Flayer Report # 10 (2009-07-25)

This report was submitted by CMDR/LC Kenath Zoron/Flayer/Wing XIX/ISDII Subjugator

Flayer Squadron Weekly Report #10
CMDR/LC Kenath Zoron reporting in for Flayer Squadron these weeks ending July 24th, 2009.

Welcome all to the 10th instalment of the Flayer Squadron WSR. It is unreasonably late, I know, so I will attempt to explain what exactly is going on in RL that's been keeping me occupied for the last 2 weeks. I'm a university student who has been dicking around for about 5 years now and still no degree to show for it (I am half-way to a Mech Engineering degree and half-way to a BA in history). I've been attempting to enter into my school's education faculty for the last 3 months and finally had them slam the door in my face due to some poor academics in my 3rd year (right about when I quit engineering). I've been scrambling now to get registered in another university to complete a shorter 'general studies' degree and also arrange to be able to continue working the 3 part-time jobs I have at school. I have nearly finished with all the wrangling and long-distance phone calls so I'm actually able to go back to the city where my university is in, which is a relief - my gf and all my closest friends are there and I'd hate to have to abandon them a 15-hour drive away from home.

In addition to this, I work as a bylaw officer and we've just recently had a huge series of wildfires threatening my hometown. As a bylaw officer I've been tasked with a lot of patrols through evacuated neighborhoods and off-limits parks to prevent stupid people from accidentally dropping their cigarettes on tinder-dry forests. Add in to that as well that the power and internet have been intermittant and you can see how I've been preoccupied lately.

And finally, right before all of these things came to a head I figured it was a good time to re-format BOTH my computers since they were running slow as slugs. I did so but haven't had the time to properly sit down since then and get all my EH stuff set up again. I'm trying to make time after 12 hour shifts and around phone calls to do this now, but my next 9 days off are being taken up by family trips to Seattle and a personal trip to Calgary to visit the gf.

Basically, all that is to say that I am busy, but I'm going to keep trying my best to make time for you guys and will be getting back into the swing of things asap.

Squadron News:

* We have a new DEAN - RA Jedi Eclipse, congrats!
* Green Squadron CMDR position is open. Applicants should email VA Viper Pred and MAJ Talon Jade
* Upload your uniforms - use Tempest's Tailoring Tool 2 here to make it: http://so.emperorshammer.org/TTT.zip If you submit one, let me know and I’ll be sure to note your activity.
* Dempsey's PC Game Mania was great fun, unfortunately I didn't get in the last week so I only finished with 18/30. Still, it was a lot of fun looking at all the games and thinking about what I've played.
* Ard has emailed to report he is back from leave! Yay!

Squadron Status/Comps:
There is really only one few competitions running at the moment:

1. SP Ace of the TIE Corps, July 2009
* Fly the most missions to win the title. First gets title and IS-GW; Second gets IS-SW and third gets IS-BW; All earn much love from me if you're in this squadron :P

Activity Reports: On hold for the moment since I've been out of touch, will return next week.


* I really love seeing pilots on IRC as it’s a very easy way to get in touch with everyone and also lets us build some squadron/ship camaraderie. For those of you unfamiliar with IRC, this is a perfect opportunity to take some SIMPLE IWATS courses (m/IRC 1 and 2) and learn how to use the programs. The main channels you should be familiar with are #emperor’s_hammer, #tiecorps and #ISD_Subjugator on the Undernet servers. I’m in all three quite frequently under Zoron or LCZoron. Feel free to hang out and chat at any time.
* IWATS courses are coming back up - take a look over there and take a few that you haven't yet. I've taken a handful already and had fun (and learned a few things) and they don't take a ton of time (well, except SM/4 :P) http://iwats.isdchallenge.org/

Squadron Roster

Flayer Squadron - Interdiction
COMMANDER Lieutenant Colonel Kenath Zoron (fightthegoodfight91@gmail.com)
NICKNAME The Fightin' 104th
MOTTO 'Try your luck - the game's rigged in our favor'
MESSAGE BOARD http://eh.stryfe.net/viewforum.php?f=37
REPORTS http://tc.emperorshammer.org/showreport.php?id=1&nid=104
BATTLEBOARD http://tc.emperorshammer.org/battleboard.php?sqn=104

Nickname: Agility
Motto: 'Up, down, side-to-side, you're always in our sights.'
[1] LC Kenath Zoron (fightthegoodfight91@gmail.com)
[2] CPT Mad Max (maxgoreen@gmail.com)
[3] CPT Ric Gravin (gravintc@yahoo.com)
[4] TBA

Nickname: Hostility
Motto: 'Say hello to our little friends!'
[5] CPT Ard Royber (ard_royber@mail.ru)
[6] LCM Jaorrus Morraus (theclimbrocks_uk@hotmail.com)
[7] MAJ Earnim Branet (ehbranet@yahoo.com)
[8] CPT Viper (fwcjr@hotmail.com)

Nickname: Mobility
Motto: 'Don't run - you're already dead.'
[9] TBA
[10] COL Dax Corrin (dax_corrin@hotmail.com)
[11] CPT Matt Dante (djb.dante@gmail.com)
[12] LCM Topace31 (gamefiend7@yahoo.com)


In service of the Empire,

CMDR/LC Kenath Zoron/Flayer 1-1/Wing XIX/ISDII Subjugator

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