Praetorian Report # 23 (2004-11-26)

This report was submitted by LC Abel Malik

Greetings fellow Praetorians, this is report #23 11/27/04

EH Homepage:
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The Science Office:

Prae gained 2 new citations thx to the efforts of CPT Deimos & MAJ Saris.
VA Scrier (yes the SDIR AD Aseret finaly promoted him;p.) is on leave for a week atm... hopefully he'll be back soon since VA Scrier acts as our liason officer to the Intel Division.
I've cancelled the ID Weapons Identification comp after two weeks w/o any participation. (This is a shame but perhaps it can be used for something else at a later date);p.
After having served ten months as the Prae XO under GN Ice & his recent months of exemplary activity in Prae- I have managed to get a promotion to the rank of LC for Dolsar Saris, congratz!
After nearly 2 years as a TCS in the TAC office I've been awarded a position promotion to TCHC. (final checking battle/mission releases).

Flight Deck:
I'm going to post notices of bugged battles/missions here so nobody wastes their time attemting to fly the incompletable/impossible;p.
XWA-FCHG4 (mission 4 is bugged)- I've reported this to GN Master.
BoP-ID1 (mission 4 is incompletable)- I've reported this to VA Styles
XvT-TC#11... Mission 7 is completable (barely) but still horribly bugged (this just in from MAJ Dolsar Saris a few weeks ago).
I encourage the rest of Prae to participate in this section- send in info on known bugged battles/missions of all platforms.

-Monthly flying requirements will be implemented after New Year's in January: It'll be a mandatory requirement to fly at least one battle or four free missions a month, I will allow you to fly MP matches in place of the missions if you wish (I'm easy to work with after all);p.

monthly flying totals so far:
LC Malik: 58 missions
CPT Deimos: 37 missions
CPT Drak: n/a
GN Ice: n/a
MAJ CC: 3 MP matches (FW)
COL Morgan: 6 missions
LC Dolsar Saris: 40 missions
MAJ Evo Sarnok: 34 missions

-Participate in the new round of Praetorian Trivia: (
alright guys time to restart the traditional Praetorian Trivia comp. Standard rules apply: you have one week to answer all round one questions before I begin round II, send all answers directly to me at my e-mail addy (, and all wrong answers equal -1 off your round total.

Prae Trivia Round One answers:
How many moons does Tatooine have? three

Which starship design corporations had many high-rise buildings in MoS Eisely?
Ubrikkian & Queblux

Which model landspeeder does Luke Skywalker use on Tattoine in Episode IV?
SoroSuub X-34 Landspeeder.

How much does a single vaporator cost on Tattoine?
500 credits.

Who did Chalmun the wookie buy the Mos Eisley Cantina from?
the Cniichon brothers- Ranat siblings who were running a illegal spice den on the premises.

What are the names of the moons of Tatooine?
Ghomrassen, Guermessa, and Chenini.

What episode II planet is located less than a parsec away from Tatooine?

What is the name of the Bith band that played in the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine?
Filgrin D'an and the Modal Nodes.

Who was Jabba's Rancor keeper? Malakilli.

How many hours is the average day on Tatooine?
23 standard hours.

participation results:
COL Morgan had 5/10 correct
MAJ Evo Sarnojk had 1/10 correct
(I ignored the -1 for each incorrect answer this round due to low participation).
There's still plenty of opportunitys in Round II to catch up!

Round Two questions:
What starfighter did the R-22 Spearhead serve as the design basis for?

Yavin 4 is the largest of how many moons orbiting the gas giant Yavin?

Cloud City is based on what platform?

The moon of Endor is commonly known as the _____ or Forest Moon?

In Yoda's house he was cooking what kind of Stew when he told Luke "wars not make one great"?

What did R2-D2 & Yoda play "tug of war" when shortly after Luke's arrival on Dagobah in Episode V?

Cloud City was originaly known as what founded by Lord Ecclessis Fig of Corellia?

Who was Eclessis Figg's Wife?

Gentes, the home of the Ugnaught race is in what System?

Who inhabited Jabba's Palace before Jabba himself (and I'm not talking about the monks;p)?

Who was Jubnuk?

Good Luck to you all!

- Participate in the Praetorian Squadron Scrimage Comp: (this will be over next week).
Praetorian Squadron Scrimage: (one good way to fulfill the monthly flying reqs- this comp begins immediately);p.
Competition Name/Title Praetorian Squadron Scrimage
Submitted by: CMDR-TCS/LC Abel Malik/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 11/1/2004
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 11/30/2004
Parties Involved Praetorian Squadron
Missions/Battles Used TIE-TC71, XvT-TC71, and XWA-TC23
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star Bronze Wing (IS-BW) to the top scoring pilot of each battle. Aditional bonus of an Iron Star Bronze Wing to the pilot who breaks the battle high score of each battle.
Miscellaneous Information This is just an internal squadron competition to keep our skills honed & sharp and to break some battle high scores in the process. (In the case of multiple pilots breaking the battle high score the medal would go to the pilot with the highest score).
Additional Contacts

-RECRUIT, our numbers are dwindling fast, remember our requirements of the rank of CM & at least 500 FCHG. (the only exception to this rule I'm allowing is former Prae's who served more than three months).

-work on improving your own personal FCHG levels- remember we do have a few squadron specific rewards related to this! ;p.

For every 10 squadron citations you earn for Prae I will recommend you for a ISM.
(1-1)LC Abel Malik = TIE-TC 7, TIE-TC 11, TIE-TC 31, TIE-TC 32, TIE-TC 34, TIE-TC 38, TIE-TC 40, TIE-TC 41.

(1-4)CPT Deimos = XWA-FCHG 4 (incompletable).

(2-1)CPT Drak = BoP-TC 20, XWA-CAB 4, TIE-TC 11, TIE-TC 12, TIE-TC 16.

(2-2)GN Andrzej Mezynski = XvT-TC 1, XvT-TC 2, XvT-TC 3, XvT-TC 4, XvT-TC 5.

(2-3)MAJ Chris Cox = TIE-TC 5, TIE-TC 8, TIE-TC 9, TIE-TC 26, TIE-TC 33.

(3-1)COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan = TIE-TC 36, TIE-TC 58, TIE-BHG 1, TIE-BHG 2, XvT-TC 11.

(3-2)LC Dolsar Saris = XvT-TC 13, XvT-TC 18, XvT-TC 29, XvT-TC 30.

(3-3)MAJ Evo Sarnok = TIE-TC 50, XvT-TC 35, XvT-TC 36, XvT-TC 38.

These assignments will earn Prae 29 citations.

current citations listings:
LC Malik 13 citations
CPT Deimos 1 citation
CPT Drak 15 citations
MAJ Chris Cox 1 citation
COL Morgan 1 citation
LC Dolsar Saris 0 (back to zero after earning 10 citations & a new ISM).
MAJ Evo Sarnok 7 citations

The following battles only require one Prae to complete them in order to gain a citation: (i'm pretty sure this listings accurate, so if you havn't flown any of these be my guest);p.
XvT-TC 3
XvT-TC 4
XvT-TC 5
XvT-TC 11
XvT-TC 13
XvT-TC 18
XvT-TC 29
XvT-TC 35
XvT-TC 36
XvT-TC 38
XvT-TC 48
XvT-TC 49
XvT-TC 50
XvT-TC 51
XvT-TC 53
XvT-TC 59
XvT-TC 60
XvT-TC 64
XvT-TC 65
XvT-TC 68
XvT-TC 72
XvT-TC 73
XvT-TC 74
XvT-TC 76
XvT-TC 78
XvT-TC 79
XvT-TC 80
XvT-TC 82
XvT-TC 83
XvT-TC 84
XvT-TC 85
XvT-TC 86
XvT-TC 87
XvT-TC 88
XvT-TC 90
XvT-TC 91
XvT-TC 92
XvT-TC 93
XvT-TC 94
XvT-TC 96
XvT-TC 97
XvT-TC 98
XvT-TC 99
XvT-TC 100
XvT-TC 101
XvT-IW 1
XvT-IW 2
XvT-IW 3
XvT-IW 5
XvT-IW 6
XvT-IW 7
XvT-IW 8
XvT-IW 9
XvT-IW 11
XvT-DB 8
XvT-DB 9
XvT-DB 10
XvT-DB 11
XvT-ID 1
XvT-IS 1
BoP-TC 2
BoP-TC 20
BoP-IW 2
BoP-IW 8

Prae Activity:

AD Gelton Torr- "Soulforged"- mIrc activity.

LC Malik "Irek"- CMDR stuff, this report, flew TIE-TC101, TIE-TC104, TIE-TC210, flew XvT-TC71 for the Prae Squadron Scrimage comp, appointed the new TAC office TCHC. e-mail, e-group & mIrc activity.

CPT Deimos- flew XWA-TC34 (quite a few high scores), submitted XWA-TC24, XWA-TC25, XWA-TC26 & XWA-CAB2 for many mission high scores. e-mail & e-group activity.

CPT Drak "Drak" - e-mail & mIrc activity.

GN Andrzej Mezynski "Ice"- mIrc, e-group, & e-mail activity.

MAJ Chris Cox - mIrc activity.

COL Morgan "Ballabal"- flew XvT-TC57. e-group & e-mail activity.

LC Dolsar Saris "Black Sheep"- flew XvT-TC71 for the Prae squadron Scrimage comp, flew XWA-TC36, XvT-TC30, earned the FCHG rank of Executor, passed the AoT Irc Surveillance course, earning a new AoT rank. mIrc, egroup & e-mail activity.

MAJ Evo Sarnok "Raven"- working on Prae fiction, Flying XWA-TC23 for the Prae squadron Scrimage comp. mIrc activity.


Participate in Praetorian Trivia hosted by me;p.
Participate in the new Praetorian Squadron Scrimage flying competition (fly: TIE-TC71, XvT-TC71 & XWA-TC23).
Participate in Intel meeting trivia Sunday if you can attend, trivia is held every week and PoC's (usually a PoC gl for 1st, PoC-sl for 2nd & PoC-bl for 3rd) are offered to the top 3 trivia participants. Most likely the trivia is held by RA Scrier, on occasion CPT Mandalore (aka Slowbacca) will host the comp.

n/a this week

LC Dolsar Saris earned a Imperial Security Medal (ISM) for earning Prae ten squadron citations.
Due to previous time served as a Prae (10 months or so plus the recent months) I have managed to get a promotion to the rank of LC for Dolsar Saris approved thru FA Cyric.


Nickname: Styx Flight
1) LC Abel Malik (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) CPT Deimos (

Nickname: Charon Flight
1) CPT Drak (
2) GN Andrzej Mezynski (
3) MAJ Chris Cox (
4) TBA

Nickname: Hades Flight
1) COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) LC Dolsar Saris (
3) MAJ Evo Sarnok (
4) TBA

Squadron Citations:

currently standing at 134 (up 2 from last week) citations due to the efforts of LC Saris & CPT Deimos this week.

"Nobody said she was a genius" in the new SW DVD's in Episode IV: A New Hope check out the tiny, batlike alien (identified as Kabe of the Chandra-Fan species in spinoff sources) who's motioning for a drink in the Mos Eisley cantina. When she turns her head, you can see straight through the left eyehole of her mask and out the right eye. Talk about a "Head like a Hole.." :D

This concludes our report for this week.

In Respect, LC Malik Praetorian CMDR. Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt (Where ever Right and Glory Lead)


CMDR-TCHC/LC Abel Malik/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
[TIE Praetor: Severence]
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads & empty hearts can do that."

BTM/SBM Abel Malik/Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak; P:DGM
Don't be all down on the darkside, y'know what I mean? ;p.

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