Praetorian Report # 15 (2004-10-02)

This report was submitted by LC Abel Malik

Greetings fellow Praetorians, this is report #15 10/2/04

EH Homepage:
TC Homepage:
Intel Homepage:
Intel Division Manual:
Intel Division, Academy of Tactics:
Praetorian Homepage: (hosted by AD Turtle)
Praetorian Message Board:
EH Battle Compendium:
The Science Office:

The SSL Finals have ended & I have submitted our files to the SSL coordinators & AD Proton. I'd like to thank everyone who helped out and especially those who went out of their way to make sure Prae had a fighting chance to win all the SSL finals! Gelt, Drak, Morgan, Saris flew all SSL platforms. Deimos & Angel flew XWA & TIE (both with decent scores I might add).
our collegue GN Ice has announced his wish to retire from the TC so after the SSL final scores/results are released he shall be going to the reserves. Thanks for coming back to help out Ice! Your always welcome back should you change your mind.
Now that all the comps (other than COL Morgan's Prae trivia) are over what do you want to do?
I spoke to AD Aseret earlier today on mIrc sooner or later we should get some Intel medals for the ID comp we participated in during September.

Flight Deck:
I'm going to post notices of bugged battles/missions here so nobody wastes their time attemting to fly the incompletable/impossible;p.
XWA-FCHG4 (mission 4 is bugged)- I've reported this to GN Master.
BoP-ID1 (mission 4 is incompletable)- I've reported this to VA Styles
I encourage the rest of Prae to participate in this section- send in info on known bugged battles/missions of all platforms.

- Take part in the Prae Trivia Comp ran by COL Morgan: (remember to send your answers directly to COL Morgan only).

Round III Prae Trivia Questions:
1.) Who was EV 9D9?
2.) Who was Vuffi Raa?
3.) Who was Great Heep?
4.) Name the imperial mark IV droid which was stationed at the
stormtrooper garrison on Mos Eisly.
5.) Who was Windy?
6.) Name Palpatine`s son?
7.) Who opened and own the Crystal Moon on Mos Eisly?
8.) In which canyon on Mos Eisly trained Luke Skywalker mostly with the
9.) Who was the first which had the honour to be the lunch for Jabba`s
10.) Who was "Dutch"?

COL Morgan

-RECRUIT, our numbers are dwindling fast, remember our requirements of the rank of CM & at least 500 FCHG. (the only exception to this rule I'm allowing is former Prae's who served more than three months).
-work on improving your own personal FCHG levels- remember we do have a few squadron specific rewards related to this! ;p.

the Citboard programs acting odd at the moment and is basically disfunctional online. Once I have that sorted out I'll resume the citation assignments for us all.

Prae Activity:

AD Gelton Torr- "Soulforged"- flew XWA-TC12, XvT-TC57 & TIE-TC67 for the SSL finals. mIrc, egroup & e-mail activity.

LC Malik "Irek"- flew FTIE249, FBoP32, FBoP33, reflew XvT-TC57 for the SSL finals, finished the Prae MSE, submitted the Prae SSL finals files to AD Proton & the SSL coordinators. mIrc, e-group & e-mail activity.

LC Angel- flew XWA-TC12 & TIE-TC67 for the SSL finals. mIrc, egroup & e-mail activity.

CPT Deimos- reflew flew XWA-TC12 & flew TIE-TC67 for the SSL finals. e-group & e-mail activity.

MAJ Chris Cox- "Prae XO" - flew XvT-TC57 for the SSL finals. mIrc & e-mail activity.

GN Andrzej Mezynski "Ice"- flew XvT-TC57 for the SSL finals. mIrc & e-mail activity.

CPT Drak "Drak" - flew XWA-TC12, XvT-TC57, and TIE-TC67 for the SSL finals. reflew XvT-TC57 for an improved score multiple times helping Prae improve it's finals point breakdown. mIrc, e-mail & e-group activity.

COL Morgan "Ballabal"- flew XWA-TC12, XvT-TC57, and TIE-TC67 for the SSL finals, running Prae trivia. e-group & e-mail activity. e-group & e-mail activity.

MAJ Dolsar Saris "Black Sheep"- flew XWA-TC12, XvT-TC57, and TIE-TC67. mIrc & email activity.

Participate in Praetorian Trivia hosted by COL Morgan.
Participate in Intel meeting trivia Sunday if you can attend, trivia is held every week and PoC's are offered to the top 3 trivia participants.

soon GN Andrzej Mezynski "Iceman" shall be resigning from the TC and transfering out of Prae.

CPT Deimos earned a Iron Star Silver Wings (IS-SW) for Second place, XWA, SSL CR 2.
MAJ Chris Cox earned a Iron Star Silver Wings (IS-SW) for Second place, XvT, SSL CR 2.


Nickname: Styx Flight
1) LC Abel Malik (
2) LC Angel (
3) TBA
4) CPT Deimos (

Nickname: Charon Flight
1) MAJ Chris Cox (
2) GN Andrzej Mezynski ( )
3) CPT Drak (
4) TBA

Nickname: Hades Flight
1) COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) MAJ Dolsar Saris (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations:

currently at 118 (up 2 from last week- I believe the new citations are from SSL battles TIE-TC67 & XvT-TC57).

Misc Info: I picked up a copy of Medstar II: Jedi Healer a Clone Wars story by Reaves & Perry Tuesday afternoon, so far it's pretty good, but I havn't finished it as yet due to TC & DB work. So thats out in the states at least now, I'm not sure about other locations. Also, Dark Horse Comics released issue #69 of SW: Republic (still in the Clone Wars timeline). The timeframe for the story must be late into the clone wars before episode III because Anakin has earned the full jedi-knight status in the story although he only has a small part in this issue- mostly it was centered on Obi-Wan & Quinlon Vos vs some of Dooku's dark-jedi & tracking droids (looks like an early version of the probot to me?).

This concludes our report for this week.

In Respect, LC Malik Praetorian CMDR. Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt (Where ever Right and Glory Lead)
CMDR-TCS/LC Abel Malik/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
[TIE Praetor: Severence]
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads & empty hearts can do that."

BTM/SBM Abel Malik/Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak
"Don't be all down on the Darkside, y'know what i mean?"
EHDB pin#167

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