Cobra Report # 45 (2004-10-16)

This report was submitted by MAJ Apophis Kuma

Cobra Squadron Weekly Report #45
WSR Date: 10.16.2004
Cobra Squadron: Serpents of the Night


Top 5 Fleet News headers this week (enjoy):

Wing XVI WC Appointed
Windows XP SP2 and You.
IO Open For Applications
SSL Results!

The details of these and more can be seen here: TieCorps News


Bush, Kerry trade barbs
2 U.S. helicopters crash in Iraq
Pope marks 26th anniversary
On tape: Bonds did steroids


Fast Easy Fresh


Welcome to the 45th Cobra Squadron Report. Like I stated in my last report, it's re-evaluation time! I will be looking over the squadron soon and find out what I need to do. More than likely if  I don't receive any report from members by the next report, it will be reserve time for one or two. I'm tired of trying to get you guys to report in and do activity. If you don't want to then fine, you can do nothing on the reserve ship and watch time go by. Everyone should know by now that every Friday or Saturday the WSR goes out and therefore should atleast report in at the minimum. Since this seems to be so troublesome for some then I will correct this problem. Despite sending out emails to make things happen no one seems to care save for one. Nuff said on that.

I have managed to do some serious flying these days, cuz I'm trying my hardest to be where I've wanted to be for some time and that's to attain Gladiator status which is now but a few short battles away thanks to my tireless efforts. This also means that I'm making a contribution of 100% for the squadron as far as activity and nothing else is coming in from anyone else, which is truly sad. Again like last week, there was no real activity to report save for what I've done, so stand by for heavy seas lads. Just remember if I can fly like 6 or 7 or 10 battles, then you guys can do atleast 1 FREE mission or battle. Nuff said on that subject. Nothing else going on in Cobra. The sad part is I really had high hopes for this squadron at one time, now my goal is to see that it atleast stays an active squadron with active people.

CMDR's Work: I am flying my tail off having done quite a bit just to attain Gladiator is going well. So hopefully by the end of October I will reach my goal of 1000 FCHG points. I submitted for a comp which is ongoing but I forgot to send out the questions, this will happen later today so we can get this non-flying comp completed.

Well October is half over and we all need to start thinking about our activity for the next MSE. So I recommend that you guys start working yourselves for activity to be recorded for the October MSE. So if you want some medals then remember to submit your fiction, flying, graphics and just about anything else you can think of. Another thing to remember is that I will also accept any work for those of you who are doing FW on your spare time. So please don't forget to send me any activity you have for this platform. I will add it to the report and get you any rewards in which you are entitled to. If anyone needs me please use email. This is the fastest way to make contact with me right now, so I have minimum distractions. Thanks.

(SP) FCHG Stuff: MAJ Apophis Kuma is the current leader so far doing SP flying, by flying, XvT-TC 90-95 100 and XvT-FCHG 4. I also have 2 still pending TAC review for high scores, as usual I'm followed behind by nobody. I will be flying some more later today or this week, my goal is to reach Gladiator by the end of the month or earlier and if all goes well it won't be long :)

Note: Don't forget my email address is so be sure to update your address books. Remember you slithering snakes, DO SOME ACTIVITY! nuff said!

That's it for this week, cya next time!


We have one squadron comp running right now:

Squadron Trivia Quiz #3 details out go here ---> "Comp #3".

Round #2 was won by former pilot LT Nom Anor. As always this will be an ongoing comp cuz I will make more quizes in order to work on the non flying side of things so get your SW books ready!


CMDR-PROF/MAJ Apophis Kuma
  1. Wrote Squadron Report #45
  2. Email activity (some)
  3. Created Trivia Quiz #3 comp questions to be sent out later today
  4. Awarded an ISM for August activity
  5. Flew XvT-FCHG 4 (pending TAC review for high score)
  6. Flew XvT-TC 93 (which apparently is pending TAC review for high score) However I looked at the file and don't see it myself :P
  7. Flew XvT-TC 83, 84, 88, 91-95, 100
  8. Flew XvT-DB 12
  9. New battle in the making as well as more flying being done.
FM/LT Mjolnir
  1. Didn't reported in (x3)
FM/CM Kakihara
  1. Didn't reported in (x3)
FL/LT Jadesprite
  1. Didn't reported In (x2)
FM/LT Syleim
  1. Didn't reported In this week :(
FL III/CM Hunterwolf
  1. Reported in
  2. Submitted FL report
  3. Wrote XO words

*As usual if I missed something please contact me and tell me and I will include it later. Promise.*


  • Projects or Goals:
    • Working on Mission Creation Wars project (details not yet released)
    • Working on a new BOP battle (details not yet released)
    • Website coding is on hold atm.
  • Completed Projects of Goals:
    • Created a new BOP-FREE battle (Called: "Cool Hand" Luke) release date: 2004.07.27

Activity to do: I would like everyone to try and at least do one of the following every week. Fly one FREE mission or battle a week, write a small piece of fiction, make a graphic, add a new reply to the current squadron run-on or something for the squadron message board, create a new FREE mission or new battle for the compendium, last of all I want at the least is a report from you saying I'm alive, well and kicking.

XO Words

Hey everyone and welcome to another report, guess what?!
Some guy: You did activity?!'ve been playing Jedi academy!
Some guy:Boo!
*sigh* I know I know but I'll fly again one of these days!
But searouisly I need to do some and so do the rest of you I mean if I do decide to retire or let someone else be the XO I can't choose anyone here cause you guys don't do enough activity! (Besides pops and our new requirts of course)
But anyway until next report, cya!

 -XO/FL-F3/CM Hunterwolf

Rewards: As all things come to an end, such as rewards for work accomplished. There were no medals posted this week, with none pending save the MSE ones, which I'm not sure if they were awarded or not, hopefully they will come soon. Just remember I will gladly get you a medal or promotion if you put forth the effort. I promise you I will if its within my power to get you these things. All you need to do is show me that your ready for it. Nuff said.

Have a great day!

[961] MAJ Apophis Kuma
[447] CM Hunterwolf
[150] CM Kakihara
[4] LT Mjolnir
[3] LT Jadesprite

[8] CM Kakihara
MAJ Apophis Kuma [PC] [52] MAJ Apophis Kuma
[0] CM Hunterwolf
[0] CM Kakihara
[0] LT Mjolnir
[0] LT Jadesprite

[52] Squad Total for OCTOBER thus far

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR-TCT-TCS-PROF/MAJ Apophis Kuma/Cobra/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
[PIN: 9554]
"You don't have to believe. But be prepared to be proved wrong."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn

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