speaking of the dreaded Real Life


- Help support Lord Vader in his bid for the U.S. presidency :

Okay boys and girls, that does it for this week! Until we meet again ... Fly High and Watch Your Six!

WC/COL Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx10] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"

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