Slayer Report # 5 (2004-12-10)

This report was submitted by CM Magus Vader


Hello my friends! welcome to another CMDRship report! :P Please know that I have put some of my members on leave, because its the only way to keep them here now, but here and more active later on. The new harddrive we got is defective... again... so my brother is trying to fix it. At this time I can ONLY play Obelisk games.. and the only thing that remotely counts for is BGCOMs judgement. So atm if you are interested in a match, get with me sometime on #atf. Onto the report? fine. :P

--Subgroup News--

-VA Gilad is the NEW ASF BGCOM!! Grats!

-Gidda of the Intrepid was promoted to VA! WC Yoda of the Grey Wolf was promoted to General! CMDR Nightmare of Avenger was promoted to General! Grats to all!

-CA:TO, WO, IO, COMM, and PREX are open to applications!

-The Emperor's Hammer now has a presence in the RPG-game, called Nation States. To anyone who doesn't know what NationStates is, it's a simple web-based game at that allows you to create and run your own nation. You stamp your own authority and style of leadership on the nation via a series of issues- such as whether to allow voting, where companies are allowed to mine, should gambling be legal etc- and gradually your nation develops. Nationstates is very fun!!! :P I am a big part of it, and the EHT is at 97 nations! Come find out about it in #EHT and have some fun!! :P See you there!

-2 new TC competitions in the FO report, see

--Wing News--
-I can say that WC Reese sent out some questions for the CMDRs to report back with. He'll obviously detail them further, and any answers I get from my members, i will send forward. Stay tuned, hm? :)
-Secret ATF projects on hold until further notice.
-Our WC's wing competition: Wing XIX: The Story of Lancers is running.
-Wing XX is currently very low on pilots: 13 on last count. If you recruit: XX needs help.
-If you have problems with Windows Service Pack II and XvT, watch this topic:
-ATF Multiplayer rumble: play any SW game you want in MP on #atf on sundays around: 22.00h GMT; 17.00h EST; 14.00h PST

--Squadron News--
-Not to be pushy too much, but why the heck are you in a squad if not to be active? :P Seriously, I can be a laid back CMDR, but I need members to actually report and do stuff <- makes my job a lot easier, don't ya think? :)
-I haven't been cursed with some BSFs to process this report... That's good and bad for me, so please do be active.
-I have been in contact with a number of RSVists, and have gotten some to try their best to come back and join Slayer... after Christmas of course.
-A competition of mine: Slayer TIE Ladder, has been approved! For those of you who can, please try and play in it! Due to the special circumstances of this squadron, I would like to keep this one running until such time as we have enough players to end it. Ok?

-CMDR MVader
--Heavy IRC prescence, light email work, light database browsing, light squad planning. Please know that my computers new harddrive is whacked, so gaming is impossible at this time (for the corps, anyway). I'll keep you all updated on the situation.
-MAJ Taralis
--No contact this week to my knowledge.
-LCM Lolet
--On leave of Absence until he reports back in.
-CM Thren
--On leave of Absence until he reports back in.
-CM Nelson
--HE REPORTED IN!!!! WHOO!! :) Unfortunately I am obligated to put him on Gaming LoA (excused from Gaming) as he is getting a 2nd job to pay for more internet. He promised he'd email me once a week, so that's good. More as I get it, hm? :)
-LT Bozinovic
--Light email contact. Told me he will get active as soon as he can... we'll get on that won't we? :)
-SL Gimli
--HAS NOT reported in as requested, and ordered. If he DOES NOT report in by next week, I'll have to declare him MIA and AWOL. So please do report in at the very least! Thanks.

-Wing XIX: The Story of Lancers (seventh episode)
[Wing XIX]
Start date: November, 9th, 2004
End date: November, 13th, 2004
Send answers about Jedi questions to WC Kane Reese (,
cc MAJ Mouse Droid ( Good luck!
-BGCOM's Judgment December Edition
[Avenger Task Force]
Start date: December, 1st, 2004
End date: December, 31st, 2004
The biggest multi-activity competition in the Battlegroup. Each category has an medals for winner and runner-up. Submissions as always, send them TK's way. :)
-Slayer TIE Ladder - view specifics at:

There are many shots to be active, so please do!


No promotions, or medals this week. Try for more next time folks. :)


None at this time.


Contact CMDR Vader whenever humanly possible so we can get this shindig runnin'! :)

--Final Thoughts--
3 of our pilots are on leave, and I want to stress again that FM/SL Gimli HAS NOT reported in, and is in grave danger of AWOL.


NICKNAME: Darkside Slayers
BANNER: slayer.jpg
MOTTO: With the Darkside, we can not fail

Nickname: The Dark Shadows.
1) CM Magus Vader
2) MAJ Devin Taralis
3) LCM Zev Lolet
4) CM Slawter Thren

Nickname: The Dark Knights.
1) TBA
2) CM Quincy Nelson
3) TBA
4) SL Gimli

Nickname: The Eyes of Darkness.
1) LT Milan Bozinovic
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Commander Magnus Vader
CMDR/CM Magnus Vader/Slayer/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

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