Fury Report # 31 (2004-10-29)

This report was submitted by MAJ Mouse Droid

Fury WSR #31


Aurora Standard Date - October, 29th, 2004 - Report #31

"Television is more interesting than people. If it were not, we would have people standing in the corners of our rooms." - Alan Corenk.

The wing flying competition - Wing XIX: Wings of Durasteel is running for another week. Fly a free mission, simple.
There are a lot of medals up for grabs. Look below for more details.

Additionally, our Wing needs your help. With just a few days to turn in your creations for BJ, you would
have to be quick, but remember: participation counts, it doesn't have to be masterpiece.
Look at some examples from the past: http://avenger.minos.net/bj/archive.html
If you can't make it this month, try next month. Thanks!

Squadron News:

  • BJ: October is up! Participate: 2 days left! High chances of medals in XvT, FIC and GFX.
    Help our Wing out! We need your support!

  • Anyone wanting to play multi-player is more than welcome. This includes Free Worlds!

  • Mouse and Xan are doing some recruiting: hopefully we'll find an extra pilot soon :).

Wing/BG News:

  • Wing XIX has a new competition - Wing XIX: Wings of Durasteel. Participate: it's fun and easy!

  • COL Kane Reese is on Leave of Abscence until approximately 10th of November.
    I will serve as acting Wing Commander.

  • COL Trido is the new Wing XX WC. Good luck in your new position, Trido!

EH/Tie Corps News:

  • General Stele Pellaeon is the new Sovereign BGCOM.

  • Free Worlds news: The Privateer Fleet is now hostile to the EH and the Commerce Guild is now|
    neutral. Docking at Freedom One is allowed as long as you pay the CG's taxes.

    Currently, on the FW MB the community is discussing about how to represent the EH on the Burnout
    Server. Read if you're interested: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=4177

  • The Tie Corps Battlegroups BGCOM position is open for applications.

  • Imperial Storm is on hold until the new Sovereign BGCOM is comfortably installed.


Lots of competitions! Win some medals!

  • Wing XIX: Wings of Durasteel
    [Wing XIX]
    Start date: October, 23rd, 2004
    End date:   November, 6th, 2004


    TIE-F#145:  "Demons and Angels"
    XVT-F#170: "Storm Squadron: The Research Station"
    BOP-F#1:    "Conflict and Honor"
    XWA-F#98:  "Operation Divide and Conquer: Part I"

    Submit to: MAJ Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com) and cc your squadron commander.
    Medals: 1st place of each platform: IS-SW, 2nd place of each platform: IS-BW.


  • BGCOM's Judgment October Edition
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: October, 1st, 2004
    End date:   October, 31st, 2004

    http://avenger.minos.net/bj/ (new assignments)

    TIE-TC Battle #168 - "Project Omega"
    XvT-TC Battle #100 - "Wing X: The Challenge"
    XWA-TC Battle #18 - "Immortalized"

    "Imperial Storm V - capture of a Scout"
    Write the story of brave MAJ Jaron Kai scouting for our battlegroup and being caught by
    the Agressor Strike Force.

    Graphics: "Imperial Storm V - capture of a Scout"
    As you might already have heard one of our scouts, dear MAJ Jaron Kai was captured by
    the Agressor Strike Force - create a graphic of this capture - either in the space combat
    her ship was captured or during the later interogation

    The biggest multi-activity competition in the Battlegroup. Each category has an medals for
    winner and runner-up. Submissions go to:
    TK-2017 (tk2107@tiecorps.org) and cc Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com).

  • ATF Trivia: October 2004
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: October, 1st, 2004
    End date:   October, 31st, 2004

    http://atft.tiecorps.net (updated)

    Test your SW knowledge!!

  • TIE Tattoo Search
    [TIE Corps]
    Start date: October, 11th, 2004
    End date:   October, 24th, 2004


    Send COM Ky Terrak (kyterrak@aol.com) a graphics from the complete tattoo from the Secret Order
    in TIE Fighter.

  • The Executive Officer, Tactical Officer and Science Officer each host a number of impressive
    competitions. Refer to the BGCOM's report for details.


No mails from the Operations Office this week.

Promotions and transfers:



Minimum orders for the following week:
CONTACT YOUR COMMANDER (!) and fly a free mission.


COMMANDER: MAJ Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: Council of Honor
BANNER: fury.jpg
MOTTO: For the welfare of the Empire 
HOMEPAGE: http://fury.minos.net

Nickname: Dukes of Freedom
Motto: We fly to protect the Empire
1) MAJ Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Hunterr (Corni12@gmx.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Earls of Justice
Motto: We die to save the Empire 
1) LCM Todar (eh_todar@gmx.de)
2) TBA
3) LT Teos (sledz007@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Counts of Unity
Motto: We fight to serve the Empire
1) LC Xanatos Screed (M.Wernsing@web.de)
2) TBA
3) CM Yun (yun@poczta.fm)
4) TBA


Nice activity from some of you. I must warn LT Hunterr, LT Teos and CM Yun to report in to me ASAP!!
I can't have unactive pilots in my squadron, the self-proclaimed best squadron of Wing XIX.

So snap to it: fly, write, create, participate, sleep, fly, eat, fly, go to school, post, fly...and repeat ;).

Mouse Droid:
IRC activity. Acting Wing Commander duties. Flew TIE-TC#168 for BJ. Free Worlds flying.


No contact >:{
Todar: IRC and e-mail contact. Working on SM IWATS Course, flying for BJ.
Teos: No contact >:{
Xanatos Screed: E-mail contact. Serves as scout in ImpStorm. Recruiting.
Yun: No contact >:{


Any questions or comments, mail me!

Respectfully submitted,

Mouse Droid

CMDR/MAJ Mouse Droid/Fury/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

BTM/PRT Ascol Jerrin/Sentinel/Ronin/Alvaak

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