Cobra Report # 46 (2004-10-24)

This report was submitted by MAJ Apophis Kuma

Cobra Squadron Weekly Report #46
WSR Date: 10.24.2004
Cobra Squadron: Serpents of the Night


Top 5 Fleet News headers this week (enjoy):

New SOV BGCOM Chosen
FW: EH-CG Hostilities
XVT Week of War!
New battles and missions
XVT and XWA 1v1 Tournaments

The details of these and more can be seen here: TieCorps News


Dozens of Iraqi soldiers shot dead
Bush, Kerry camps trade barbs over voter fraud
State Dept. official killed in Iraq
Vikings' Moss starts; streak intact


Better Than Ever: Caramel Apples


Welcome to the 46th Cobra Squadron Report. Like I stated in my last report, it's re-evaluation time! Well that's it for one of us, as it's off to the RSVs. I told you I'm not playing this anymore, I have tried and tried to get everyone to report in and after 4 times, well it's no more. You'll be sweeping dust balls on the RSV frigate from dusk until dawn. Remember I want to keep Cobra going but if you don't care then I can help you with that. But I do and want to see Cobra prosper so I need active peeps. If you having problems with something let me know and I'll see if I can help.

There is no excuse for not reporting it at the least. Nuff said on that. Anyway, I was the only one who did any activity this week. So I'll not list it here as you can look at my activity shown below. I was a little busy this week with a friend of mines retirement ceremony, so I wasn't here for most of the week and weekend. I will send out those trivia questions this week. Sorry for the delay. So let's get to work shall we?

CMDR's Work: I'm flying my tail and still waiting one submission by the COM for me. So I think I'm just 24 away from attaining Gladiator. So hopefully by the end of October I will reach my goal of 1000 FCHG points, but it's getting close. I had a slow week this week as well as running into a couple of stubborn battles. So now I'm going to work harder to get this done.

Well October is almost over and well at this point I don't think anyone other than me has contributed to the squadrons activity. So maybe you should start thinking about your activity for the November MSE? Atleast that's what I recommend that you guys do. So if you want some medals then remember to submit your fiction, flying, graphics and just about anything else you can think of. Another thing to remember is that I will also accept any work for those of you who are doing FW on your spare time. So please don't forget to send me any activity you have for this platform. I will add it to the report and get you any rewards in which you are entitled to. If anyone needs me please use email. This is the fastest way to make contact with me right now, so I have minimum distractions. Thanks.

(SP) FCHG Stuff: MAJ Apophis Kuma is the current leader so far doing SP flying, with a score of 68 points so far and as usual I'm followed behind by nobody. I will be flying some more later today or this week, my goal is to reach Gladiator by the end of the month or earlier and if all goes well it won't be long :)

Note: Don't forget my email address is so be sure to update your address books. Remember you slithering snakes, DO SOME ACTIVITY! nuff said!

That's it for this week, cya next time!


We have one squadron comp running right now:

Squadron Trivia Quiz #3 details out go here ---> "Comp #3".

Round #2 was won by former pilot LT Nom Anor. As always this will be an ongoing comp cuz I will make more quizes in order to work on the non flying side of things so get your SW books ready!


CMDR-PROF/MAJ Apophis Kuma
  1. Wrote Squadron Report #46
  2. Email activity (some)
  3. Flew XvT-FCHG 4 (got new 2 mission high scores, yay me!)
  4. Flew XvT-IW 3, 4 (pending COM submission for me)
  5. Flew BOP-TC 9
  6. Graded one IWATS test, and go figure it was for an IWer :P
FM/LT Mjolnir
  1. Reported in (I'm glad I didn't want to send you off)
FM/CM Kakihara
  1. Didn't report in (x4)
  2. Good bye, sorry buddy but it's time to go
FL/LT Jadesprite
  1. Didn't report In (x3)
FM/LT Syleim
  1. Reported In
FL III/CM Hunterwolf
  1. Reported in
  2. Submitted FL report
  3. Wrote XO words

*As usual if I missed something please contact me and tell me and I will include it later. Promise.*


  • Projects or Goals:
    • Working on Mission Creation Wars project (details not yet released)
    • Working on a new BOP battle (details not yet released)
    • Website coding is on hold atm.
  • Completed Projects of Goals:
    • Created a new BOP-FREE battle (Called: "Cool Hand" Luke) release date: 2004.07.27

Activity to do: I would like everyone to try and at least do one of the following every week. Fly one FREE mission or battle a week, write a small piece of fiction, make a graphic, add a new reply to the current squadron run-on or something for the squadron message board, create a new FREE mission or new battle for the compendium, last of all I want at the least is a report from you saying I'm alive, well and kicking.

XO Words

Yo guys...guess what?  I;m going on a trip on wednesday! WHOO HOO!, I'll be gone for about a week so I will put my leave status on, lets see who gets AWOLed this report but until next time, cya!

 -XO/FL-F3/CM Hunterwolf

Rewards: As all things come to an end, such as rewards for work accomplished. There were no medals posted this week, with none pending save the MSE ones, which I'm not sure if they were awarded or not, hopefully they will come soon. Just remember I will gladly get you a medal or promotion if you put forth the effort. I promise you I will if its within my power to get you these things. All you need to do is show me that your ready for it. Nuff said.

Have a great day!

[981] MAJ Apophis Kuma
[447] CM Hunterwolf
[150] CM Kakihara
[4] LT Mjolnir
[3] LT Jadesprite

[8] CM Kakihara
MAJ Apophis Kuma [PC] [68] MAJ Apophis Kuma
[0] CM Hunterwolf
[0] CM Kakihara
[0] LT Mjolnir
[0] LT Jadesprite

[68] Squad Total for OCTOBER thus far

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR-TCT-TCS-PROF/MAJ Apophis Kuma/Cobra/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
[PIN: 9554]
"You don't have to believe. But be prepared to be proved wrong."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn

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