Fury Report # 44 (2005-02-04)

This report was submitted by MAJ Mouse Droid

Fury WSR #44


Aurora Standard Date - February, 4th, 2005 - Report #44

"Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends." - Czech proverb.

Two new competitions are coming to your squadron. Be sure to keep an eye on your e-mail box :D.

I am looking for two Flight Leaders for Fury Squadron. This job is usually your first step towards a command.
If you think you are up to a Flight Leader, contact me. If you're not in Fury you can apply as well.

The Avenger Task Force is still at war with the SSSD Sovereign!!! If everyone does a bit, we'll easiliy beat the
Sovereign. Defeat our opponents!!! Look in the competitions section of this report for details on how to help.

Squadron News:

  • Fury has two Flight Leader spots open for applications. If you think you are up to it, apply to me.
    I expect all FL's to be active, serve as example to the other pilots and keep in regular contact.
    Look here for details: Flight Leaders

  • Xanatos Screed was promoted to Lieutenant. Nice work and deserved!

  • Two new squadron competitions coming. Stay alert ;).

Wing/BG News:

  • The Avenger Task Force was challenged by the SSSD Sovereign. Let's defeat them and show that the
    SSD Avenger should be the flagship of the fleet :D.

  • Wing XIX nearly won BJ January 2005, but the title goes to XX. Congratulations!

  • IW and HCI veteran COL Astix was appointed as the new Trapper Squadron commander. Good luck, sir!

  • LT Torrance Darkcrest and LC Daniel Goad join the Avenger Task Force.

  • It's MSE time once again. Where you a good pilot ;) ?

  • Breakthrough in the ATFBB development. Stay tuned.

  • Participate in BGCOM's Judgement (BJ)!

  • COM Ky Terrak started a new competition about his 1-year as COM. Submissions due today!

EH/Tie Corps News:

  • The EH has won the XvT Week of War! Scoser won JO Week of War!

  • Lucasarts is developing a new game: SW Empire at War.

  • Command Staff Officers were promoted: AD Vladet Xavier, AD Frodo March, AD Joey C, AD Hobbie as an
    roster update measure.

  • The COMM has released new guidelines for EH officers in non-EH IRC channels: you can find them here.

  • Several web masters have been awarded a Commendation of Excellence:
    Pickled Yoda (COMM site), Reinthaler (Tau site), Grith (Avenger Sq site), Drako (ATF BJ site),
    Aeishline (House Gladius site), Ace Hobbes (Clan Tarentum site).

  • The Tactical Office has released new battles: XWA-TC#40, 41, XWA-DB#6.

  • ASF BGCOM Gilad Pellaeon has been promoted to AD.

  • The Fleet Commander has extended his 'Off The Record' competition to the 7th of February:


Lots of competitions! Win some medals!

  • Avenger Task Force vs. SSSD Sovereign
    [Avenger Task Force and SSSD Sovereign]
    Start date: January, 16th, 2005.
    End date:  February, 15th, 2005.


    Defeat the evil SSSD Sovereign.

    SP Flying: TIE-TC#200, XvT-TC#103, XWA-TC#37.
    MP Flying: XvT/XWA/FW.
    Fiction:    Write a story about the ATF and SOV working
                  together in battle.
    Graphics : Create a graphic where the ATF and SOV fight
                   each other.
    Submission guidelines: see website.

  • BGCOM's Judgment February 2005 Edition
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: February, 1st, 2005
    End date:   February, 28th, 2005


    TIE-TC#174: "Jaeger"
    XVT-TC#104: "Subjugator in the Unknown Territories"
    XWA-TC#33: "Operation Sector Clean-up"

    XvT/XWA/FW Multiplayer
    JK/JO/JA Multiplayer

    Trivia: "Basic Star Wars Know-How"

    "Celebration III Flyer"
    Create a graphic for your flyer in Fiction topic - if you don't submit a flyer you can still create a
    graphic as I can then also mix up flyer from someone with graphic from someone else.

    Fiction: "Celebration III Flyer"
    Your BG COM is planning to participate in Starwars Celebration III (www.starwarscelebration.com).
    He might need some good and convincing flyer explaining the TIECorps concept (what people can
    do there, why it is fun, etc.) and the ATF in general (what ships we consist of, about our unity, etc.).
    Create something convincing but also short one as lot of people will be handing out flyers and we
    want new pilots to read ours, right ?

    The biggest multi-activity competition in the Battlegroup. Each category has an medals for
    winner and runner-up: TIE & XvT & XWA SP, XvT/XWA/FW MP, Graphics, Fiction, Trivia.
    Submissions go to:
    TK-2107 (tk2107@tiecorps.org) and cc Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com).

  • The Executive Officer, Tactical Officer and Training Officer each host a number of impressive
    competitions. Refer to the BGCOM's report and mail for details.


None, this week.

Promotions and transfers:

Xanatos Screed: Promoted to LT. Great work and deserved!


  • Contact your squadron commander (via e-mail, IRC, MSN at tbaede@hotmail.com).
    I promise I won't bite this time ;).
  • Try to fly a free mission. This rarely takes more than half an hour. For example: XvT-F#173.
  • Participate in competitions. It's fun and gets you promoted quickly.
  • You have friends that are interested in the Tie Corps? Try to interest them in our squadron.
    I'll reward you with a medal.


COMMANDER: MAJ Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: Council of Honor
BANNER: fury.jpg
MOTTO: For the welfare of the Empire 

Nickname: Dukes of Freedom
Motto: We fly to protect the Empire
1) MAJ Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Hunterr (Corni12@gmx.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Earls of Justice
Motto: We die to save the Empire 
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) LT Teos (sledz007@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Counts of Unity
Motto: We fight to serve the Empire
1) TBA
2) LT Xanatos Screed (M.Wernsing@web.de)
3) CM Yun (yun@poczta.fm)
4) TBA


Mouse Droid: E-mail and IRC activity. Coding work. Created GFX for BJ.
Flew XvT-TC#90 (High score) and XWA-DB#4 for BJ.


No contact. Working on those missions?
Teos: No contact. On army training?
Xanatos Screed: E-mail contact. Participated in BJ Trivia.
Yun: E-mail contact. Participated in BJ Trivia.
Has a working joystick now.


  • Fury Squadrons currently holds 0 squadron citations. Let's get those back!
  • FCHG rankings:
    [1603/ARCN] - Xanatos Screed
    [470/CNTR] - Mouse Droid
    [276/KNGT] - Yun
    [17/GREN] - Teos
    [0/NONE] - Hunterr


Any questions or comments, mail me!

Respectfully submitted,

Mouse Droid

CMDR/MAJ Mouse Droid/Fury/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

BTM/GRD Ascol Jerrin/Sentinel/Ronin/Alvaak

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