Shield Report # 1 (2004-09-09)

This report was submitted by CM Rejili Holthaus

[Shield pilots: if you don't read anything else, read the summary at the bottom]

I have to say this was a very dissapointing first week in Shield Sqaudron. As of 15:15 GMT I still haven't recieved any entires for the Shield banner or the Shield Nickname/motto comp. The competitions WILL NOT be extended, and if I don't get any submissions by tommarow at midnight GMT then I'll send the two IS-BR's back to the OPS office. Also, the only contact with any pilots I've had this week is tranfer requests. I don't think this is because of a lack of effort on my part, but if anyone in the wing disagrees, please let me know.

-New Commander: myself :P, for those of you who've been a little out of touch
-Roster shake-down: LCM GT has been moved to 3-1, and is the new squad XO. Congrats. Also, I moved some FM's (LCM Roulex to 1-2 and LT Painbringer to 3-2) in an attempt to even out the flights. Still taking applications for FL 2-1, although Powerslave will retain this position until someone else steps forward to replace him.
-Medals: LCM Greven Targaryen was awarded an IS-SW for winning the recruitment competition. I think the whole wing owes him a debt of gratitude. CM Rejili Holthaus was awarded an ISM, an IS-BR for winning the banner comp, and an IS-BR for runner-up in the recruitment competition.
Competitions: See the opening notes for shield comps. Imp. Storm is on, so do what you have to do for that. WC flying comp is still going, and our COM Thorin has a lot of competitions running and more on the way, and you can refer to his emails for more information.
Fleet news: See the EHTieCorps Homepage
Ship news: See ISD Relentless homepage

CM Rejili
-became Shield CMDR
-Submitted banner comp
-submitted nick/motto comp
-both comps approved
-Awarded ISM for activity
-Awarded IS-BR for winning banner comp
-Awarded IS-BR for second place in the recruitment comp
-Took 8 day leave in Rome
-BSFed the few pilot files I received
-recruited cadets
-talked to cadets who havent yet joined wing ix
-3 new uniforms
-Flew XWA FREE 9 for COM comp
-Participated in runon comp
-Bugged Foley about uploading the FC uniform :P

LCM Greven Targaryen
-Submitted FL app
-Awarded IS-SW (not SR :P) for winning recruitment comp
-recruited 3 cadets
-Multiple runon submissions
-Promoted to FL:XO
-Transfered to Shield 3-1
-Flew TF-232
-Flew TF-227
-Flew TF-157
-Flew TF-187

CM Fox
-Transfered to reserves

MAJ Aeolus
-Transfered to reserves

MAJ Powerslave
-email contact

LCM Roulex, LC Tiger, LCM Morpheus, LT Qetuo Painbringer
-No contact (1st week)

The minimum requirements for activity in this wing are very low. Namely, an email a week. I know many of you have time constraints, and some were even talked out of moving to the reserves, but I still ask you to send at least one email or one post on the Wing MB per week. That said, I would rather we all strive towards the maximum of our abilities then the minimum. I myself am going to work to improve my flying, and try to make more personal contact with everyone in my squadron. So, this week, to fulfill the one email requirement, I would like each pilot to send me an email with some realistic goals of what you personally want to get out of the TIE Corps. We've had a slow first week, but I think with a little will we can make Shield Squadron (once again) the pride of the wing.

Commander Rejili Holthaus
( - "Baron de Menari"
CMDR/CM Rejili Holthaus/Shield/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
PCx2/ISMx3/MoT-1gh/IS-2BR/OV-3E [FUSL]

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