Tempest Report # 7 (2004-11-14)

This report was submitted by GN Master

~Tempest Squadron Weekly Report #7 - 14th of November 2004~

***~CMDR's Rant~***

> hehehehe... maybe Master's on leave or something. :P <\remark>

With the Candyman, you have to say his name five times before bad things happen.

With me, once will do! Don't say you didn't ask for it! >:P

***~Squadron News~***

*ECR - Save the Alci!!!!*

Yes, its ECR time again. For those who are unfamiliar with the competition, its a yearly (or about) tradition that is not only for awarding the Flagship of the Battlegroup title, but it also means the winning ship gets a truckload of bragging rights.

I remember last time the Challenge won, myself Locke & Chris all got really drunk and launched empty beer bottles at the Colossus. :P

So when we win this year (and win we shall) we'll have some fun >:)

The comp is divided into four parts.
-Mission Creation

Phase One - Flying
This part is complete with most of you flying, great job.

Phase Two - Graphics
This part is complete with several submissions

Phase Three - Fiction
Each pilot is to write a funny cantina story OR to write about the battle to capture the ALCI Thieves. minimum word count is to be 500 and maximum is to be 2500. score will be given to humorous submissions. as well as quality. Spelling and grammar not to be an issue

Fiction due date: 11/19/04

Phase Four - Mission Creation
Email Stuart & Bubba if your interested, they have more info about this.

*October Awards*
CM Daniel Bonini was awarded a Palpatine Crescent for his activity during October. Let this be a lesson to all, fly lots and u get shiny bobbles.

I also got a Bronze Star for my work as TCC in the TAC office, so yay me.

*Thunder Commander Retires*
In case you haven't heard, the infamous COL Beef is retiring and heading out into that strange and disturbing place known as Real Life.

I wish you the best of luck Beefy and hope u return soon.

His replacement has been chosen, and CM Azurin has been promoted to Thunder Commander. Congrats to her.

*Comp 3:16*
Has been on hold during the last two weeks, but im starting it up again ASAP.
Expect more info within the next 24hrs.

Ladies and Gents. I'm a General, i have a FCHG Score of over 1000, i have a bucket load of medals, ive created several missions & according to IWATS im pretty smart.

Now's your chance to put me in my place.

I'm going to assign one FREE mission per week. I am going to fly it, and anyone who beats me will win a IS-BW (plus bragging rights).

Best of luck to all. Oh and may i just say, god help you if i score the highest >:)

*Design a Tempest Mascot*
I still haven't received any submissions.
I'm giving this one more week before i officially end it.

I think it's time the mighty Tempest Squadron had a mighty mascot.

So here's your chance to design one.

It could be anything from 'Tommy the Tempest Tiger' too 'Tempo the Ewok'.

Use your imagination.

To enter you need to send an email to me, containing any and every important info about the mascot. The more detailed the better.

*Have Your Say*
Message Board Topic about what you guys want to do is at:
You can have your say on what we do in the coming months.

So i urge all Tempest members to go have their say.

Now go! :P

*Tempest Website*
More work has been accomplished.
I'm now in the process of getting a website from minos and putting it online.
I expect it will be online sometime this week.

*Squadron Standing Orders.*
Every week i want you to do one of the following:
        Fly something from the Mission Compendium
        Take and IWATS Course
        Add a piece of fiction to a run-on
        Create a graphic
        Submit something for the Squadron Report (Fiction etc)

If you haven't noticed Tempest is in desperate need of pilots, get out there and ask your friends, your relatives, parents, grandmothers, dogs, i don't care, lets just get some people in here.

I am offering a ISM per recruit (Cadet and RSV's alike) and a PC per 5 recruits, so theres a chance for you to get lots of medals and to help not only the squad but also the wing.

***~Squadron Orders~***
~Fly in Squadron Comps
~Take Part in Wing Comps
~Vote on the Msg Boards
~Fly a FREE mission
~Take an IWATS test

***~Wing/BG News~***
~Beefy Retiring.
~Azurin promoted to new Thunder Commander
~Mell retiring after ECR

***~Fleet News~***

***~The Usual Suspects~***

GN Master
11/4 Submitted Graphic for ECR.
11/8 Awarded BS
11/? MSE
11/? Mission Creation
11/? Recruiting

COL Sephiroth
11/? Submitted Graphic for ECR

CPT Rover

LT Impulse

CM Daniel Bonini
11/4 Submitted Graphic for ECR
11/12 Awarded PC
11/? Recruiting

LCM Prost Varsis
11/? Ravaged, Raped, Pillaged & annoyed several personal throughout the ship & IRC

*** ~Challenge Most Wanted~***

NICKNAME: Riders on the Storm
BANNER: tempest.jpg
MOTTO: "May the winds blow till they have waken'd death!" - Othello
HOMEPAGE: http://tempestsquadron.isdchallenge.net
MESSAGE BOARD: http://ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=69

COMMANDER: GN Master (slavelet@iinet.net.au)
NICKNAME: Riders on the Storm
BANNER: tempest.jpg
MOTTO: "May the winds blow till they have waken'd death!" - Othello
HOMEPAGE: http://tempestsquadron.isdchallenge.net
MESSAGE BOARD: http://ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=69

Nickname: Cupid's Arrows
Motto: "Mortuus ex Vento" -- "Death from the Wind"
1) GN Master (slavelet@iinet.net.au)
2) COL Sephiroth (eh_sephiroth@comcast.net)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: "Katayoku no Tenshi" - The One Winged Angels
Motto: We are the Plague of the Galaxy!
1) CPT Rover (eh_rowaasr13@mail.ru )
LT Impulse (impulse@tiefighter.org)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Imperial Monsoon
Motto: "We'll blow you off your feet."
1) CM Daniel Bonini (boninidaniel@uol.com.br)
2) TBA
3) LCM Prost Varsis (thecrazynomad@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

FCHG Average: 445.8
Combat Rating Average: 19

***~Dark Lord of the Week~***
The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success of the Squadron, amused the CMDR, or slipped me the most $5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

YAY for being #1 in ECR (as of this moment)

***~Ewok of the Week~***
Yub Yub!

Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:

Everyone else

***~Quote of the Week~***
Now a short word from our sponsor:

"When you arrive at Hell, tell me Tempest sent you and you'll get a group discount."

- The Evil One
9th Circle of Hell
PO Box 666
"I also do childrens' parties!"

***~Site of the Week~***
All hail Strongbad!!!!!

***~Final Comments~***
Yay there's the news for another week. Now go write a funny fic for ECR and fly some TIE.

General Master
ISD Challenge - Tempest Squadron Commander
TAC Office - Head XWA Crash Test Dummy

IWATS - Rebellion Tactics & XWA Mission Creation Professor
GSx3/SSx2/BSx4/PCx7/ISMx13/MoT-1rh-3gh-1bh/IS-20BW-1BR-5SW-1SR-1PR/LoC-CSx2-Rx4/DFC-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-3E [GLDR] {IWATS-AIM-BOT-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TM/1-TT-WM-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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