Omicron Report # 0 (2005-04-23)

This report was submitted by CM Diaboli

Omicron Squadron Report #1

23rd April 2005

:::::Squadron news:::::

CM Diaboli (thats me) becomes the new CMDR for Omicron = Beer for all! Hopefully I hang around for the minimum of four months (or more) and break the Curse of Omicron! The first week may be low in activity, but I intend to make some changes and at the same time keep up my own fligh activity by submitting 5 battles each week. Due to the time difference between Finland and North America, and my RL related Internet access obstacles (only from my work), my reports will usually be e-mailed to you on saturday mornings. Keep this in mind as you *eagerly* await these Sqd Reports. Right?

:::::Wing/Ship News::::

-PI Monthly Flyathlon Competition!

::::Fleet News::::


New TIE-Free missions (252 and 253) are available, se get flying!


CM Diaboli:

-Emailed to everyone, posted fiction on EHMB, IWATS/SM3

CPT Michael Gutt:

-Unknown, contact me

COL Gunman:

-Posted at EHMB, flew TIE-TC 116

LCM Aleksey Chugunov:

-Responded to email

CPT Wap Eal:

-Unknown, contact me

SL Argon:

-Unknown, contact me

LT Charlie Zhong:

-Unknown, possible transfer to Reserves?


Attention FLs! Since I currently have no access to ICQ or IRC you are my eyes and ears on this front. From time to time I'll ask you to report to me who was active in IRC or ICQ.

Furthermore, if you ever spot me doing a stupid mistake or know that things can be done better than I'm currently doing, then please please let me know! I can openly admit that I'm a newbie to all this, but I do want to learn the ropes and show that I can be useful to EH.

I'm planning to have a versatile Squadron. What this means is that we have skilled pilots who can win medals from pretty much any flying competition, innovative fiction writers who can spill forth page after page of action-packed and humorous stories, creative graphic designers who make sure our banner is copied to Louvre, and finally, mission creators who can make sure their missions cause severe addictions to all who play them.

Long-term projects to come:

New Squadron homepage

New mottoes for flights

Darker and more sinister tone for Squadron banner

That is all for now.

-:CMDR's Weekly Movie Recommendation:-

Grave of the Fireflies

Here's the fiction I wrote:

::::Squadron Roster::::

Nickname: Dark Storm of the Empire
Motto: Beware the calm before the Storm!
1) CM Diaboli( - #11644
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Blades of Darkness
Motto: Fear us 'cause we leave nothing behind us!
1) CPT Michael Gutt ( - #5740
2) COL Gunman ( - #844
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: StarLancers
Motto: We move in silence and strike with a vengeance
1) LCM Aleksey Chugunov ( - #10913
2) CPT Wap Eal ( - #3709
3) SL Argon ( - #11702
4) LT Charlie Zhong ( - #9283

Squadron Citations:

Squadron Citations (3):
TIE-TC Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 24 - Save the Emperors DNA

WHAT??? Only three Citations!

CMDR/CM Diaboli/Omicron/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

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