Cobra Report # 31 (2004-07-10)

This report was submitted by MAJ Apophis Kuma

Cobra Squadron Weekly Report #31
WSR Date: 07.10.2004
Cobra Squadron: Serpents of the Night


Some decent fleet news this week:

New Wing XVIII WC Chosen
Countdown to Oblivion and Sith Murder
Oops! [Notes on XvT/BoP Mission Flying.]
New Wing Commander for Wing XIV sought

The detail of these and more can be seen here: TieCorps News


Senate report rips CIA 'failures'
Al-Qaida leaders behind threat
Will Bush drop Cheney?
Lakers finally name new coach


Welcome to the 31th Cobra Squadron Report.  Well since my last report there was hardly any activity worth mentioning again. Again I say, Now is the time for activity. If there is nothing to count for activity then we can't show that we're an active squadron unless someone has done something then no report to me has been filed to me. Remember, new standards have been imposed. I am requiring that everyone make a grand effort to do something each week. Reporting in just to say I did nothing, makes no sense and will not further be tolerated. I would like to see any level of activity, even if it's a simple fiction submission to me for the report. But I won't pass up the fact if someone does a course on IWATS, that will count for a huge jump in activity. But to do nothing, especially to not report in will count against you seriously.

From now on I expect to see a course of actions that each of you is taking, another words an email with tasks that you have set for yourself. I would like to see this by the end of next week, Thursday to be exact. Everyone will now be required to submit a tasking to me each week on the status of the things you have set forth to do as well as a percentage of the amount of completion for each task. This in itself will count as activity, if I see that this is not being done then I will assign some tasks for you to do. For starters, here is what is require for FLs, one free mission/online MP flying (atleast one attempt) or fiction is to be submitted each week, if this is not done then you will get a second chance to do so, if at the 2nd time it is not completed then you will be re-evaluated for future service as a FL, this is a minimum requirement and is not hard to do. I will be also following my own guidelines for FLs and do atleast a minimum of flying each week, if not then I will re-evaluate myself.

Cobra squadron, is failing to keep up a minimum level of activity which shows our point of existence here on the intrepid. I need not harp on this to much as you all know where I stand with this. So in a last ditch attempt to get activity flowing I have started 2 comps. When these are over I will re-evaluate the squad like I said earlier. If by the end of the month people have not begun to do anything, then I will recommend to the WC and FO that those who have not done anything will be recommended to go to the RSVs. I don't want to have Cobra closed but if it means getting people to be active or else, then so be it as well as we would have a lack of active members to keep it alive.

I will be doing my part by being active as I always have been regardless, but if it comes down to it, then I will request to go to an active squadron where I can contribute something there.  I don't want to see Cobra go to the wayside but if it happens then we all have ourselves to blame. Lastly, Don't forget my email address is so be sure to update your address books. Remember you slithering snakes, DO SOME ACTIVITY! nuff said!

That's it for this week, cya next time!


I'm sure there are some but I can't remember where I put the emails :P


On a dark star struck street all a young man could see was ruins. Everywhere he went, everywhere he looked, devastation was all around. The remnants of a battle between an Imperial garrison and an invading NR forces was terrible. Most of the city had been destroyed and various other buildings lay in complete shambles. The night before he spent in hiding from the invading forces trying not to be discovered. All he could remember was the battle that took place.

He believed it started out with bombardments from ships in orbit and followed through with ground troops provided by the NR. The Imperial garrison which had been stationed there did all they could do to protect the city but in the end, even they couldn't foresee their destruction. There was fighting in the streets while fighters above fought tooth and nail just to survive. Oil refineries, warehouses, banks where systematically destroyed.

Now it was all he could do to survive himself. The grocery stores had but mostly been destroyed and what was left had very little food to offer since they were raided by passers by during the fighting. There was still looting going on, but it had settled down now and all was slowly returning to normal. Apparently the Imperial garrison was caught by surprise and the rest was history. What was he to do? Where was he going to go? The place that he called home was no longer, and most of his friends had left for another city, or where ever they could find to live.

In passage the young man thought about what he could do to try and get back at those who would do his city and his people in. While he was walking through the far side of the city he notice that there was a small contingent of soldiers camped out. He approached them. As he got closer the apparent leader of the squad took notice the lad was making his way to them, thus making them nervous. The soldier stopped him holding him until his sergeant came over. After hours of interrogation they determined that the lad wasn't any trouble but instead offered to enlist in the service of the Empire to fight for what they believed in. starts story of a young man who entered service for the Empire.....stay tuned next week for further adventures of this young lad as he enters the service of the Empire and becomes an Imperial servant of the Emperor.


  • CMDR/CPT Apophis Kuma
    • Wrote Squadron Report #31
    • Email activity (getting better)
    • Flew none this week, cuz I'm working on the comp mission
    • Searching for a new IWATS to do
    • Submitted June MSE (a little late I do apologize, again cuz with the lack of activity I forgot :P)
    • Wrote this weeks story time for all to see :) (finally)
  • FM/SL Jacob Neva
    • Has not reported (#3) Only 1 more and your gone brother!
    • Need I say it again, reporting in is crucial, Thanks!
  • FM/CM Kakihara
    • Sort of report by MSN!
    • Email for reporting is required
  • FL/CM Hunterwolf
    • Reported in
    • On leave
  • FM/LT Ghostrider
    • Reported in too me (Sorry Hunterwolf, he keeps forgetting)


  • Projects or Goals:
    • Created 2 competitions for the boys, we'll see if they follow through.

Activity to do: I would like everyone to try and at least do one of the following every week. Fly one FREE mission or battle a week, write a small piece of fiction, add a new reply to the current squadron run-on or something for the squadron message board, create a new FREE mission or new battle for the compendium, last of all I want at the least is a report from you saying I'm alive, well and kicking.

XO Words

*Yawn* back from camp and boy was it fun.  I'm exasted,my heels hurt and the services were about 5 hours long and I whould have it no other way.  Plus we were the PINK TEAM!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!  But Im back and hopefully will do more activity! Cya next report period! lol -XO/FL-F3/CM Hunterwolf

Rewards: As all things come to an end, such as rewards for work accomplished. There were no medals posted this week, with none pending save the MSE ones, which I'm not sure if they were awarded or not, hopefully they will come soon. Just remember I will gladly get you a medal or promotion if you put forth the effort. I promise you I will if its within my power to get you these things. All you need to do is show me that your ready for it. Nuff said.

Have a great day!

[875] CPT Apophis Kuma
[583] CM Hunterwolf
[139] CM Kakihara
[154] LCM KramCola
[77] LT Ghostrider
[00] SL Jacob Neva

[10] CM Kakihara
[None] [6] CPT Apophis Kuma
[0] CM Hunterwolf
[0] CM Kakihara
[0] LCM KramCola
[2] LT Ghostrider
[0] SL Jacob Neva

[08] Squad Total for JULY thus far

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR-TCT-TCS/CPT Apophis Kuma/Cobra/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
[PIN: 9554]
"You don't have to believe. But be prepared to be proved wrong."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn

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