Spectre Report # 4 (2005-05-06)

This report was submitted by CM Ons Shy

CMDR/CM Ons Shy reporting in for Spectre Squadron on

CMDR/CM Ons Shy reporting in for Spectre Squadron on 5/06/05


(Commander Shy walks through the door and notices a change in environment. New faces. A few new faces. Everyone starts to quiet their talk as Ons Shy steps at the front of the room to start his weekly report…)

Squadron News

  • HOLY NEW PEOPLE!!!!! We have had a recent surge in transfers to our group. We have 4 new people this week and things seem to be shaping up. Let’s keep up the good work.
  • Activity is starting to rise. Keep it that way.
  • Daniel Goad has left us due to his big promotion. He is currently the new Commodore of the ISD Colossus. I hope everyone wishes the best of luck for Rear Admiral Goad!

Game Talk


            So of course I had to run out to the store and get this game the first day it came out. I bought the X-Box version because my computer just isn’t good enough to run a program that beautiful. I get home and start to unwrap the packaging when my girl friend calls me. I told her I would go to the mall with her the day before. The entire time there, all I wanted was to hear the sweet swooshing sound of a lightsaber while using a bit of Force Lightning to stir up the enemies of the republic. I get home and only get to play for a short while because I had to go to work. What a tease! When I got home, it was near 2:30 a.m. I played til 6 a.m. and beat the entire game.

Let me inform you if you don’t already know… THIS GAME IS A SPOILER! It tells everything, so if you are one of those purist that say they don’t want to know what happens til the movie comes out(even though we all know the ultimate outcome), don’t play it. Now, if you are like me and can’t help yourself, THIS GAME IS AMAZING!!! I would suggest for everyone to get this game. Great gameplay makes it fun, and the graphics are clear and crisp. Could be one of the most fun games I have ever played.

Squadron Status

  • I have come to a realization that it can be really hard to get pilots to fly. Around here, it is like pulling teeth. So what I’m going to say is if you can, by all means, fly missions. I’m currently working on a comp to get some shiny bling on those uniforms. But if you can not fly, please try some competitions. The “Avenger’s Darkness” comp is a great comp that lets you participate, even if you can not fly. Please try that or something like the Battleboards. That is another thing that doesn’t require flying missions. But please, some form of participating. I understand that many people go onto IRC for meetings. That is fine, but if I’m not in there, I need to know when you were to give you some credit. So from this moment on, ALL MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO AT LEAST E-MAIL ME ONCE A WEEK! Even just to say that you are reporting in. If not, I will start AWOL checks.
  • Web page is near complete. I’m not the best with this stuff. When it gets up, at least we will have one. I will try my hardest to improve on it as time goes on.
  • Your orders will be…
    • Try to fly mission
    • Take some IWATS
    • Participate in various comps


Activity Reports


·        Sent out e-mails to new squad members

·        Did some clerical work (add people onto battlegroups, still working on webpage, etc.)


FL/ CM Giovanni Palermo

·        No contact


FM/LT Laurence Angelo

·        No contact yet again. You have two days to contact me before being removed from the roster and transferred to the reserves.


FL/CM Loyol Xeon

·        Created Squadron uniform patch

·        Created a banner for me (Hurray!)

·        Took part in the “Avenger’s Darkness” comp.


FM/LT Claus Shteiner

·        Contacted me through e-mail


FM/LT Kolos Murdock

·        No contact


FM/CPT Alsdyr

·        No contact



Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CM Ons Shy (OnsShy@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: Fatal Apparition
BANNER: spectre.jpg
MOTTO: When you see us, the end is near
MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=45&sid=974b753817d06368662561b8432c310b

Nickname: Phantom Flight
Motto: Death will be your only warning
1) CM Ons Shy (OnsShy@yahoo.com)
2) LT Laurence Angelo ( Lowellpriestley@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Banshee Flight
Motto: As screams shred through the silent air, so shall we through your flesh
1) CM Loyol Xeon (xeon@eh-atf.net)
2) LT Claus Shteiner (myrnokkr@yandex.ru)
3) LT Kolos Murdock (doug_27_mobley@freakmail.de)
4) CPT Alsdyr (lordvadyr@yahoo.com)

Nickname: Shadow Flight
Motto: Like a thief in the night, you won't know til it's too late
1) CM Giovanni Palermo (PalermoGC@caths.co.uk)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 7

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