Hammer Report # 30 (2005-02-04)

This report was submitted by LC Mosh

Hammer Weekly Squadron Report
Hammer Squadron
Wing IX/ISD Relentless
Lieutenant Colonel Mosh reporting 4/2/05
Squadron News:
« Fahrer's Intelligence comp is still running on the Wing IX message boards. Go prove you're smarter than I look.

« Fahrer yet jumped another FCHG rating this week so he's now a Centurian

« I created an auto-report-in form this week to make it even easier for you lazy bums to stay on the roster but the mailer CGI isn't working. Anyone know a simple Perl mailer?

« Casino Imperiale has finished. Those of us who fly flew, everyone else is ordered to report to the nearest airlock.

« We are Squadron of the Quarter - a new title that entitles us to display the Squadron of the Quarter plaque on our website, the catch being that it doesn't exist yet. Draw a plaque we can be proud to show off, I'll turn this into a comp later in the week.

« Total missions flown this week: 109 - Pretty darned good.

Ongoing Competitions:
«Landmark Comp
I'm collecting pictures of everyone's nearest unique landmark for a competition that will start as soon as I have enough - total so far=1

¬Off the record
Write an article about the appointment of the new Fleet Commander - This has been extended to the 7th.

«Citation Drive
Only a couple of additions to the battle board this week as Fahrer and I flew our assigned battles. Assignments are as follows:
CPT Crsepe - TIE TC6 | LC Mosh - TIE TC89 | CM Sayo Hirosho - XWA TC10 | LCM Klyn Shanga - N/A | LT Fahrer - TIE TC85 | LT Copperdog - TIE TC7 | CPT Hermann - TIE TC120


«LC Mosh (6372) LGNR:


Flew TIE: TC34(6), TC36(5), TC85(6)
Flew Fahrer's battle and sent Beta reports
Submitted MSE for January
Updated the roster
Bought XvT again
Created a new uniform for the WC and forgot to put it on his USB stick
Posted on MBs

ªLCM Klyn Shanga (11508) :
No Contact
©CM Sayo Hirosho (7327)
No Contact
ªCPT Crsepe (5359) PLDN:Trainee
Talked to Mosh on IRC
©LCM Fahrer (11613) PLDN: SQIO
Reported in
Updated his uniform
Flew TIE: TC21(5), TC23(5), TC31(5), TC32(4), TC33(5), TC41(5), TC48(4), TC133(8), TC152(6), TC207(4), F105
Flew XWA: IW6(5)
Corrected his custom battle and sent it to Mosh for more Beta flying
Posted on MBs
©LT Copperdog (11673) :
No Contact (Week 2)
©CPT Hermann (6490) :
Reported in
Talked to Mosh on IRC
Flew XvT:TC106(4)(Casino), TC70(4), TC71(8), TC72(4)
Flew TIE:TC113(4), TC221(4), IW16(4), F4, F5, F7, F9, F11, F14, F16, F17, F18
Flew XW:F3* New mission HS! - Well done.
Sent tactical tips for TIE Casino
Squadron Orders:
« Report in every week.
« Fly something
« Have a go at Fahrer's Riddles on the MBs.
« Recruit a new pilot.
Mosh's Cantina Special:
Tom Collins (As featured in 'Meet the Fockers')
2 oz gin, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tsp powdered sugar, carbonated water.
In a mixing glass with ice, combine gin, sugar and juice. Shake. Add soda water to suit.

CMDR/LC Mosh/Hammer/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
BS/PCx8/ISMx22/MoT-1gh/IS-9BW-1BR-6SW-3SR-2GW-1GR/CoLx3/CoB/OV-3E [LGNR]

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